Showing posts with label Provincetown MA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Provincetown MA. Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2022

CNBC totally leaves out the epicenter of the Monkeypox outbreak at the Gran Canaria Pride Festival in its story about gay men transmitting the disease

 All CNBC says is:

The most recent surge in cases appears to have been spread among men who have sex with other men.

News about the Monkeypox outbreak linked to this Pride Festival has to be suppressed in the same way that the Provincetown, MA, COVID-19 outbreak from July 4, 2021 had to be suppressed because it was also in gay men. 85% of the victims were fully vaccinated men who were there to party.

The UK Sun told the truth that must not be spoken:

The Canaria Pride festival, held in the town of Maspalomas between May 5 and 15, has become a hotspot for the monkeypox outbreak, reports El País.

The massive party was attended by over 80,000 people, including three Italian men who later tested positive for the virus.

A health source told the newspaper: "Among the 30 or so diagnosed in Madrid, there are several who attended the event, although it is not yet possible to know if one of them is patient zero of this outbreak or if they all got infected there."

Friday, March 11, 2022

CBS eyeball news can't even get the basics right for "excess deaths" story

 The eyeball news story gets it wrong by screwing up the time frame. The reporter is just lazy:

Two years after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic, new research suggests around 18.2 million people have died worldwide as a result. That toll is more than three times higher than the WHO's tally of nearly 6 million officially reported COVID-19 deaths through the end of 2021.

The new figures, published Thursday in The Lancet, are based on the number of "excess deaths" in countries around the world. Researchers determined how many additional deaths occurred from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021 by modeling the number of "expected" deaths in years unaffected by a global pandemic, compared to the total number who actually died from any cause. 

You can't use "the current total".  This is March, hello. You have to use the total on 12/31/21 as the study did, which was closer to 825,000. That means C19 deaths in the US might have been as much as 37% higher than actually reported, not 18%.

The disparity between excess deaths and C19 deaths for the US is much larger than the story lets on.

Similarly with the global total figures. There were about 5.46 million deaths globally due to COVID-19 on 12/31/21, not "nearly 6 million", so the excess deaths are about 3.33 times greater than the C19 deaths, not simply 3.03 times greater.

Perhaps the most significant new piece of information from the story is that "deaths from heart attacks and stroke have climbed beyond pre-pandemic levels", but the story won't suggest that there might be an association between those deaths and mass vaccination, only with the disease itself.

How many older people have died of heart attack and stroke after vaccination without contracting COVID-19? There must be many, many millions globally, by definition, but no one is publishing this information.

The bias in favor of the safety of the vaccines will not hold up forever as new evidence like this emerges.

We were confidently told these vaccines would stop the spread, even at the 50% threshold, which turned out to be a huge lie. Even after Provincetown the authorities bent over backwards to stick with the narrative.

Then we were told the vaccines would stop serious outcomes, yet US deaths in January and February 2022 are the fifth and fourth worst months for deaths of the entire pandemic.

The time for the end of this farce is long past. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Massachusetts now reports 2,346 total cumulative breakthrough deaths, 2,240 of which have occurred since the end of July 2021, 44.5% of all COVID-19 deaths since that time

Massachusetts total COVID deaths on 7/30/21: 18,082
Massachusetts total COVID deaths on 2/19/22: 23,109
Difference: 5,027 total COVID deaths since last July
Breakthrough deaths on 2/19/22: 2,346
Breakthrough deaths by 7/30/21: 106
Difference: 2,240 breakthrough deaths since last July (44.559% of all the COVID deaths over the period)
Nice vaccine you got there.
The liars with statistics try to dilute the significance of this failure by inflating the denominator by using either total deaths or total vaccinations from time immemorial. What counts is the durability of the vaccines over time, and it is crystal clear that breakthrough deaths are not a small percentage of the COVID deaths which have occurred since Delta took over last summer.
The vaccines are not durable by any traditional definition of a vaccine, which is why CDC removed the traditional definition at the end of July when Provincetown proved the mRNA vaccines don't stop the spread and don't prevent disease.

CDC is guilty of scandalous lies.


