Showing posts with label White House Dossier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White House Dossier. Show all posts

Sunday, February 22, 2015

WaPo worries about Jeb's wife's spending of personal money, totally ignores Michelle Obama's marathon milking of the taxpayers

It took a FOIA request of the most transparent government ever to find out that Moochelle Obama milked the taxpayers for a $250,000 vacation in Ireland in 2013, but the Washington Post is all abuzz tonight over Jeb Bush's wife's personal spending on jewelry.

Keith Koffler reported here in April 2014 about Moochelle:

"First Lady Michelle Obama’s egregious use of the G-8 Summit in Northern Ireland last June to stage a luxury, touristy side-trip for herself and her daughters to Dublin cost taxpayers at least $251,161 according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch.

"But the cost is almost certainly much higher. For example, a separate Air Force jet that appeared to be Air Force Two, which costs more than $10,000 an hour to fly, was dispatched to Ireland to handle Michelle’s vacation-related travel. This cost is not included in the figures provided to Judicial Watch."

But WaPo's story, "Documents show the expensive tastes of Jeb Bush’s low-key wife", here, only has this to stay about the extravagant and unethical spending of President Obama's wife:

"First lady Michelle Obama drew fire for wearing a pair of sneakers that cost upward of $500 when she went to bag groceries at a food bank in 2009."

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Flashback to Feb. 2012: Newt Gingrich was mocked and worse by Obama and company for saying $2.50 gas was possible, but it's happening right now

Newt, deservedly doin' The Mussolini
Obama called Gingrich's promise of $2.50/gallon gas a "phony election-year promise" in 2012 here. The White House spokesman lying shill Jay Carney chimed in calling it a lie, here. Pure projection syndrome.

Two and a half years later and everywhere across this country the price of gasoline is plummeting toward an average of $2.50 and lower because of the success of drill-baby-drill-fracking on private lands, and the Feds haven't had one damn thing to do with it.

The average price in Grand Rapids, Michigan, tonight is $2.539 with prices falling. Smart shoppers at Sam's Club here tonight can get gas for $2.469. Prices in many southern tier states of this great country are already paying well below $2.50, for example $2.20 in Texas City, TX, $2.25 in Memphis, TN, and $2.30 in West Monroe, LA. Go duck men, go.

Newt Gingrich was right. Obama and company are idiots.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Keith Koffler says Obama really went to Vegas to play golf: round number 204

Is This The Real Reason Obama Announced the Order in Vegas?

President Obama today is playing golf at the Shadow Creek golf club in North Las Vegas, reputed to be the nicest golf course in Vegas. It’s 55 degrees and mostly sunny.


"The object of government in a tyranny is the good of one man only." -- Aristotle

Monday, January 6, 2014

Obama Has Completed 160 Golf Outings In The Last 5 Years: The Practice Hasn't Helped

White House Dossier here reports that the president golfed 9 out of the 15 days while on his Hawaiian vacation, which means Moochelle was pretty much a golf widow during the time.

She did not return to DC with her family. The cost to the taxpayers of this early "birthday gift" of an extended stay may come to as much as $200,000 or more according to a separate entry here.

The Washington Times noted here the family's vacation was already "regal", and featured a video in which the president misses a long put on a green and then takes what he clearly deems a "gimme" but misses it, and picks it up off the green, not out of the cup. I'll bet his scorecard is minus the stroke . . . a lie like everything else about these people.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Obama Milks Air Force One and Marine One To Toy Shop

Obama went to Pennsylvania to talk up his tax hike, slam Republicans, and then do a little toy shopping. Keith Koffler's bullshit detector went off, here, when he found out Marvin Nicholson, the caddy, was carrying packages on their return to the White House marked K'nex, where Obama spoke.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Liberal Narrative Blames Drought For Poor GDP, As If 1.5 Percent Growth Were Good

GDP for Q2 is revised down today to 1.3 percent annual rate, from 1.7 percent a month ago, and liberals are blaming . . .  the weather.

They are blaming 0.2 points of the 0.4 point decline on declining farm inventories due to the drought, as if it makes a difference whether GDP is 1.3 or 1.5. Hell, GDP of 2.5 percent represents treading water. Anything less than that is an economy in real trouble. By their own admission, farming is 1 percent of the economy, but the article to the left is already blaming lousy Q3 GDP, which isn't out yet, on the drought, too. This is the lamest excuse we've heard yet, and that's saying a lot.

Last August it was the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the Arab Spring, and financial turmoil in the European Union which were responsible for everything going wrong for Obama.

In 2010 it was his peeps' fault, whom he told to pull up their socks, get off the couch and go vote.

Before that everything was Bush's fault.

After November Obama gets to blame the American people for all his troubles, none of which are ever his responsibility.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Latest Reliable Count Puts Obama At 104 Golf Outings As Of August 4th

I'm guessing he'll be on the links this weekend, but it is campaign season.

See here.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

As of the End of 2011, President Obama Has Golfed 92 Times

So Keith Koffler for, here.

That means he's averaged about 2.5 outings per month over the three years.

A Moochelle Obama Retrospective from

Keith Koffler provides a nice summary of the First Lady's extravagances, the latest of which is a ski trip to Colorado this weekend hot on the heals after 17 days in Hawaii over Christmas:

The first lady, who just returned last month from 17 days of relaxation in Hawaii, is skiing in Colorado on Presidents’ Day Weekend for the second year in a row. ...

Just last August, she sojourned on Martha’s Vineyard, and the month before she travelled to southern Africa for a trip that mixed official business with tourist outings like an African safari. In July 2010, she took an exorbitant excursion to the southern coast of Spain, flying out with friends and family on a large jet that often serves as Air Force 2 and then staying at a ritzy hotel. ...

For her last two Hawaii vacations, Michelle left separately from her husband at extra cost to taxpayers in order to ensure she got the full vacation while the president was forced to remain in Washington a few extra days to finish work with Congress.

Read the full entry, here.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Monday, June 27, 2011

Plane for Moochelle's Africa Trip Alone Cost Us Over $400,000

Another timely expenditure by the queen of shtrong.

White House Dossier has the shtory here.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Observer Figures Obama Has Spent 2 Months of 25 as President . . . Golfing

As reported here:

This is the president’s 60th time golfing as president, meaning Obama has spent two months of his presidency on the golf course.

So far.

Does keeping track of this count as a stimulus job?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Michelle Obama Milks It: Jets to Vail with the Girls for some Skiing

Keith Koffler has the story here:

Mrs. Obama has decided to jet out to Vail – instead of visiting slopes closer to Washington DC in Virginia or Pennsylvania – despite already incurring criticism for taking opulent excursions, particularly a trip last summer to Spain. There, she stayed at the country’s swankest [sic] hotel and, like this weekend, was traveling without her husband.

Rooms at her hotel start at $605 a night, and top out in excess of $2,000 a night.

Sunday, January 30, 2011 Says Obama Parties While Cairo Burns

The key point being the American journalism profession a bunch of hacks had nothing better to do than fete the president's political adviser while a real crisis, unlike the kind they usually spend their time manufacturing, was staring them in the face.

When oil hits $200 a barrel will anyone remember the Energy Secretary was there instead of planning how to contain the damage?

Feckless bastards one and all, but especially one Barack Hussein Obama.

Here's the link to the post at the left.