Showing posts with label Brad DeLong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brad DeLong. Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Brad DeLong's new book about the world achieving enough prosperity doesn't have enough words

DeLong had begun working on this story in 1994. He had produced hundreds of thousands of words, then hundreds of thousands more, updating the text as academic economics and the world itself changed. He kept writing, for years, for decades, for so long that he ended up writing for roughly 5 percent of the time capitalism itself has existed. The problem wasn’t figuring out how the story started. The problem was knowing when it ended. ...

His friends inquired about the drafts they had read years before. The project ballooned in its complexity. “I have had editors who were saying [they were] going to drop me if I couldn’t get it down to 150,000 words,” DeLong told me. (The book ended up at 180,000, plus online notes and appendices.) ...

As for DeLong, he has a more immediate challenge: figuring out what to do with the hundreds of thousands of words he trimmed out of Slouching Towards Utopia. He thinks he might write a history of the economy, full stop. That story might start in 6,000 B.C.     


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

J. Bradford DeLong finds the inflationistas' logic hard to follow, but so is his

... the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its associated disruptions continue to cause a substantial undersupply of labor. ...

The labor market is still weak enough that workers are unable to demand substantial increases in real wages.


Make up your mind, Brad.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Brad DeLong pretends that taxing the crap out of people isn't an ideology, and blames the voters for disagreeing

Here, where you observe a liberal economist admitting that there is a price to be paid for free-trade:

It is not difficult to see where the blame lies [for what ails America]. As Mark Kleiman of NYU’s Marron Institute points out, the Republican Party’s rigid and die-hard ideological opposition to “taxing the rich [has] destroyed, on a practical level, the theoretical basis for believing that free trade benefits everyone.” ... The responsibility lies instead with politicians peddling ideology over practicality – and thus with the citizens who elect them, as well as those who don’t bother to vote at all.

Now if we could just get the libertarians to admit it.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

J. Bradford DeLong says Jonathan Gruber is a pioneering intellectual and empiricist

UC Berkeley Professor DeLong served under Summers at Treasury
Seen here:

"[P]eople like ... Jon Gruber ... are not ideologues. They are not only at the top of the profession. These are pioneers in the fields of public finance and health services research who in many ways provided the intellectual groundwork and the empirical research on which current health policy debate is based."

Friday, August 29, 2014

Brad DeLong believes we are in a depression

And calls it the true name for what we are experiencing, here.