Monday, February 21, 2022

LOL, CDC admits its withheld COVID data could be "misinterpreted" to mean the vaccines aren't effective

CDC still can't face the truth about Provincetown, so don't get your hopes up.

The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects :

Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”

Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said. ...

Last year, the agency repeatedly came under fire for not tracking so-called breakthrough infections in vaccinated Americans, and focusing only on individuals who became ill enough to be hospitalized or die. The agency presented that information as risk comparisons with unvaccinated adults, rather than provide timely snapshots of hospitalized patients stratified by age, sex, race and vaccination status.

But the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.

Ms. Nordlund confirmed that as one of the reasons. Another reason, she said, is that the data represents only 10 percent of the population of the United States. But the C.D.C. has relied on the same level of sampling to track influenza for years. ...

“We have been begging for that sort of granularity of data for two years,” said Jessica Malaty Rivera, an epidemiologist and part of the team that ran Covid Tracking Project, an independent effort that compiled data on the pandemic till March 2021.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Pandemic of the vaccinated: 46,821 US COVID-19 deaths in the first 18 days of February 2022

2,601 deaths per day, the equivalent of 72,833 through the end of the month.

71,680 died in February 2021, third worst month on record.

1 died in February 2020.

February 2022 would replace February 2021 as the third worst month yet for deaths during the entire pandemic, if the 18-day trend persisted.

It is more likely, however, to come in fourth, but only because the weekly pace has slowed since the 12th. If that slowing trend continues, total deaths will probably come in around 65,000 and may still be worse than January.

This shouldn't be happening with 252 million fully or partly vaccinated, who obviously share some of the responsibility for helping to spread this disease to vulnerable people because the CDC failed to stress the inability of the vaccines they took to stop transmission. They've known since July 27th, reported on it, were roundly mocked, but were too cowed and too invested in the vaccines to stress the truth in their main messaging.

The high percentage of breakthrough deaths since last July in places like Massachusetts, which was ground zero for the breakthrough case bomb in Provincetown on July 4th, shows that many of these same people also are victims of their misplaced faith.

Meanwhile the public has given up. Sam's Club was packed yesterday afternoon, and I could count the masks on the fingers of one hand. 

Vulnerable people should wake up and protect themselves.

No one else is going to.

You might as well be fetal tissue.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

LOL, the events of July 27, 2021 sent Albert Bourla, head of Pfizer, into such a panic that he phoned the White House to schedule a personal visit for July 28th

On July 27th, the CDC infamously issued mask guidance to the fully vaccinated as details emerged about the Provincetown, MA outbreak on July 4th where 75% of cases were among the fully vaccinated.

It was clear to the CDC at that point that the vaccines didn't stop the spread, and Pfizer obviously went into a panic, as did the CDC which had just removed the mask guidance in May.

The public deserves to know exactly what Bourla and the White House discussed on July 28th.

One thing is for sure. CDC for some reason suddenly got rid of this "vaccines prevent diseases" messaging as of July 28th.

What a coincidence!



Friday, February 11, 2022

Alex Berenson is collecting receipts, and I for one sure hope he wins his lawsuit against Twitter, as I hope Sarah Palin wins hers against The New York Times

Twitter has changed the warning label on the tweet that got Alex suspended last summer.

But of course you can't see that. Only Alex can see that. 

Evidence tampering. Admission of error.


By changing its mask guidance on July 27, 2021, the CDC itself was admitting that the vaccines don't stop infection or transmission.

The elephant in the room which to this day the medical-pharma complex denies is there.

Provincetown, MA, was impossible to ignore, so CDC warped the story to make it about Delta, not about vaccine failure.

Alex simply pointed it out and got singled out for it because the former New York Times columnist was read by too many people.

He had to be canceled, a Twitter specialty.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

LOL CDC Director Walensky at the beginning of October: With 164 million vaccinated we should expect "tens of thousands perhaps of breakthrough infections"

The US has added 10 million new cases since mid-December alone, 26 days ago. The previous record for a calendar month was Dec 2020 with 6.4 million.

