Showing posts with label Charlie Sykes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie Sykes. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Weekly Standard's girly man way of calling Pat Buchanan a fascist without really calling him one

Here's the html:

Here's the actual headline:

Patrick Buchanan’s Strange New Respect for the Ayatollah

Here's the index of articles the way the girly men only wish they could title it, but don't have the balls to:

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Drudge is an idiot for calling Wisconsin a battleground based on a WaPo story which is trying to divert Trump's energies

Wisconsin is a distraction. Trump isn't going to win it, and Drudge is a fool for taking the bait and headlining this WaPo story:

Trump is losing Wisconsin to Clinton at this hour by 5.7 points because of #NeverTrump libertarians who follow radio talker Charlie Sykes. That guy's never been on Trump's side and never will be. Wisconsin "conservatives" follow a ridiculous Speaker Paul Ryan who thinks preserving Medicare for future generations is a conservative thing. That's Ripon Society Republicanism, Teddy Roosevelt progressivism.

Libertarian Gary Johnson is polling 6.3 there, way above his current national average of 4.6, accounting for all of Clinton's margin of victory.

Trump shouldn't waste any more time or resources on Wisconsin.

He'd have been far better off trying for Virginia where he is polling better than in Wisconsin, but it's too late for that, too.

Trump's path to the presidency (164 Electoral College votes currently) is through NV, AZ, CO, IA, OH, NC, GA and FL (110).

He might want to visit NH and ME-2 also if he has the resources, but the main battle is in the eight states shown. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Conservative talk radio in Wisconsin has been united for months in stopping Donald Trump, fawning over Ted Cruz

Which is why the voters in Wisconsin are unaware of Ted Cruz' flips on trade and immigration.

From the story here:

The Wisconsin talk radio conglomerate, which rallied conservative voters to help Gov. Scott Walker win three elections in four years, has now set its sights on stopping Mr. Trump by deprecating the delegate leader and elevating Mr. Cruz. ...

The most popular conservative talk show hosts here — Mr. Sykes, Jeff Wagner of WTMJ, and Mark Belling, Vicki McKenna and Jay Weber of WISN — are united in their disdain for Mr. Trump, with Jerry Bader, a radio personality at WTAQ in Green Bay, rounding out the group.

“The thing that’s been unique in this presidential race is, for some reason, the three who work here — Jay, Vicki and myself — and our competitors, Charlie and Jeff Wagner, all seem to despise Trump,” Mr. Belling said in an interview. “We all just kind of came to this conclusion independently. I think it’s just that we’re not as stupid as some of the people that are falling for Trump’s crap.”

Monday, March 28, 2016

Best comment on Trump interview with Wisconsin's Cuckservative Charlie Sykes: "Jeffrey Dahmer was from Wisconsin"

Yeah, "neighbors heard the sound of sawing at all hours".

Call it the Robert La Follette effect: socialism you can really sink your teeth into.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Obama Laughed Out Loud When Wanda Sykes Hoped Rush Limbaugh's Kidneys Failed

Remember this from the White House Correspondents' Dinner, May 9, 2009?


WANDA SYKES: Rush Limbaugh, one of your big critics. Uh, boy, Rush Limbaugh said he hopes this administration fails.

You know, so you're saying, 'I hope America fails.' You're like, 'I don't care about people losing their homes, their jobs, our soldiers in Iraq.' He just wants the country to fail.

To me, that's treason. He's not saying anything differently than what Osama bin Laden is saying.

You know, you might want to look into this, sir, because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker, but he was so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight.

Too much? But you're laughing inside. I know you're laughing.

Obama wasn't "laughing inside." He was laughing openly at Sykes' ugly remarks.

SYKES: Rush Limbaugh -- 'I hope the country the fails.' I hope his kidneys fail. How 'bout that?

He needs a little waterboarding. That's what he needs.


I'm not surprised that Sykes would say that stuff; but I am surprised that Obama would allow himself to be seen laughing at such horrible remarks.

The above from Freedom Eden here.

See it here and here.

Additional commentary in The UK Telegraph here by Toby Harnden:

Hard to take from the man who promised a new era of civility and elevated debate in Washington.