Showing posts with label Lindsey Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsey Graham. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Lindsey Grahamnesty epitomizes everything that's gone wrong with the GOP and America generally: America's interests abroad are purely about money, not at all about freedom


John McCain would not be happy with his old friend. McCain was a main agitator for freedom in Ukraine and its alliance with the West. The policy wisdom of that was controversial, but it wasn't framed as purely economic.

Lindsey used to be for freedom in Ukraine like McCain. Lindsey used to be an immigration liberal who advocated for amnesty. Now he's a suck-up to Trump as bad as Marco Rubio, who also used to talk about the old American values preached by Ronald Reagan.

They are shapeshifters all, just like the formerly NeverTrump J. D. Vance.

You cannot trust any of these people any more than we can trust Vladimir Putin. 

Lindsey Graham here:

I told Zelensky we'll talk about security guarantees. We'll talk about ceasefires and how the war ends. This is a process. You have a new relationship with America, a 500 billion, half trillion, dollar deal that President Trump is proud of that gives us an interest worth defending.      

In other words, if it's not about money it's not worth defending.


Thy money perish with thee.

-- Acts 8:20

Monday, June 27, 2022

Lindsey Grahamnesty basically tells Democrats that if it weren't for Dingy Harry Reid changing Senate rules Roe would still be the law of the land

 This is an odd argument for a conservative to make, hinting at nostalgia as it does for the status quo ante, but Lindsey isn't one, so there it is and here we are.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Rush Limbaugh can't remember shit about shit, says impeaching Clinton reelected him when Clinton was impeached on 12/19/98, two years after his 1996 reelection

Impeachment Will Be Different for Trump Than It Was for Clinton:

A lot of people on our side — I just quoted Lindsey Grahamnesty 2.0 — are saying, “Go ahead. Go ahead, House Democrats, impeach Trump. You’ll just end up reelecting him, just like impeaching Bill Clinton reelected him.”

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Remember when Donald Trump gave out Lindsey Grahamnesty's phone # for calling him a jackass?

The good old days.

Donald Trump gives out Lindsey Graham's cellphone number:

On Tuesday, Trump ramped up his attacks on the South Carolina senator — who made headlines Monday for calling the Donald a “jackass” — and even gave out Graham’s private phone number.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Lindsey Grahamnesty points out that the Gang of Eight bill was tougher on border security than Trump is now

Suddenly the Gang of Eight bill is conservatism. Trump is now to the left of the entire Republican primary field of 2016 on immigration, begging for just $5 billion and willing to take less.

What suckers he takes us for.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM: What I can tell you is Democrats have voted for 700 miles of the Secure Fence Act that had double-layered fencing. Call that whatever you'd like. In the Gang of Eight bill we had $42 billion for border security, including $9 billion for physical barriers. 

The wall has become a metaphor for border security. And what we're talking about is a physical barrier where it makes sense. In the past, every Democrat has voted for these physical barriers. It can't be just about because Trump wants it we no longer agree with it. 

There is nothing immoral about a physical barrier along the border in places that make sense. There will never be a deal that doesn't have money for the physical barriers that we all in the past have agreed we need.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Oops, top Republicans took money connected to George Soros in 2016

Breitbart is making these Republicans very angry, here in "Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016".

Heh, heh.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

RNC fundraising in July 2016 is down 61% from July 2012: Donors exhausted about $750 million on 16 losers in the primaries

OpenSecrets has the RNC story here.

Stupid liberals blame this fundraising debacle on Trump when Republicans have only themselves to blame for throwing tons of good money after bad during the primaries, exhausting the donors. If the dopes at Politicus had just opened up OpenSecrets they'd have seen how.

Jeb! Bush burned through $152 million as of August 22nd, and won bupkis.

Lyin' Ted Cruz? $155 million spent.

Little Marco? $164 million (he's over $2 million in the hole, which is the real reason why he flip-flopped and decided to run for the Senate again).

John Kasich spent $40 million (and he's nearly $6 million in the hole, which is exactly what he deserves).

Chris Christie spent nearly $32 million.

Ben Carson, you won't believe it, spent nearly $79 million.

Scott Walker: almost $33 million.

Carly Fiorina: almost $26 million.

Rand Paul spent over $21 million.

Mike Huckabee spent $10.5 million and he's still $275,000 in the hole

Lindsey Grahamnesty: over $10 million.

Bobby Jindal blew nearly $6 million.

Rick Perry: over $17 million, also in the red by $111,000.

And Rick Santorum spent $2.5 million and he's in the red $412,000.

