Showing posts with label baseball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baseball. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Sunday, December 31, 2023

OK Steve

 DODGERS great's plan to save CA from crime, squalor and Adam Schiff...

 Garvey, 74, said his experience with baseball has trained him how to put together a winning team, saying he's"been able to do it in Los Angeles and San Diego and in the community. ... I'll be a one-term, six-year senator who will step up to the plate every day and go to bat for the people of California who know there's a better life and need somebody to be their voice. They'll be the wind beneath my wings, too," he added.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Antifa gunman massacres at least 11 in California country bar late last night

Man dressed in all-black let off at least 30 shots from a pistol with extended mags and threw smoke grenades

Gunman was dressed in all-black, wearing a trenchcoat, glasses, baseball cap and a mask covering his face

The shooter stormed the Borderline Bar and Grill, wearing a black trenchcoat and armed with a pistol equipped with an extended magazine and smoke grenades, and began targeting people as young as 18. 

The perpetrator, dressed in all-black, wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses and a mask covering the bottom part of his face, walked up to the entrance at 11.20pm and shot the doorman before making his way into the venue. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

You know what a baseball field full of dead Republican Congressmen would have meant to the shooter?

A complete and utter shutdown of legislative business which would have made it impossible to move any of the Trump agenda forward at all.

After all, that's been the goal of the Democrats all along.

This leftist shooter simply thought he had found a more definitive way to delay and obstruct Trump. The Party of Violence strikes again.

Someone better find out if he had help, as in . . . conspiracy. 

Sounds totally rational to me. Sinister, but rational.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Democrat baseball

Marlins win 2003 World Series 4-2, but Yankees score four more runs overall so they sue to overturn the result.

If the popular vote counted in the World Series, the New York Yankees would have won it in 2003 instead of the Marlins

The Florida Marlins *won the 2003 World Series 4-2, but scored only 17 total runs vs. the 21 scored by the Yankees.

*Game One: Marlins 3-Yankees 2
Game Two: Marlins 1-Yankees 6
Game Three: Marlins 1-Yankees 6
*Game Four: Marlins 4-Yankees 3
*Game Five: Marlins 6-Yankees 4
*Game Six: Marlins 2-Yankees 0

Call it major league baseball's Electoral College at work. What counts is games (states) won, not the most runs (popular votes).

Friday, May 17, 2013

Whoops! The 13th Bank Failure Of 2013 Was On Tuesday The 14th!

Well now, that's unusual. The 13th bank failure of 2013 occurred this past Tuesday, May 14th. Usually the FDIC waits until Friday late to close a bank. Can you imagine having closed it the day before, on Monday, May 13th? Me either. I guess the Feds are having a little fun with us. Either that or the FDIC is having a baseball game with Goldman Sachs tonight.

The bank in question which failed on Tuesday was Central Arizona Bank, Scottsdale, Arizona, costing the FDIC a measly $8.6 million.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Julius Genachowski's Favorite Baseball Player Talks Just Like The Terrorists' Friends

The Boston Red Sox' David Ortiz and Azmat and Diaz share a rather limited vocabulary.

Story here.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama's Army Kidnaps Guards, Destroys Property at Port of Longview, WA

Hoffa incited unions to violence on Monday here in Michigan, saying “President Obama, this is your army, we are ready to march. Let’s take these sons of bitches out,” and already union thugs are mixing it up before the week is out, in Washington State.

Story here:

Hundreds of Longshoremen stormed the Port of Longview early Thursday . . .

Six guards were held hostage for a couple of hours after 500 or more Longshoremen broke down gates about 4:30 a.m. and smashed windows in the guard shack . . .

Most of the protesters returned to their union hall after cutting brake lines and spilling grain from car at the EGT terminal . . .

One sergeant was threatened with baseball bats and retreated . . .

When is the Department of Homeland Security going to put unions on its list of home grown terrorist threats?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pay It Down Now, Or Pay A Lot More Later

“I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or as a .400 baseball hitter. But now I would like to come back as the bond market. You can intimidate everybody.”

-- James 'Cue Ball' Carville, quoted here