Showing posts with label Maureen Dowd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maureen Dowd. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Kevin Dowd: close the border, eliminate regulations, end the war on fossil fuels, cancel electric vehicle mandates, do a little dance

 Kevin Dowd takes over for Maureen Dowd on Thanksgiving, here:

Trump promises a return to common sense and has been given the tools to accomplish it with an electoral mandate and all three branches of government on his side. He cannot squander it. He must not get bogged down in petty disputes and perceived slights. ...

There are things he can do right away to make a difference: close the border, eliminate regulations, end the war on fossil fuels and cancel EV mandates. ...

He should move forward without rancour or grievance, fuelled by the joy of the Trump Shuffle, his robot-like dance that has broken out at UFC fights and across the NFL. I’m going to have the younger members of the family teach it to Maureen on Thanksgiving.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Maureen Dowd of The New York Times: Joe Biden was pushed out by Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and Jeffries, and their handprints are on his back, and Trump will still win

It was a jaw-dropping putsch, she says, a coup even.

Pelosi knifed her pal, she says.

Obama has now sidelined Joe Biden twice, she says.

Everyone's mad at one another at the DNC in Chicago, she says.

"Top Democrats are bristling with resentment".

Read it at The Irish Times.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Maureen Dowd admits Ford is purely political, calls her a woman daring to obstruct a conservative nominee

If Brett Kavanaugh were a liberal nominee, this wouldn't be happening.

From the column here:

But I most dread the rhyming history we are plunged into now: the merciless pummeling of a woman who dares to obstruct the glide path of a conservative Supreme Court nominee.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Maureen Dowd, upper-class bunko artist

Maureen Dowd, the ever clever mistress of written fraud, makes it appear as if Nunes says Trump must be taken literally as commander in chief, but makes sure not to quote him saying as much:

Even Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, gave up the Sisyphean effort of defending Trump’s tripe. He said that if you took Trump’s remarks “literally” — as we expect to do with our commander in chief’s words — “clearly the president was wrong.”

The fundamentalism is all hers.

Fundamentalist Maureen Dowd calls her own newspaper's claim of Trump wiretaps "unhinged" from which the Times hasn't backed off since publishing it

For two weeks, [Trump] has refused to back off his unhinged claim that his predecessor tapped his phones during the election. ... Even Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, gave up the Sisyphean effort of defending Trump’s tripe. He said that if you took Trump’s remarks “literally” — as we expect to do with our commander in chief’s words — “clearly the president was wrong.”

Sunday, March 20, 2016

It was the Dowdy yellow journalist who said "Nein", not Trump

I wondered about ex-wife Ivana telling her lawyer, according to Vanity Fair, that Trump kept a book of Hitler’s speeches by his bed. Or the talk in New York that in the ’90s he was reading “Mein Kampf.” Nein, he said. “I never had the book,” he said. “I never read the book. I don’t care about the book.”

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Maureen Dowd names Hillary the Valkyrie of Libya intervention, accuses her of negligence

Here, still pining for Joe:

'When you are the Valkyrie who engineers the intervention, you can’t then say it is beneath you to pay attention to the ludicrously negligent security for your handpicked choice for ambassador in a lawless country full of assassinations and jihadist training camps. ... [T]here were 600 requests from J. Christopher Stevens’s team to upgrade security in Benghazi in 2012 and 20 attacks on the mission compound in the months before the Sept. 11 siege. ...There were no call logs of talks between Stevens and Clinton, and she said she could not remember if she ever spoke to him again after she swore him in in May. “I was the boss of ambassadors in 270 countries,” she explained. But Libya was the country where she was the midwife to chaos. And she should have watched that baby like the Lady Hawk she is.'

But of course the Valkyrs picked who should die in battle, and who should live. In addition to picking Gaddafi, Hillary also picked four Americans.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Maureen Dowd: Hillary's private server a metaphor for the paranoid style

The liberal Pot calling the Conservative kettle black.
Maureen Dowd, here:

"Her strategists worry about surveys showing that voters do not trust her. But her private server is a metaphor for her own lack of trust and a guarded, suspicious mind-set that lands her in needless messes."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sunday, April 4, 2010

On "Regime"

"Never in my life have I seen a regime like this, governing against the will of the people, purposely."

--Rush Limbaugh, Friday, April 2, 2010

"I've never seen language like this in the American press referring to an elected representative government, elected in a totally fair, democratic, American election -- we will have another one in November, we'll have another one for president in a couple years -- fair, free, and wonderful democracy we have in this country…. We know that word, 'regime.' It was used by George Bush, 'regime change.' You go to war with regimes. Regimes are tyrannies. They're juntas. They're military coups. The use of the word 'regime' in American political parlance is unacceptable, and someone should tell the walrus to stop using it. I never heard the word 'regime,' before, have you? I don't even think Joe McCarthy ever called this government a 'regime.'"

-- Chris Matthews, Friday, April 2, 2010, MSNBC

"Seventy-five days into the Bush regime and I'm a wreck."
-- Maureen Dowd, April 4, 2001, New York Times

Marshall Wittmann was "a Health and Human Services deputy assistant secretary in the first Bush regime."
-- Howard Kurtz, January 22, 2001, The Washington Post

"In George Bush's regime, only one million jobs had been created…"
--Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak, January 8, 2010, MSNBC

In 2006 when "the Bush regime was still in power."
-- Ed Schultz, August 21, 2009, MSNBC

"The middle class has not fared quite as well under [the] Bush regime."
-- Steve McMahon, October 8, 2007, MSNBC

"The people of Iraq and Afghanistan that have been tragically harmed by the Bush regime."
-- Cindy Sheehan, August 10, 2007, MSNBC

I'll "take apart the Bush regime."
-- Ralph Nader to Chris Matthews, July 7, 2004, on his "Hardball" program, MSNBC

"Reverend Sharpton, what do you make of this letter and this panoply of the left condemning the Bush regime?"

--Chris Matthews, June 14, 2002