Showing posts with label AP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AP. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bloomberg is reporting Kamala Harris has the nomination clinched

 Kamala Harris has more than enough pledged delegates to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination, following an extraordinary two-day blitz that saw the vice president consolidate her party’s backing to challenge Donald Trump in November.

Harris sealed her status as the presumptive nominee Monday night after crossing the magic number of 1,976 pledged delegates, according to an unofficial Associated Press tally. While delegates who indicated their support are not required to back her nomination, the achievement — and lack of credible opposition — underscores the vice president’s hold on the Democratic ticket.


But look at those big stretches of light blue in places like New York, Michigan, and Illinois, among others. The resistance to Kamala Harris is real, even in California.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Did VP Harris develop a long-term strategy to stem the tide of migration?


... Harris is tasked with overseeing diplomatic efforts to deal with issues spurring migration in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as pressing them to strengthen enforcement on their own borders, administration officials said. She’s also tasked with developing and implementing a long-term strategy that gets at the root causes of migration from those countries. ...

For Harris, the assignment gives her the first big opportunity to step to the front of the stage on a matter of enormous consequence for the administration. As the first Black woman elected vice president, Harris arrived on the job as a trailblazer. It has remained opaque how Biden would utilize her.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

So, we won't have Democrat Senator Bob Menendez to kick around anymore

NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez was convicted of all charges Tuesday in a sweeping corruption trial in which he was accused of accepting bribes of gold and cash from three New Jersey businessmen and acting as an agent for the Egyptian government.

A jury in Manhattan deliberated for parts of three days before finding the Democrat guilty of 16 crimes, including bribery, extortion, honest services fraud, obstruction of justice and conspiracy. ...

Two co-defendants were also convicted. The New Jersey businessmen, Wael Hana and Fred Daibes, were accused of paying bribes. A third businessman, Jose Uribe, pleaded guilty prior to trial and testified against the others. ...

Prosecutors said serial numbers on the gold bars and fingerprints on tape that bound together the stacks of cash were traced to Hana and Daibes.

Complete story here.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

DNC chair Jaime Harrison and Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez gaslight DNC committee members in Saturday conference call, disable chat function and disallow questions


Multiple committee members on the call, most granted anonymity to talk about the private discussion, described feeling like they were being gaslighted — that they were being asked to ignore the dire nature of the party’s predicament. The call, they said, may have worsened a widespread sense of panic among elected officials, donors and other stakeholders.

Instead, the people said, Harrison offered what they described as a rosy assessment of Biden's path forward. The chat function was disabled and there were no questions allowed.

“I was hoping for more of a substantive conversation instead of, ‘Hey, let’s go out there and just be cheerleaders,’ without actually addressing a very serious issue that unfolded on American television for millions of people to see," said Joe Salazar, an elected DNC member from Colorado, who was on the call. “There were a number of things that could have been said in addressing the situation. But we didn’t get that. We were being gaslit.” ... “This should not be a close race,” Salazar said, pointing to Trump's criminal record and long history of falsehoods. “They’re the ones who should be looking for a new nominee, not us. And unfortunately for us, because of our president’s performance on Thursday night, that is now an open discussion.”

Thursday, June 13, 2024

That didn't take long: White House floats commutation of Hunter Biden sentence after saying it wouldn't pardon him or commute it

 The White House isn’t ruling out a potential commutation for Hunter Biden after his conviction

The position from the White House is a shift from what it said in September, when Jean-Pierre was asked whether the president would “pardon or commute his son if he’s convicted.” The press secretary responded at the time that “I’ve answered this question before. It was asked of me not too long ago, a couple of weeks ago. And I was very clear, and I said no.”

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Breaking from AP Hamas: Biden to slow illegal immigration to 1 million a year from 2 million by executive order!


 The only true sentence in this story from AP Hamas:

Biden’s order is aimed at trying to head off any potential spike in border encounters that could happen later this year, closer to the November elections. 

Biden's scores of executive orders on Day One of his administration created this catastrophe of 10 million illegal aliens in the first place, as even AP Obama knows but won't say:

Administration lawyers have been planning to tap executive powers outlined in Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which gives a president broad authority to block entry of certain immigrants into the U.S. if it is deemed “detrimental” to the national interest. It is the same legal rationale used by Trump to take some of his toughest actions on migration as president.


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Biden hates the US hostages, lies about what he's done, and hangs Israel out to dry

American citizens have been held hostage by Hamas for seven months, and with Israel on the cusp of ending their ordeal, Biden pulls the rug out.

Israel wasn't even in Rafah when Biden decided to halt the shipments. He stopped them early last week. He's lying.

Biden's treachery to our allies in-country has been on display from the beginning of his career, abandoning them from Vietnam all the way on to Afghanistan, and now on to Israel.

He's told us who he is all his life, worse than Jimmy Carter. 

Biden says U.S. won’t supply weapons for Israel to attack Rafah, in warning to ally

“Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” Biden told CNN. “I made it clear that if they go into Rafah — they haven’t gone in Rafah yet — if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, that deal with that problem.”


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Ouch, my eyeballs just hit the back of my head again

Paragraph twelve:
More than 650,000 people are estimated to be homeless.
This is a small problem of incompetent liberalism in places like California, Oregon, and Washington state, where the drug laws are lax and the weather is good. It is pathetic that the Supreme Court has to be pestered with the consequences of liberalism's never-ending quest to turn every place into a shithole.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fearful of UAE speech laws, craven AP Obama never mentions that government cloud-seeding operations turbocharged Dubai rains leading to historic flooding and deaths

AP Obama can always be counted on to lie by omission.

 Storm dumps heaviest rain ever recorded in desert nation of UAE, flooding roads and Dubai’s airport

One couple, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to speak freely in a country with strict laws that criminalize critical speech, called the situation at the airport “absolute carnage.” 

But Bloomberg makes it the lede.

Dubai Grinds to Standstill as Cloud Seeding Worsens Flooding

Paragraph two:

The heavy rains that caused widespread flooding across the desert nation came after cloud seeding. The UAE has been carrying out seeding operations since 2002 to address water security issues, even though the lack of drainage in many areas can trigger flooding.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Senator Mitch McConnell, 82, will step down from his GOP leadership position in November

 WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history who maintained his power in the face of dramatic convulsions in the Republican Party for almost two decades, will step down from that position in November. ...

McConnell’s path to power was hardly linear, but from the day he walked onto the Senate floor in 1985 and took his seat as the most junior Republican senator, he set his sights on being the party leader. What set him apart was that so many other Senate leaders wanted to run for president. McConnell wanted to run the Senate. He lost races for lower party positions before steadily ascending, and finally became party leader in 2006 and has won nine straight elections.


Mitch was 64 when he took over in 2006.

Senator John Thune, 63, is a favorite to succeed him.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

AP Obama is a little worried about the wider danger for businesses the absence of victims in the Trump case represents

 Not even the New York attorney general, who filed the lawsuit against Trump, had asked for a “dissolution.”

An Associated Press investigation confirmed how unusual such a punishment would have been if carried out: Trump’s case would have been the only big business in nearly 70 years of similar cases shut down without a showing of obvious victims who suffered major financial losses. The main alleged victim of the real estate mogul’s fraud, Deutsche Bank, had itself not complained it had suffered any losses.


There is an old saying in law, that bad cases make bad law.

This case is an example of such.