Showing posts with label Melania Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melania Trump. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2025

CNBC story on Trump and Melania meme coins, introduced on Friday and Sunday, sheepishly mentions conflicts of interest

The Grifters, the sequel


The meme coins were introduced precisely to cash in on the inauguration euphoria.

Melania Trump launches cryptocurrency ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration

... The Melania token was trading at $11.16 at 10:48 a.m. London time on Monday, up more than 50%, according to data from CoinMarketCap. It has a market cap of $2.15 billion. ...

“Meme cryptocurrencies like these are prone to large fluctuations and we generally consider them as speculative assets,” he said. “The tokens released by Donald and Melania Trump appear to symbolize support for the digital currency sector. However, the introduction of these coins during the presidential inauguration raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest.” ...

Following the Sunday launch of the “Melania” token, the president-elect’s “Official Trump” coin briefly crashed as much as 40%, according to analysts at The Kobeissi Letter in a Sunday post on X.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Melania Trump is the October Surprise

 She really, really, really doesn't want to go back there.


Saturday, April 6, 2024

They don't care

 Melania Trump returns to campaign trail with pro-LGBT Republican event appearance: report

 Melania, wife of former President Donald Trump, will reportedly be attending a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans later this month, multiple publications have reported.


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Drudge recycles 5-day old story at the top of his page to smear Trump as losing his mind when it's clear Trump isn't

The first story is a five day old story where Trump was speaking in Michigan about the importance of gearing up for November, urging Michigan voters to do that by voting in their primary on Feb 27th but saying November again by mistake. This type of mistake is commonly made by people of all ages. It's also commonly made by ancient scribes.

The story about getting Melania's name wrong is simply a lie. Trump was referring to Mercedes Schlapp in the audience. The story itself is a smear.

The third is a lie about wanting Biden as president. Trump said he agreed that Putin wants Biden as president.

This looks like it's going to be a regular feature at Drudge from now on, not journalism but advocacy.

Drudge is fast becoming Rush Limbaugh's drive-by media, taking shots but never killing.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Planting "evidence": Dirty rotten FBI spent 9 hours "searching" Trump's residence on Monday after fruitless hours-long May recon mission


A source close to the former president expressed concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers conducting the search could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours. ...

In May, Corcoran granted access into Mar-a-Lago’s windowless storage room to FBI agents who spent several hours searching through the boxes. Trump stopped by the basement to say hello at one point, says someone who was there.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Rush Limbaugh: Trump supporters don't think running around with Playboy playmates means anything compared with saving the culture

Incredible. What's to save, then? 

The basis of culture is the cult, that is, religion. Mine teaches that such behavior is wrong. I'll bet Melania's does, too.

If you want to make promiscuity the new cult, well, count me out.

Keep in mind that Rush Limbaugh is a drug addict and serial monogamist who has been wrong about far more than little old GDP in his lifetime. He was ecstatic to have that flaming homo Elton John sing at his third fourth wedding, so there you go. His Methodism is thimble deep, like his education.

Trump is nothing more than a transitional figure. Once the force of his personality is gone, nothing will be left . . . unless of course he builds that wall.

For example, Lowry says this incident on tape with Trump talking to a fixer about paying off a Playboy playmate would sink anybody, particularly any Republican candidate. Why doesn’t it sink Trump? Well, we’ve been through all the reasons for this. One of Lowry’s explanations is that the bar has been set so low with Trump that no new revelation is gonna shock anybody, not after the NBC Access Hollywood video. And so there just isn’t anything that’s gonna shock anybody. Trump’s already survived numerous such attempts to take him out.

So something like this, as far as Trump supporters are concerned, there’s nothing new here. No reason to get upset. But I think it’s far more than that. I think not enough credit’s being given to the sophistication of Trump supporters. And it is that it doesn’t mean anything, when compared to what these people think is really important, like saving the country, like growing the country, like saving our culture. Whether Trump’s running around with Playboy playmates is not relevant to them.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Why do the PACs for Carly Fiorina (Ted's new VP) and Liz Mair (Melania photo in Utah) share the same P.O. Box in Virginia?

And how about that very unusual $500,000 transfer from Ted's PAC to Carly's PAC in June 2015? Did that somehow trickle over to Liz Mair's PAC to finance the UTAH operation (March 2016)?

h/t CowgerNation

screenshot this morning
screenshot this morning

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Gaydar alert: Fag for Trump gets over 11,000 comments on his op-ed, reminds us Liz Mair is "mannish"

The first point to be made is that Trump didn’t start the wife-baiting. Make America Awesome, a Trump-opposing PAC founded by the mannish Liz Mair, started circulating a particularly raunchy image of Melania Trump, urging GOP primary voters to back Cruz.