Pataki and Gilmore bring up the rear with relatively smaller sums.

Donald Trump has spent over $97 million and yet has over $40 million in the bank.

It's clear from the fundraising that there were only four or five real contenders here, not seventeen: Bush, Rubio, Cruz, Trump and Carson. And after four riveting televised debates before Thanksgiving 2015 polling showed the same thing, and arguably Bush no longer belonged up there. The RNC should have put its foot down at that point and cut the debate stage to four: You pull 10 points in the polls or you're out.

Things might have turned out very differently. Instead we had to listen to Kasich, Christie, Fiorina and Paul divert attention away from an in depth examination of the issues dividing the candidates attracting over 70% of Republican eyeballs. The candidate might have been better for it today, and the party more unified and flush.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sleeping with the enemy for 23 years, Bush cheerleader Mary Matalin switches to Libertarian Party

Quoted here:

"I'm not a Republican for a party or a person," she explained, adding she pledged party loyalty in more of a "Jeffersonian, Madisonian sense." For her, the Libertarian Party "continues to represent those constitutional principles that I agree with." Matalin, who served as the campaign director for Bush No. 41 and as an assistant to Bush No. 43, swears her latest move isn't because of Donald Trump's ascension in the GOP, noting that so far she likes what she sees. 

Elsewhere she tried to explain:

“I didn’t leave it, it left me,” she added. “When we had a standard-bearer with impeccable credentials in Ted Cruz and he’s loathed by the party leaders and he’s called a ‘wacko bird’ by the party leaders, where does that leave us? They left us!” 

Evidently this is about the complete absence of any Republican commitment to reign in the size and scope of the federal government, but why doesn't she just come out and say so if that's what this is about? You know, like maybe mention Obamacare and Cromnibus?

That said, government got pretty big and intrusive under her pals George Herbert Walker Bush and his son George W. Bush when they were presidents. Hate speech legislation, Americans with Disabilities Act, savings and loan bailouts, drugs for seniors, TARP, et cetera. Where was the libertarian outrage then, huh?

At least we know she can't stand the John McCain, Lindsey Graham wing of the Republican Party.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

P. J. O'Rourke was more right about John Kasich than he knows

According to careful vote counting by FiveThirtyEight, "Kasich could lay off winner-take-all states where only Cruz has a chance to beat Trump: Wisconsin, Indiana, Nebraska, Montana and South Dakota" in a last ditch strategy with Cruz to divide and conquer Donald Trump's march to 1,237. "Kasich and Cruz’s choice is simple: wage war on Trump on two separate fronts, or lose."

But Kasich is having none of it, in keeping with his previous refusal to work with Marco Rubio in Rubio's quest to keep Florida out of Donald Trump's column. John Kasich is "all in" to the convention, convinced he's the party's savior from the so-called outsiders Trump and Cruz. Kasich already has four events planned in Wisconsin between now and April 1 leading up to the primary there on April 5.

The reason? He is convinced he's a better candidate everywhere than is Cruz, but especially in the Midwest, insisting he wants the presidency and is not interested in "a parlor game of who gets this or who gets that". And as Rush Limbaugh has observed, John Kasich takes himself way too seriously. The man is delusional.

"We don't want to work with those people [Democrats]. We want to defeat them politically, and here comes Kasich! It's all about him. That whole thing, saying that he would be way open to choosing a Democrat? Kasich is taking the occasion here to try to sell himself as something unique and special."

Of course Kasich's not unique and special. The party's problem is that it's given us such Republicans too many times before, candidates whose vision of politics is nothing more than white flag bipartisanship. John McCain was infamous for it in 2008, and his lackey Lindsey Graham also puked out that line this time around, before ignominiously crashing and burning.

It's conventional wisdom out there that Donald Trump is destroying the Republican Party as we know it. But the truth is closer to what P. J. observed last fall, that it has simply killed itself.

John Kasich is just the Republicans' two word suicide note.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Hey Vinnie from Long Island! Cruz supports TPP and massive expansion of H-1B visas and green cards!

Don't tell me he's not establishment!

Ted Cruz is a phony conservative, which is why Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney and Lindsey Grahamnesty are now lining up behind the guy.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Republican establishment desperately endorses "outsider" Ted Cruz, including Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney

From the story here:

“These guys look like all desperation and as if they have really no means, or ability, to speak to the core constituents who are supporting Donald Trump,” said Michael Steele, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee. “At this last minute, it’s, ‘Now we support Ted,’ after you spent the best part of a year telling America how much you hate him.”