January 2022 is going to be a breakthrough doozy. We have already 6.9 million cases in the first ten days of January alone.

This is what you get when you oversell an under-tested therapeutic as a vaccine.

These people should all be fired, including anyone who has blamed unvaccinated people for spreading this disease when the CDC has here months ago clearly admitted that vaccinated people are still spreading it.

Hell, they admitted it in July after Provincetown.

Vaccinated people have been spreading COVID all along.

Remember when the hysterical Rachel Maddow proclaimed her faith in the ability of the new vaccines to stop the spread?

The virus stops with every vaccinated person, she said.

It doesn't.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Michigan's top epidemiologist, Sarah Lyon-Callo, falsely states "vaccines make a big difference in terms of community spread"

They do not.

Treating the vaccines like a panacea in order to get more people vaccinated has been a huge mistake.

These "experts" have totally oversold the vaccines, promising the moon. 

Countless people have become infected as a result, and many have died.

Michigan achieved 50% fully vaccinated on August 24th, the level at which Anthony Fauci at least three times indicated would be sufficient to guarantee that there would not be another surge. 

The experts couldn't have been more wrong.








“I certainly have seen people misinterpret this as vaccines (are not) effective,” said Dr. Sarah Lyon-Callo, the state’s top epidemiologist with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. In fact, the opposite is true, she said. “The vaccines still make a big difference in terms of community spread and the risk of severe outcomes for individuals.”
CDC has said differently since the July 4 Provincetown outbreak, and is repeating it again now:

This investigation highlights that the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 can spread quickly through a highly vaccinated population and can be transmitted to others regardless of vaccination status. ... our findings underscore the need for persons who are fully vaccinated to take precautions to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to themselves and others, such as wearing a mask in public indoor settings or crowded outdoor settings, particularly during substantial or high transmission. Vaccination, although critical to reduce illness and death from COVID-19, should be complemented by layered mitigation strategies to address the COVID-19 pandemic (25,31).

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Though 13% less deadly in the US overall, both Alpha and Delta in 2021 have been much more transmissible than the 2020 virus types

The UK variant dominated in the US from April-June 2021. It spawned an average of 34,793 cases per day, 28% higher than the 27,128 cases per day average for Apr-Jun 2020.

The India variant dominated in the US from July 1, 2021, and still does. Average cases per day for the five months Jul-Nov 2021 were 97,449, 35% higher than the 71,932 cases per day average for Jul-Nov 2020.

The data is once again consistent with the theory that viruses evolve to survive at the expense of killing ability.

People who credit the vaccines for killing fewer people, however, must face the fact that the vaccines did nothing to reduce the increased spread of either variant.

That point needs to be underscored. Vaccinated people who abandoned all precautions are just as culpable as unvaccinated people who abandoned all precautions for making themselves vectors for the disease. US authorities at every level have failed to emphasize this, but especially the CDC, which has known since the July 4th Provincetown incident that vaccination does nothing to stop transmission. Instead they have treated the vaccines as a panacea, when they obviously are not.

For all we know, deaths are down because the variants are less deadly, or because of improved treatment methods in hospitals and outpatient settings, or because of slight but effective changes to behavior, or because the low hanging fruit is already dead, or because of some combination of these.

But one thing is for sure, the variants are spreading like crazy despite mass vaccination.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Massachusetts shouldn't have had a Delta surge at all, and neither should the United States as a whole

We have known since July 30th from the Provincetown, MA outbreak on July 4th that the vaccines do not stop the spread, but the insane powers that be continue to insist that the jab is all we need.

Since the CDC considers the basic reproduction number for this disease to be 2.5, herd immunity should have been achieved in Massachusetts at about 60% fully vaccinated/survived infection. This is why Anthony Fauci had kept insisting that getting the country to 50% would prevent a surge.

But on July 4th Massachusetts was already at 71.9% fully vaccinated/survived infection (692k total announced cases minus total announced deaths, 4.28 million fully vaccinated, population of 6.912 million). 

If the vaccines work to inhibit spread, which is what people expect of a vaccine worthy of the name, Massachusetts shouldn't have had a Delta surge after July 4th AT ALL, let alone the high level of daily new cases it has experienced continuously since then.

