Left is, finally and above all, lack of respect for property.
-- Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision, 1934
Left is, finally and above all, lack of respect for property.
-- Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision, 1934
Our democracy is a constant state of revolution, overthrowing incumbents in favor of successors who also will soon face revolution.
Revolution, in the form of periodic mass elections fought by all available means of money, brains, and even - after the Gracchan method - physical violence, is exalted into a constitutional process.
-- Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision, 1934
The real conservative cannot stand it that eternal truths, laws, and morals are subjected to a referendum every few years. A country which does this is perverse. And no real Lutheran would abide it, let alone a true Roman Catholic.
This kind of politics is universal.
The lapdogs lick it up here.
Glenn Loury last worked in a factory, when, in 1972? More than 12% of the civilian population had a manufacturing job back then. Today fewer than 5% have one. But in neither case was there anything universal about being working class.
What have miners, sailors, tailors' apprentices, metalworkers, waiters, bank officials, ploughmen, and scavengers in common with one another?
-- Oswald Spengler
Can anything good come out of Oregon?
This garbage from a Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Oregon State University, is anti-white anti-capitalism rearing its ugly head, not "historical scholarship". It's what Oswald Spengler warned us about in 1934.
-- Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1934), p. 40f.
"The republicans made me seize power".
You know whose side they are on when people talk like this. Spengler long ago observed how liberalism is all about tyranny, but does anyone still read him?
"The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is all that Liberalism sets out to be."
The voices opposed to the US Senate filibuster, are, to put it bluntly, not related to our founding.
Caesar would soon seize autocratic power, and Cato would commit suicide rather than live under Caesar’s rule. Goodman and Soni argue Cato’s obstructionism — however high-minded — was a contributing factor to the Roman Republic’s collapse. America’s Founding Fathers, however, idolized Cato. George Washington’s soldiers staged a play about Cato at Valley Forge. Patrick Henry’s famous quote, “Give me liberty of give me death,” is derived from a line in that play.