“It’s disingenuous,” Steele added. “People aren’t stupid. They see it for what it is.”

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ten Senate Republicans got Loretta Lynch confirmed as Attorney General, maybe to SCOTUS too?

Without these ten Republican traitors, Loretta Lynch never would have been confirmed to the post of Attorney General (Roll Call Vote: 56-43 here, April 23, 2015):

Ayotte, New Hampshire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cochran, Mississippi
Collins, Maine
Flake, Arizona
Graham, South Carolina
Hatch, Utah
Johnson, Wisconsin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kirk, Illinois !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
McConnell, Kentucky
Portman, Ohio !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: vulnerable to defeat in election 2016)

Ted Cruz was too busy to vote, but Marco Rubio did.

From a story about Lynch here:

Lynch would be the first black woman ever nominated to the nation's highest court — and the GOP would have a political problem during an election year if the Republicans refused to even consider her nomination, Goldstein wrote.

"I think the administration would relish the prospect of Republicans either refusing to give Lynch a vote or seeming to treat her unfairly in the confirmation process," Goldstein wrote. "Either eventuality would motivate both black and women voters." 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

From one imbecile to another: John McLaughlin in an oversized jacket awards "Person of the Year" to FBI Director James Comey

The jacket John has worn for years for this annual occasion now hangs like a bag on his shrinking frame.

James Comey testified recently before the US Senate to Lindsey Grahamnesty that he has no idea how weapons purchased over the internet reach their buyers.

And neither does Lindsey.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Lindsey Grahamnesty drops out of the race for the presidency: hits the Trump wall

Graham never polled above 1.0% in the Real Clear Politics poll average. He quits polling just 0.5% in the average, which is quitting while he's ahead. Some weeks his poll average was 0.0%.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Gay columnist featured at Breitbart sneers at farcical hetero cult romance

The Princess Bride:

"The only interesting part of the entire movie is the inexplicable sexual energy in the ensuing duel between the Spaniard, Inigo Montoya, and Westley. There’s plenty of winking, lingering glances, and talking about favoured hands. Westley, sensing the presence of his soulmate, refuses to kill the Spaniard swordsman. Either that, or the hideous perm softened the blow he struck to the man’s curly head. ... Speaking for myself, the only way I got through the movie was fantasising about Inigo and Westley finally realizing that Buttercup wasn’t worth the effort, and going off to, err, cross swords again in private."

For some reason Milo Yiannopoulos decided it was time to review a twenty-eight year old movie, here. He was what, three when it came out? How old was he when he came out? The excuse given was something Lindsey Graham said, which should tell you who gets Milo's blood pumping, and why. Milo's Wikipedia entry describes him as a "gay Catholic".

Some people just don't fit into Western society, whether they live in San Bernardino, Manchester or Cambridge. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

FBI Director James Comey is incompetent: doesn't know internet firearm purchases must transfer through an FFL in person

Infamous for suggesting Poles committed murders of and atrocities against Jews
And apparently Senator Lindsey Graham is just as ignorant.

From the story here:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) began his question-and-answer period with Comey with a seemingly simple question: “If I buy a gun on the internet, is it delivered to my home?”

Comey, perhaps surprised by the question, seemed to stumble. Graham clarified, asking “if I try to buy a gun on the internet, where do I pick it up?”

Looking perplexed, the FBI Director replied “I assume it’s shipped to you, but I don’t know for sure, actually.” ... 

“Okay, well, let’s find out the answer to that,” replied Graham.

Comey recently demonstrated similar thick-headedness to Senator Diane Feinstein, who questioned the FBI's decision not to secure the San Bernardino crime scene, here:

Comey said it was the judgment of FBI investigators and the forensic expert that they were done with the scene and there was nothing else to be gained from it, “which is why it was boarded up and then inventory was left.”

Too bad we'll be living with this guy until 2023, if we live that long, that is.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Defunding Planned Parenthood fails in the Senate thanks to Democrats, but Republicans Mitch McConnell and Mark Kirk are also to blame with Lindsey Graham a no show

The roll call vote is here. Three Republicans broke ranks in the 53-46-1 outcome:

Lindsey Graham was a worthless no show, running for president. Ha ha.

Mitch McConnell the Senate Majority Leader should lose his job for voting No.

And Mark Kirk is going to lose to Tammy Duckworth in Illinois next year anyway so he had nothing to lose by voting No.

60 votes were needed to end government funding of the baby butchers, to whom most Democrats pledged allegiance except for Donnelly in Indiana and Manchin in West Virginia, stand up guys who voted No.