And in the United States as a whole on July 4th, the fully vaccinated plus those who survived infection totaled 193.787 million, or 58.3% of the population of 332.4 million.

The Delta surge shouldn't have happened in the country at large either, if the vaccines work as INCESSANTLY sold to us.

They obviously do not inhibit spread, but because people commonly think that they do, the pandemic continues.

We're insane.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

How come US C19 cases EXPLODED in August even though the country was 49% fully-vaccinated by Aug 1?

Anthony Fauci, The Wall Street Journal, Apr 28, 2021:

"When you get to somewhere between 40 -50%, I believe you’re going to start seeing real change, the start of a precipitous drop in cases”.

Obviously cases exploded because Fauci was wildly mistaken about the vaccines and 165 million fully-vaccinated Americans were as capable of spreading C19 from Aug 1 as were the fewer than 500 fully-vaccinated but infected Provincetown, MA, revelers on Jul 4. Half of those revelers were vaccinated only 6-86 days before they became infected there.

The CDC reversed itself on masks far too late, on Jul 27, after it realized that Provincetown showed that the vaccines do not stop the spread.

This is the dirtiest little secret of the year, too dirty to be repeated in public.



Thursday, October 7, 2021

The big news in the huge Qatar study of 907k is NOT that Pfizer effectiveness against infection fell to only 20% in months five to seven after the second dose

In a huge Qatar study of 907k, Pfizer effectiveness against infection fell to only 20% in months five to seven after the second dose, which is admittedly pretty shocking (but don't get distracted by the shiny object -- boosters!):

The results indicated that vaccine effectiveness against any SARS-CoV-2 infection was 36.8% (95% CI, 33.2-40.2) in the third week after the first dose, peaking at 77.5% (95% CI, 76.4-78.6) in the first month following the second dose. Effectiveness gradually waned thereafter, then dropped after the fourth month to reach about 20% in the fifth through seventh months, according to the researchers.  

“These findings suggest that a large proportion of the vaccinated population could lose its protection against infection in the coming months, perhaps increasing the potential for new epidemic waves,” Chemaitelly and colleagues wrote.


But these claims fly in the face of the Provincetown incident of July 4th, where there was mass infection among fully vaccinated individuals, a plurality of whom had received Pfizer. Loss of protection against infection appears to be coterminous with vaccination "protection", not something which occurs after month seven, for example. The median interval from completion of vaccination to symptom onset in that incident was 3 months, which means half of the infected symptomatic cohort had been recently vaccinated (6-86 days!):

Among fully vaccinated symptomatic persons, the median interval from completion of ≥14 days after the final vaccine dose to symptom onset was 86 days (range = 6–178 days).

Despite achieving 50% of population fully vaccinated by July 2 (59.3% one dose), new cases per 
million in Qatar nearly doubled by August 22, from 43.14 to 81.36. 

Fully vaccinated people can and do spread the virus right away, not six months later after their shots 
"wear out".


Friday, October 1, 2021

For the six months Apr-Sep 2021 the combined UK/India variants produced 83% more cases compared with the same six months in 2020, despite Fauci's claims that mass vaccination would cause a steep downturn in cases

Cases and deaths Apr-Sep 2020 were 7.074m and 0.2025m respectively, for a cfr of 2.863%.

Cases and deaths Apr-Sep 2021 were 12.979m and 0.1463m respectively, for a cfr of 1.127%.

The C19 case fatality rate year over year Apr-Sep 2021 was therefore down over 60%. Total deaths period over period were down almost 28%. The theory that the so-called Delta is more transmissible yet less deadly seems to hold up. The virus has evolved to spread, at the expense of its ability to kill.

That there were comparatively FAR more cases in the 2021 period, nearly 6 million more cases, despite a mass vaccination effort is remarkable. How could that be?

The powers that be are blaming the unvaccinated.

But the timeline of events indicates that the vaccinated are implicated in the latest surge in cases, and therefore also in the deaths, which at over 57k in September are almost as bad as in April 2020.

