Showing posts with label Mercer family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercer family. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Friday, March 8, 2019

Ann Coulter is finally starting to put 2 & 2 together: Does Trump WANT to stop the invasion?

As everyone knows by now, Trump pulled the campaign trigger in 2015 about one month after reading ADIOS AMERICA. He had found his issue. It was not his issue. It became his issue. He had found his angle, his tool.

Immigration restriction marked Trump out from all the other candidates. It got him elected, narrowly. The tilt to the libertarian open borders Mercers with Conway and Bannon in August 2016 nearly did him in. He prematurely tracked to the middle (DACA waffling in Arizona townhall, showing he was never sincere), and once in office, did nothing of substance about the issue. There was no liason to Congress on the issue in the White House, coordinating policy. All the appointments in the White House were opposed to immigration restriction save one here or there, confounding his supporters to this day. It was not a priority, until after the House was lost. None of the cabinet appointments were restrictionists, but for Sessions, whom he neutered early over what really matters, muh MAGA presidency.

Now he returns to immigration, putting it front and center as a matter of what, policy? No, as a matter of the reelection campaign, as it was in the beginning. It's an election tool, a campaign issue like abortion has been for decades. He never really intended to do anything about it, and doesn't now, except in a half-hearted kind of way where if he gets lucky with it here and there as a matter of policy, so much the better. That keeps the believers believing, as does the dumpster fire he's created at the border. He keeps signaling over and over again since losing the House how he wants more immigrants to come here than ever before. Well they're coming over like never before! Trump created the National Emergency. Trump created the surge at the border. He wanted it. He needs it. We are in a political campaign.

Donald Trump will go down in history as the man who forever put the stink on running as an immigration restrictionist, which is why you never trust a "former" Democrat with the leadership of your party. It ain't called stupid for nothin'. It was Ronald Reagan, after all, who started us down the road to exporting all those jobs Trump now says he wants to bring back.

How's that working out for you on this winter day reporting a mere 20,000 new payrolls in February?

We are screwed. "Conservatives" and "Republicans" have failed us, utterly. And that much Coulter already knows.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Obviously Trump softened his anti-immigration positions in August 2016 after Bannon took over because that's what the data analytics told them to do

Trump turned on a dime in August 2016 after Bannon assumed leadership and it immediately got him in hot water with his core supporters after the Hannity Town Hall in Arizona. But it didn't matter to Trump. Trump knew that was the way to broaden his base because most Americans are forgiving and morally weak, supporting amnesty for the DACA "children". It didn't hurt, either, that softening those positions dovetailed with the libertarianism of the Mercers and their money. Trump was telegraphing to the libertarian money men of the Republican Party that he was in fact "flexible".

There's no there there, folks.

And there's no Wall, either, only a snake (remember the story of the snake?) who is willing to bite by trading a DACA amnesty for The Wall.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Here we go again: "City man" charged with sexual assault isn't from the city, but is rather an illegal alien charged in a previous case

TRENTON -- A city man was charged with sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl after her father discovered a stranger in bed with her in the middle of the night, police said. ... Trenton police said they charged [Edgar] Mendoza last year for peeping into a home, but the status of that case was unclear Wednesday.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Donald Trump cucked himself and his followers a week ago on deportation: Today he'll try to uncuck himself

Video here on FOX, where Trump actually polls the audience and comes down on the side of legalization of otherwise law-abiding illegal aliens because people everywhere supposedly keep telling him that's what they want, not what he originally stood for in the debates.

What were the primary debates about then, how brown you like your marshmallows?

Trump cucked himself because a week prior to these remarks he caved to open borders libertarians Rebekah Mercer, Stephen Bannon and Kellyanne Conway. That's all there is to it. 

Legalizing 11 million or whatever the number is law-breakers yet again will only encourage more law-breaking, undermining whatever else a president Trump might be able to pass to stem the tide of illegal immigration. As Donald Trump might say, Not good!

Trump is compromising long before he has to, which tells you that as president he will roll over on lots of other promises also and get very little of what he has claimed he wants.

