Showing posts with label The National Interest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The National Interest. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2016

John Kasich, lunatic Bushie who wants to start a hot war with Russia over Ukraine, Finland or Sweden

From the debate in Detroit:

In Russia, we need to tell them we're going to arm the Ukrainians with defensive lethal weapons. And we're going to tell Putin if you attack anybody in Eastern Europe in NATO, you attack Finland and Sweden, which is not in NATO, consider it an attack on us. And he will understand that.

Representative Dana Rohrabacher (CA-48) says "This is belligerent nonsense". 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: Russia should be our natural ally, but instead Obama is being belligerent

Here in The National Interest:

Today, we have . . . a waning military capacity coupled with petulant policies towards Russia, a country that could be an ally against such mutual enemies as radical Islam and, potentially, an expanding China.

It represents a stunning and total failure of vision, moral and strategic. We must cast aside such absurd, costly, unachievable and un-American ambitions that would have us policing and garrisoning the planet, intervening in every conflict. We must favor a policy that cultivates mutually beneficial relations with nations of like culture and values, negotiating smartly in the national interest—all, of course, while maintaining a defensive military posture second to none. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Russia to move S-300/400 missile system to Syria: deadly to F-16 iterations operated by Turkey

Reported here and here:

'One S-300 battery is a handful, but several such systems networked together into an integrated air defense system is a nearly insurmountable challenge for most fourth-generation fighters like the F-16 or F-15. As one senior U.S. Marine Corps aviator told me, the S-300 series is deadly. “A complete game changer for all fourth-gen aircraft [like the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18]. That thing is a beast and you don’t want to get near it,” he said.'