CDC removed its mask guidance for the vaccinated in mid-May, which the president and vice-president both lauded with great enthusiasm.

And by June 1, 50% of the US population had received at least one dose of a C19 vaccine.

Vaccinated people took off their masks and enjoyed their summer.

Meanwhile Anthony Fauci had indicated on at least two occasions, in December 2020 and again in April 2021, that we would start to witness a decline in cases after achieving that level. But daily new cases just seemed to shrug their shoulders for a month instead, skipping along in a tight range for all of June. Then in July they began to soar, just as the India variant became dominant.

It's important to emphasize how fantastically wrong Fauci was about this.

In December 2020 Fauci had merely said a 50% vaccination level would need to be reached before an  impact on the infection numbers would be observed, but by late April, with cases in another steep decline, he really doubled down on his claim and amplified it:

"When you get to somewhere between 40 -50%, I believe you’re going to start seeing real change, the start of a precipitous drop in cases .”

Instead of that precipitous drop he was about to get 9.8 million new cases in Jul-Sep vs. 3.1 million in Apr-Jun.

The dirty truth in all this is that the wildly growing numbers in the vaccinated population unknowingly spread the virus for 2.5 months, from mid-May through July, before the CDC reversed itself on mask guidance at the end of July after the Provincetown, MA, study showed that the virus was spreading like wildfire among vaccinated people. A Texas prison inmate study has shown the same thing since then.

Many vaccinated people have continued to spread the disease since the CDC reversed itself, however, as numerous incidents of masklessness involving celebrities and government officials demonstrate. My own veterinarians saw no need to wear masks when I took my cats in for appointments in early and late August. The late August one even asked if that was OK with me, which was hardly part of the new guidance. Mask wearing by vaccinated people, especially professionals, should have been de rigueur in close quarters in public by then.

With Pfizer vaccine effectiveness falling off to undetectable levels by month seven, we have an awful lot of people walking around who think they are bulletproof when they are not. They are instead dangerous to public health.

The surge in cases beginning in the seventh month of the year proves it.



Friday, September 24, 2021

CDC story overruling FDA on C19 boosters is just line ten news at Drudge

Seems like kind of a big deal that the freedom everyone thinks they have because of the shots now depends on having another one . . . and then probably another one, and another one, and another one, and . . ..

The July 4th outbreak in Provincetown, MA, already proved that the vaccines don't stop the spread, which is why the CDC ignominiously reversed itself on mask guidance when the study came out later that month. Another study in a Texas prison has proven the same thing in the interim. 70% of fully vaccinated inmates were infected anyway.

Vaccinated people are spreaders, and put them together in close quarters and they become superspreaders.

The CDC's own data out in two studies in August and September shows that effectiveness falls off within months of vaccination, especially among older people, and that breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise because of it.
They simply don't want to say this out loud because it means the vaccines, if not definitively a complete failure, aren't at all living up to expectations.
The booster decision says it for them.
The problem with this, however, is that they've been insinuating all along that this latest wave of cases and deaths is all the fault of the India variant, not the vaccines. The India variant is "special".
The vaccines didn't prevent the Delta wave, but the solution is supposed to be more of the same vaccines in the form of a third shot?
This is laughable, and it's the biggest story of the year.
Surging breakthrough cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in coming months will be blamed on: NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE GETTING THE THIRD SHOT!

But Drudge wants to be respectable now. That's why the story isn't the headline.



Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Huge COVID-19 outbreak among fully vaccinated Texas prison inmates mirrors huge Provincetown, MA, outbreak among fully vaccinated gay revelers July 4: The vaccinated are spreading the disease

 Story BURIED by AP Obama here (Drudge also buried the story last night, shown below):

NEW YORK — A new study of Texas prison inmates provides more evidence that coronavirus can spread even in groups where most people are vaccinated.

A COVID-19 outbreak at a federal prison in July and August infected 172 male inmates in two prison housing units, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released Tuesday.

About 80% of the inmates in the units had been vaccinated. More than 90% of the unvaccinated inmates wound up being infected, as did 70% of the fully vaccinated prisoners.

