Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Thursday, September 1, 2022
As with electric cars, rooftop solar energy is great until it blows up and starts on fire: Now they tell us
Between April 2020 and June 2021, solar panels atop Amazon fulfillment
centers caught fire or experienced electrical explosions at least six
different times. ...
The documents, which have never been made public, indicate that between April 2020 and June 2021, Amazon experienced “critical fire or arc flash events” in at least six of its 47 North American sites with solar installations, effecting 12.7% of such facilities. Arc flashes are a kind of electrical explosion. ...
By June of last year, all of Amazon’s U.S. operations with solar had to be taken offline . . ..
Monday, January 17, 2022
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Drudge soft-peddles the Biden stories, distorts the Trump stories
Did Trump say Afghanistan was "better than the US" as Drudge claims? Nope. Trump said their elections were better run than the US election in 2020.
Was a "White House" counselor's brother recently hired by Amazon as a lobbyist? Depends on which "White House" you mean. Certainly not the current one. The "White House" counselor is Joe Biden's counselor, and his brother conveniently was just recently hired by Amazon to lobby for it.
When I don't have Rush Limbaugh to kick around anymore, I'll always have Drudge.