Showing posts with label Dick Cheney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dick Cheney. Show all posts

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Same old same old: Dick Cheney escalates on Trump like Dick Cheney escalated on Iraq

''There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction,'' Mr. Cheney said. ''There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies and against us.''



Cheney Downloads on Trump in Campaign Ad for Daughter...

'Never been an individual who is greater threat to our republic'...


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Trump avoided military service with bone spurs, Biden with childhood asthma

Joe Biden’s Draft Record Looks a Lot Like Donald Trump’s. Do Democrats Care? :

Just a few months before President Donald Trump received his now-infamous diagnosis of “bone spurs in the heels,” former high school football star Biden got the same 1-Y draft deferment for “asthma as a teenager.” It was one of five deferments Biden received (the same number as notorious GOP “draft dodger” Dick Cheney) and allowed him to avoid being drafted at the height of the war. The year 1968 was one of the bloodiest of the Vietnam conflict with 296,406 Americans drafted into military service — the second-highest during the war.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

The traitor in the Oval Office has weakened us, hobbled us and aided our enemies

Dick and Liz Cheney in The Wall Street Journal, here:

Defeating our enemies has been made significantly more difficult by the policies of Barack Obama. No American president has done more to weaken the U.S., hobble our defenses or aid our adversaries. ...

Fifteen years after 3,000 Americans were killed by Islamic terrorists, America’s commander in chief has become the money launderer in chief for the world’s leading state sponsor of terror.

Friday, September 13, 2013

To Us Obama's A Dictator, To Liberals An "Executive-Power Extremist"

You won't find the traditional words "king", "tyrant", "usurper" or "dictator" in Conor Friedersdorf's Atlantic column, "Obama Acts Like He Doesn't Know He's An Executive-Power Extremist", here, because, before dictatorship disarms the population, it has to disarm the language first.

And it has:

The grammer is priceless. Who "put more and more war-making power in the hands of the president"? In Obama's telling, "a decade" put the executive power there. ... We know that Obama is an executive-power extremist in his actions. ...  [I]s he fooling himself, because he likes to think of himself as [a] more prudent and moderate man than he is? Can he not bear the truth that he's a Cheneyite extremist?

There it lies, limp as a dick. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Half of CPAC This Year is Libertarian, Heckles and Walks Out on Dick Cheney

The Libertarians hate the Department of Defense and the US military more than they hate the much larger, arguably unconstitutional, social welfare state erected by FDR.

Bunch of queers.

Story and video here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

What New Tone? Obama Introduced Biden in 2008 by Tearing Down Cheney

Obama has been a hypocrite and a liar about "ugly partisanship" from the very beginning:

After decades -- after decades of steady work across the aisle, I know [Joe Biden] he'll be able to help me turn the page on the ugly partisanship in Washington so we can bring Democrats and Republicans together to pass an agenda that works for the American people.

And instead of secret energy task forces attacking -- stacked with big oil and a vice president that twists the facts and shuts the American people out, I know that Joe Biden will give us some real straight talk. ...

We know what we're going to get from the other side -- four more years of the same out of touch policies that created an economic disaster at home, a disastrous foreign policy abroad, four more years of the same divisive politics that's all about tearing people down instead of lifting the country up.

We cannot afford more of the same. I am running for president, because that's a future I don't accept for my daughters, and I don't accept it for your children...

... and I don't accept it for the United States of America. It is time for the change that the American people need.

Now with Joe Biden at my side, I am confident we can take this country in a new direction, that we are ready to overcome the adversity of the last eight years, that we won't just win this election in November.

We will restore that fair shot at your dreams that is at the core of who Joe Biden is, and I am, and what America is as a nation.

-- Barack Obama, Springfield, IL, August 23, 2008, here