Severe illness, however, was more common among the unvaccinated. The hospitalization rate was almost 10 times higher for them compared with those who got the shots.

It echoes research into a July outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts, where several hundred people were infected -- about three-quarters of whom were fully vaccinated.

Such reports have prompted a renewed push by health officials for even vaccinated people to wear masks and take other precautions. They believe the delta variant, a version of coronavirus that spreads more easily, and possibly waning immunity may be playing a role.

The authors did not identify the prison, but media reports in July detailed a similar-sized outbreak at the federal prison in Texarkana.

Just look at that html:



Wednesday, September 15, 2021

On Sep 10 the CDC admitted that breakthrough cases have more than tripled in June-July compared to April-June, breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths doubled

None dare call it vaccine failure. CDC just calls it lower VE, vaccine effectiveness.

It's buried in paragraph 10:

During April 4–June 19, fully vaccinated persons accounted for 5% of cases, 7% of hospitalizations, and 8% of deaths overall; these percentages were higher during June 20–July 17 (18%, 14%, and 16%, respectively).

Using the reported 37% vaccination coverage for the 13 jurisdictions during April 4–June 19 and an assumption of 90% VE, vaccinated persons would have been expected to account for 6% of cases (close to the 5% observed). With 53% coverage reported during June 20–July 17, vaccinated persons were expected to account for 10% of cases at a constant VE of 90%; the observed 18% would have been expected at a lower VE of 80%.

So as the vaccines wear off, even though you have increased vaccine coverage in the interim, meaning the percentage of the population vaccinated has increased, you get more breakthrough cases, more hospitalizations, and more deaths than you would earlier with less "coverage" because vaccine effectiveness was previously stronger.

In other words, the absence of breakthrough cases early in the mass vaccination effort was simply an illusion, an artifact of not enough time having passed for the VE to decay.

CNN reports the sad story of a 66 year old immunocompromised mother who died of COVID-19 in early September even though she was fully vaccinated in March. She had traveled to Mississippi in July. In her obituary her family blames the unvaccinated in Mississippi for her death.

That's appalling, because waning vaccine effectiveness is to blame, along with her misplaced faith in the vaccines, derived from the 24/7 propaganda sales campaign of the CDC, the federal government and the medical establishment, which have whipped up an hysteria about getting vacccinated to avoid a serious outcome, an outcome which it is increasingly clear this vaccine cannot provide over the long haul.

That's why the booster shot is being teed up.

But the way this is going, you are going to need a booster every few months for the damn thing to do you any good.

And at this point no one knows whether that will be dangerous or not.

But know this. The Powers That Be have heard the objections at the FDA that the most serious side effects to the vaccines come after the second shot. What will happen after a third? A fourth? A fifth? 

They do NOT KNOW.

The vaccines do not make you bullet-proof. The vaccines wear off. And your misplaced faith in them means you can spread the virus asymptomatically, as the July 4 study in Provincetown showed, and eventually you can become more vulnerable to getting COVID-19 yourself.


Monday, August 30, 2021

Globally speaking, the India variant wave appears already to have peaked both in respect of cases/million and deaths/million

It also looks as if the India variant has been not only less deadly, but less infectious as well, not more as most experts had been saying.

The January outbreak remains the dominant one of all the waves so far as to cases, but as to deaths we are clearly seeing a step down in severity.

I'm sure vaccine advocates will chalk it all up to the success of the vaccines, ignoring that the latest wave began on the first day of summer, fully six months into the mass vaccination effort, which most certainly did not prevent infection and transmission as the US CDC continues to say to this day. Pointing this out on Twitter a few days ago got Alex Berenson finally and permanently banned.

The Vaccine Church wants to credit the dramatic decline in cases since January to the vaccines, but refuses to own the wave of July and August. Instead it blames the unvaccinated at the same time it admits that vaccinated people get infected and spread the disease, as was proven by the dramatic Provincetown, Massachusetts, incident. Conveniently for the investors in big pharma, the CDC doesn't count breakthrough cases unless they end up in hospital or die, excluding from the statistics an entire class of superspreaders. There are literally hundreds of millions of them.