Pragmatism in the face of vice is no virtue. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

One day after Rebekah Mercer, Stephen Bannon and Kellyanne Conway took over the campaign, Trump started apologizing

They took over August 17th.

Here was Trump, August 18th:

“Sometimes, in the heat of the debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that, and I regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues." 

Not exactly the Trump of July 2015:

Moderator Frank Luntz asked Trump whether he has ever asked God for forgiveness for his actions. "I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so," he said. "I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't."

Friday, August 26, 2016

Hard libertarian billionaire daughter Rebekah Mercer is behind Trump's shift to Bannon and Conway, away from deportation

The price of consensus for Mercer's "help" in retrospect was obviously that Trump soften his deportation stance. Bloomberg's story here in June completely misses the signficance of the Mercers' libertarianism.

The Hill had the story already on August 17, here, the day Trump shook up his campaign by hiring Stephen Bannon as CEO and Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager, detailing Mercer's links to Stanford, the Heritage Foundation, BREITBART, the Ted Cruz campaign and libertarian think tank CATO:

“The Mercers basically own this campaign,” said a source who has worked with Rebekah Mercer in her political activities. “They have installed their people. ... And now they’ve got their data firm in there.” ... Little has been written about the Mercers because they avoid the public spotlight, but conservative sources who know the family, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described them as “kind, civic-minded people and consensus-builders.” ... But that source, who has worked with Mercer in some of her other political ventures, said it was a surprise to some people that the Mercers had swung so forcefully behind Trump, given her ideological bent. “She identifies as a libertarian. At least she always did,” the source said, adding that Mercer was a big supporter of libertarian think tanks like the Goldwater Institute and Cato. “With Bekah you always had to prove your libertarian racing stripes,” the source added. “This seems really strange.”

Monday, December 14, 2015

Ted Cruz, used car salesman, heavy user of data analytics, becomes what you want, and you want, and you and you and you

From the story here:

To build its data-gathering operation widely, the Cruz campaign hired Cambridge Analytica, a Massachusetts company reportedly owned in part by hedge fund executive Robert Mercer, who has given $11 million to a super PAC supporting Cruz. Cambridge, the U.S. affiliate of London-based behavioral research company SCL Group, has been paid more than $750,000 by the Cruz campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records.

To develop its psychographic models, Cambridge surveyed more than 150,000 households across the country and scored individuals using five basic traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. A top Cambridge official didn’t respond to a request for comment, but Cruz campaign officials said the company developed its correlations in part by using data from Facebook that included subscribers’ likes. That data helped make the Cambridge data particularly powerful, campaign officials said. ...

Cambridge, which has staffers embedded in the Cruz for President headquarters in Houston, makes behavioral psychologists available for consultation as ads and scripts are drafted. ...

The campaign’s big data operation is not deployed in just voter and supporter outreach. It also is used daily to help make key decisions — where Cruz should travel, what he should say. It has even informed the selection of precinct captains.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Was Socialist France The Model For ObamaCare's 50 Worker Rule?

Mike Tanner for The New York Post, here:

Under ObamaCare, employers with 50 or more full-time workers must provide health insurance for all their workers, paying at least 65% of the cost of a family policy or 85% of the cost of an individual plan. Moreover, the insurance must meet the federal government’s requirements in terms of what benefits are included, meaning that many businesses that offer insurance to their workers today will have to change to new, more expensive plans. ...

Under the circumstances, how likely is the company to hire that 50th worker? Or, if a company already has 50 workers, isn’t the company likely to lay off one employee? Or cut hours and make some employees part time, thus getting under the 50 employee cap? Indeed, a study by Mercer found that 18% of companies were likely to do exactly that. It’s worth noting that in France, another country where numerous government regulations kick in at 50 workers, there are 1,500 companies with 48 employees and 1,600 with 49 employees, but just 660 with 50 and only 500 with 51.

Tanner might have emphasized that as companies become 49ers because of ObamaCare, the workers will increasingly become 29ers, part-timers who are exempted from coverage under ObamaCare because they are deliberately kept to 29 hours per week.

After being 99ers for so long, that's about as good as it's going to get.