Showing posts with label Bank for International Settlements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bank for International Settlements. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2022

LOL Bank for International Settlements: "Yeah, we've only been just asking for high global inflation with our insane low rates for 15 years nonstop, but Nah, we're not too late to the game of reversing it"

The world’s central bank umbrella body, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), has called for interest rates to be raised “quickly and decisively” to prevent the surge in inflation turning into something even more problematic. ...

“The key for central banks is to act quickly and decisively before inflation becomes entrenched,” Agustín Carstens, BIS general manager, said as part of the body’s post-meeting annual report. ...

World markets are already suffering one of the biggest sell-offs in recent memory as heavyweight central banks like the U.S. Federal Reserve - and from next month the ECB - move away from record low rates and almost 15 years of back-to-back stimulus measures. ...

“Yes, you can argue a little bit here about an error of timing of certain actions and the responses of the central banks. But by and large, I think that the central banks have responded forcefully in a very agile fashion,” Carstens said.


Yeah, inflation is so tame in the Euro Area the ECB is waiting to move until "next month".

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Looming global financial catastrophe: Anglo-Saxon pioneers of QE have yet to pay its price

William White, former chief economist to the Bank for International Settlements, quoted here:

Those who argue that the US and the UK are growing faster than Europe because they carried out QE early are confusing "correlation with causality". The Anglo-Saxon pioneers have yet to pay the price. "It ain't over until the fat lady sings. There are serious side-effects building up and we don't know what will happen when they try to reverse what they have done."

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Shouldn't We Be Just A Little Worried That Spain's Jaime Caruana Heads The Bank For International Settlements?

Excerpted from the story here:

From their lofty perches, first at Spain’s central bank and then as the IMF’s top executives assessing global banking risk, José Viñals and Jaime Caruana were well positioned to sound alarms about the looming bank debacle. ...

Pressed at an IMF news conference in July 2008 about falling house prices in Spain, [Mr. Caruana] acknowledged there might be loan losses. But he said, “The financial system in Spain is able to cope with that and is properly capitalized.” ...

In Spain, the increase in house prices between 2000 and 2007 was particularly extreme — so much so that as early as 2006, a team of inspectors within the Bank of Spain sent a cautionary report to the government.

The study criticized the “passive attitude” of Mr. Caruana, who led the central bank from 2000 to 2006, and the extraordinary acceleration of loans to homebuyers and real estate developers.

The inspectors also warned of Spanish banks engaging in unusually heavy short-term borrowing at levels far beyond their deposits. ...

[A] real estate specialist based in Barcelona, says that ... the Spanish central bank in 2004, led then by Mr. Caruana, succumbed to bank lobbying and pressure from Europe by halving the amount that banks had to set aside to 15 percent of overall loans, from 30 percent. ...

Mr. Caruana’s career has since thrived. After just three years at the IMF, he left in 2009 for one of the plum global finance jobs: chief executive of the Bank for International Settlements, the Basel-based regulatory body that serves as a forum for the world’s central banks.

Don't miss the rest of the story about the other characters in this debacle, at the link above.