Showing posts with label The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Show all posts

Monday, January 15, 2024



Monday, April 8, 2019

Loser in Georgia gubernatorial contest Stacey Abrams says her vote was suppressed while taking credit for turnout surge

Ding dong.

Abrams Complains Race Was Stolen Through Voter Suppression, Boasts of Huge Turnout Increases in Same Interview:

"I ran a race where … we tripled Latino turnout, Asian-Pacific Islander turnout, increased youth participation rates by 138 percent, increased black turnout by 40 percent, and I got the highest share of white voters in a generation," she said. "It is not a zero-sum game, and we have to remember that winning elections is about building the largest coalition possible." ...

"I'm not saying I absolutely know I would have won, but we know that thousands of Georgians had their voices stolen because they were not able to cast ballots and they cannot be guaranteed that their votes will be counted in 2020 if we don't do this right," she said.

Georgia voter turnout surged from 43 percent in 2014, the last governor's race year in the state, to 57 percent in 2018. ... Abrams lost by less than 55,000 votes but failed to force a runoff as Kemp continued a Republican state-wide winning streak. However, Abrams has refused to officially concede she lost, saying "we won," accusing Kemp of systemic voter suppression tactics, and saying the race was "stolen" from the voters of Georgia.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

FBI arrest of White House terrorist is just public relations, another case of standard M/O of entrapment and inducement

They never catch the real threats. The FBI has to help these marks become terrorists by using an agent to pose as another terrorist. The FBI suborns terrorism. Otherwise neither the terrorist mark nor the FBI would "succeed". They had been working on this guy for nine months. Meanwhile the real threats have no resources committed to them because that rarely results in anything, including no press conference where the FBI can pat itself on the back.

Total PR for the low IQ crowd, which is lapping it up like milk.

“All potential threats have been neutralized and were under control from the inception of this case,” said U.S. Attorney Byung J. “BJay” Pak, who added that authorities would take no questions on the investigation, which is ongoing.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Illegal immigrant flood is Bush's fault, and Mexico's: W's 2008 anti-human trafficking law prohibiting immediate deportation is the magnet

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports here that Mexico just sends their problem north to us, and Bush's law requires us to waste time and resources tracking down the traffickers, all while it's in Obama's political interests to be lenient:

Fleeing punishing poverty and brutal gangs, tens of thousands of people from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras started surging across the border in 2014. Their numbers fell toward the end of that year and stayed lower in early 2015 before rising sharply again. Between October of 2015 and January of this year, apprehensions on the southwest border were more than double the number from the same period the year before. Most of those who were caught are from Central America. Some are from Mexico. ...

A 2008 anti-human trafficking law — signed by President George W. Bush — prevents the government from immediately deporting them. Instead, the government is required to feed, shelter and provide medical care to them until they can be released to the care of sponsors, who are usually relatives. Meanwhile, the children undergo deportation proceedings in federal immigration courts in Georgia and other states where they can seek relief to stay in the U.S. ...

[T]he government is in a better position to respond to the surges this year because it has opened several processing centers — converted warehouses — for the apprehended immigrants in McAllen, Texas. At those centers, authorities try to identify their smugglers and the routes they took to get into the U.S.

One impediment to building a decent wall to stop this flood is that much of the border land is privately owned.

Now you understand why Trump is talking up eminent domain. Talking about taking land to build a pipeline from Canada to the Gulf is simply preparation for taking land to build the Great Wall of Trump.

Trump is serious, folks.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bin Laden Waited Until The Very Last Moment To Lunge For a Weapon?

That's what you have to believe if you accept your government's explanation, which seems even more incredible now that we have this from a morally challenged US Senator:

US commandos missed with their first shot a[s] the world’s most wanted man poked his head out of a third-floor room in his fortress, according to US Sen. Saxby Chambliss, the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Bin Laden ducked back in, and the Navy SEALS quickly followed and finished the job, Chambliss said in a telephone interview this afternoon.

The job? Try execution.

Much more here.