Showing posts with label C-SPAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C-SPAN. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Just listen to this from Kamala Harris on September 6, 2019, how she relishes the POWer to ruin someone's life with the stroke of a pen, and that Donald Trump doesn't understand what it means to have that power like she does



If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what does. Democrats rejected her candidacy in 2019, maybe because they perceived a General.

The clip doesn't include the comment about Trump.

See C-SPAN here starting at the 18:00 mark or so for the full context.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Trump is showing how tough he is, follows up gutsy Bronx rally appearance with raucous first ever appearance by a president at Libertarian Convention

 Trump did great in the Bronx, attracting mostly minorities, and held his own in front of the Libertarians, telling them repeatedly to stop settling for being national losers and to endorse him.

Drudge thinks Trump lost control, but the video showed no such thing. Trump did great in front of a very hostile audience deeply divided amongst themselves.

They didn't like RFK Jr either, like that's news. Libertarians hate everybody and can hardly agree about anything. 

And they would have eaten Joe Biden alive, but not Donald Trump.

See for yourself.


Saturday, October 31, 2020

US COVID-19 deaths have crossed the 230k mark today in the Johns Hopkins data

 Don't let Joe Biden and Kamala Harris confuse you. There aren't 220 million dead. There aren't 120 million dead. There aren't 210 million dead.

230 thousand. Today.