Showing posts with label Terry McAuliffe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terry McAuliffe. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Suddenly Obamacare is not much of a muchness to Democrats, a mere stepping stone to the socialist future

The next development will be Republicans arguing, as Paul Ryan did in 2012 about Medicare, that conservatism means we must preserve Obamacare for future generations. 

Friday, August 18, 2017

Pat Buchanan: Gov. McAwful goes full scalawag

Here at TakiMag:

Two years ago, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe called the giant statues of Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson on Richmond’s Monument Avenue “parts of our heritage.” After Charlottesville, New York-born-and-bred McAuliffe, entertaining higher ambitions, went full scalawag, demanding the statues be pulled down as “flashpoints for hatred, division, and violence.” Who hates the statues, Terry? Who’s going to cause the violence? Answer: The Democratic left whom Terry must now appease. McAuliffe is echoed by Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, the Democratic candidate in November to succeed McAuliffe. GOP nominee Ed Gillespie wants Monument Avenue left alone. The election is the place to decide this, but the left will not wait. ... Like ISIS ... the new barbarism has come to America. This is going to become a blazing issue, not only between but within the parties.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Looks Like A Libertarian Is About To Spoil Another Race For The Republicans

In the Virginia race for governor the Libertarian's support is the margin of difference between Cuccinelli and McAuliffe.