Giffords' neurosurgeon, Dr. Michael Lemole, said after five days of pushing for caution, "We're wise to acknowledge miracles." ...
"We had been telling her that she was inspiring the country with her courage and that we couldn't wait to take her out to pizza and a weekend away,” Gillibrand said. “Then after she heard our voices and the encouragement of Mark and her parents, she struggled briefly and opened her eyes for the very first time. It was a miracle to witness." ...
Speaking on "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" on MSNBC cable, Pelosi said: "We witnessed almost a
miracle. We saw the power of prayer, the power of the effect of the excellence of her medical care and we saw a little girl power too because we were trying to amuse
Gabby, trying to get through to her about how much she was loved and missed in the Congress and what was waiting for her when she came back."
"And being there with her parents and her husband and when she opened her eyes was quite remarkable. ... It was a glorious, glorious experience. We thought we brought a little fun to the room and she reacted," she said.