Show me one candidate who has the dignity of Washington . . ..
[T]ypical of modern Americans is Trump’s bad taste. ... He puts his own individual stamp on gaucherie. And we like it. We’re a country that cherishes being individuals as much as we cherish being gauche.
Trump’s suits have a cut and sheen as if they came from the trunk sale of a visiting Bombay tailor staying in a cheap hotel in Trump’s native Queens and taking a nip between fittings. Trump wears neckties in Outer Borough colors. And, Donald, the end of your necktie belongs up around your belt buckle, not between your knees and your nuts. Trump’s haircut makes Kim Jong Un laugh.
Washington abandoned the parodied powdered wig of custom and tied and powdered his own long hair, and to his first inauguration as president he deliberately wore a suit made from brown broadcloth from Connecticut instead of the formal black imported from Britain in order to drive home his Americanism.
To say one likes Trump's gaucherie is completely disingenuous while pivoting to correct it. It shows that P. J. O'Rourke's libertarianism is short on the Americanism and long on the snobbery of cosmopolitan liberalism, the readership of The Daily Beast.