Early in the pandemic Minnesota's Tim Walz sent many COVID victims back to nursing homes where the death toll was huge, but the real nursing home slaughter happened later, in the fall of 2020.
By the end of May 2020, 80% of the COVID deaths in Minnesota had occurred in long-term-care settings such as nursing homes, according to the story here, which quotes Tim Walz defending sending back all "recovered" cases:
"I think it's important to remember these are folks that went to the
hospital, they recovered, but they're still in that mode, and they're
going back to their home, and this is where they live," said Gov. Tim
Walz during an afternoon press conference. "The rest of us, we may
self-isolate, but where are we going to put (these) people?"
"This was federal guidance," Walz said. "This was what everyone was
doing. This was not a mistake. It wasn't like no one thought about this.
There was complexity in how you deal with this."
But everybody's missing how much worse it got in those settings in December, when deaths from COVID in those places in Minnesota soared to 3.16 per 100 vs. 1.88 nationally, 68% worse at peak.
Just look at these charts of nursing home deaths from COVID in Minnesota available from the AARP dashboard, zooming in year by year.
Deaths calmed down rapidly in 2021, not because of vaccination, but because so many were already dead.
And you would expect things to be under control after that, right?, except the fall outbreak pattern of deaths reoccurs like clockwork at the end of 2021, but worse: The peak rate of death from COVID in nursing homes was 153% worse than the national average.
But all those nursing home residents were vaccinated by the end of 2021. The whole country was.
The same story played out in 2022, except nursing home deaths from COVID were consistently higher through most of that year, and then even more wildly so in 2023, with a spring and a fall outbreak of way-above-average deaths in nursing homes from COVID.
The December 2022 rate of death was 170% worse than the national average.
The March 2023 rate of death was 400% worse, and the December 277% worse.
Vaccination did not stop the spread of the disease. Close proximity to sick people spread the disease. It's that simple.
It is a crime that we're all OK with that, but especially for our political leadership and medical elites who continually lie to us that vaccination prevents death. The nursing home data proves that it does not.
They all knew what they were doing, and it's still going on right now.
The only thing which will prevent future deaths is getting old people the hell out of there.
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |