Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Sentencing document shows Michael Cohen had administration ambitions

Rush Limbaugh had this right today: Cohen Caught in Multiple Lies Again.


[These crimes] each involve deception, and were each motivated by
personal greed and ambition. ... his desire for even greater wealth and
influence precipitated an extensive course of criminal conduct ... .
His actions suggest that Cohen relished the status of ultimate fixer -- 
a role that he embraced as recently as May 2018. Cohen was driven by
a desire to further ingratiate himself with a potential future President --
for whose political success Cohen himself claimed  credit -- 
and arranged for the payments in an attempt to increase his
power and influence. ...
Cohen privately bragged to friends and reporters, including in recorded
conversations, that he had made the payment ... .
Cohen’s criminal violations of the federal election laws were also stirred,
like his other crimes, by his own ambition and greed. During and after the
campaign, Cohen privately told friends and colleagues, including in seized
text messages, that he expected to be given a prominent role and title in
the new administration. When that did not materialize, Cohen found a way
to monetize his relationship with and access to the President.  

Alexandria The Great eats with staffer enjoying formerly farting cow

Coulter thinks talk of a Cohen motive is idiotic, believes prosecutors suborned perjury by Cohen in previous and today's testimony

Pretty wild thing to say about Robert Mueller? Well, he did knowingly prosecute the wrong guy in the anthrax case. Cohen could've been put away for a loooooooooooooong time. When the elites discard the moral absolutes taught by Christian civilization #democracydiesindarkness.

The Cohen testimony today shows Democrat Congress' contempt for the American people, and for itself

Cohen is going to jail for lying to Congress, so nothing he says today could possibly be trusted. In fact, he lied to Congress again in today's testimony, saying he never wanted a position in the Trump administration, when his sentencing documents show that he did, and earnestly. The fact that he was passed over for a position shows he had quite the motive to turn against Trump, and make unfounded accusations.

If the Democrat Congress had any integrity, it wouldn't put up such a bald-faced liar. If it had any self respect, it wouldn't put up someone who lied to it, and lies to it again.

This is self-hating shit.

Total alarmist BS from Zero Hedge on bonds headlined by Drudge

BS: Foreigner Boycott Of US Treasurys Continues: 7Y Auction Indirects Tumble To 3 Year Low


LA Times: No construction for Trump's wall has begun anywhere because he signed border deal

If Trump had been serious about building the wall, he wouldn't have signed a border deal which ties his hands. He would have vetoed it and proceeded with the national emergency.

Had he done so, legislators would have had little choice but to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government departments threatened with a shutdown at existing levels.

That's the art of the deal, Mr. Big Stuff, but Mr. Big Stuff is all bark and no bite.

No construction for Trump’s wall has begun anywhere, although officials have started or completed fence replacement projects in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Trump, who made building a border wall a central promise of his campaign, declared the emergency on Feb. 15 to bypass Congress and shift up to $6.6 billion, mostly from the Pentagon budget, to build — or rebuild — 234 miles of fencing.

Trump acted after Congress had appropriated only $1.375 billion for 55 miles of border barrier in the Rio Grande Valley, far less than he wanted.

But the 1,169-page appropriations bill Trump signed into law when he issued his emergency declaration also contained restrictions on construction in specific towns, parks and wildlife reserves along about 150 miles of the border in the Rio Grande Valley, which is the administration’s top priority for building new barriers. The restrictions have thwarted Trump’s efforts to build a wall there, at least for now.

An aide to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), who helped negotiate the restrictions, said it’s not clear if the terms of the spending bill would override the emergency declaration, or vice versa, leaving landowners and town officials in limbo.

Little Marco's neocon imperialism is invincibly ignorant in addition to being creepy as hell

President Kushner is a libertarian free-trade kook who wants no borders, no walls, NO ISRAEL AT ALL


The guy is a lunatic.

"the goal is to eliminate the borders"

13 Republicans vote with Democrats against National Emergency

Two in Michigan, two in Wisconsin, two in Washington.

The wall will stop the cheap illegal agricultural migrant labor used to pick the apples, grapes, etc. and pour profits into the hands of greedy Republican farmers, who are the real problem.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019