Meanwhile as to deaths few will consider that the easy fruit had already been harvested by the Grim Reaper before the India variant even arrived, that as to cases prior infection immunized millions while millions more who were vaccinated relaxed masking and social distancing, with official encouragement, spreading the virus.

There is also the simple fact of seasonality, which may loom larger than we know.

No one can really say.

There isn't just one variable to blame or credit, but that is what tired, frightened, small, greedy, and often hysterical minds end up doing.

It's human nature.

The virus may or may not peter out, but we'll always have human nature.



Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The CDC managed to change the subject from breakthrough cases to masks in one stroke, and the right has glommed on to it like the suckers they are

AP Obama last week:

Health officials on Friday released details of that research, which was key in this week’s decision by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to recommend that vaccinated people return to wearing masks indoors in parts of the U.S. where the delta variant is fueling infection surges. The authors said the findings suggest that the CDC’s mask guidance should be expanded to include the entire country, even outside of hot spots.

The findings have the potential to upend past thinking about how the disease is spread. Previously, vaccinated people who got infected were thought to have low levels of virus and to be unlikely to pass it to others. But the new data shows that is not the case with the delta variant.

The outbreak in Provincetown — a seaside tourist spot on Cape Cod in the county with Massachusetts’ highest vaccination rate — has so far included more than 900 cases. About three-quarters of them were people who were fully vaccinated. ...

People with breakthrough infections make up an increasing portion of hospitalizations and in-hospital deaths among COVID-19 patients, coinciding with the spread of the delta variant, according to the leaked documents. ...

The CDC report is based on about 470 COVID-19 cases linked to the Provincetown festivities, which included densely packed indoor and outdoor holiday events at bars, restaurants, guest houses and rental homes.

Researchers ran tests on a portion of them and found roughly the same level of virus in those who were fully vaccinated and those who were not.

Three-quarters of the infections were in fully vaccinated individuals. Among those fully vaccinated, about 80% experienced symptoms with the most common being cough, headache, sore throat, muscle aches and fever.

The whole thing is here.

The real story here is about vaccine failure, not masks.

The idea that we could find a cure for this ramped up cold virus, in a year!, is as preposterous as finding one for the original thing. Ever. Same with the flu. Every year you get a new flu shot because . . . you have to. The damn things mutate.

So they guess which strain will be dominant and you pays your money and you takes your chance. Often there are several shots to choose from, targeted at different strains. Inevitably they choose wrong, and so do you.

That's what the future holds for COVID-19. We'll most likely be faced with an infinite series of mutations. With any luck the things will concentrate on mutating to survive instead of to kill, and become less deadly. That's already the take on the Delta variant.

But The Powers That Be know how to get your goat if you are right of center and turn an imminent prospect of political disgrace over vaccines into something else: Distract you from the facts and make it about something else, in order to maximize the political opportunity the political disaster presents. It's pure Alinskyism. Pure Rahm Emanuel. Nothing has defined the stupid political polarization between Republicans and Democrats on the street currently better than masks.

Remember how it used to be the Red Hat?

The more things change the more they stay the same.

The left is playing the right like a fiddle.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Anthony Fauci falsely stated on MSNBC that with the Delta variant "the level of virus in their nasopharynx is about 1,000 times higher than with the alpha variant"

Nope. He's wrong. CDC says 10 times higher than with the Alpha, not 1,000 times. 

Infection with the Delta variant produces virus amounts in the airways that are tenfold higher than what is seen in people infected with the Alpha variant, which is also highly contagious, the document noted.

The amount of virus in a person infected with Delta is a thousandfold more than what is seen in people infected with the original version of the virus, according to one recent study.

The C.D.C. document relies on data from multiple studies, including an analysis of a recent outbreak in Provincetown, Mass., which began after the town’s Fourth of July festivities. By Thursday, that cluster had grown to 882 cases. About 74 percent were vaccinated, local health officials have said.

From The New York Times here

Here is Fauci getting it wildly wrong.

Is he just getting too old for this, or is this a deliberate attempt to whip up hysteria about Delta?