Showing posts with label Merrick Garland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merrick Garland. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Republicans under Trump lay the groundwork for the police state which Democrats could only wish for: AG Pam Bondi threatens US House Representative Crockett (TX-30) with terrorism charge

 In the future, everything wrong will be deemed "domestic terror" and suffer the draconian punishments for domestic terror.
Attorney General Pam Bondi, who has nothing better to do than appear everyday on Fox News, has the temerity to threaten a Congresswoman. Wait until it's your free speech which is threatened.
On second thought, don't wait. It already is.

... “She is an elected public official, so she needs to tread very carefully because nothing will happen to Elon Musk, and we’re going to fight to protect all of the Tesla owners throughout this country,” Bondi said during an appearance on Fox’s “Sunday Morning Futures.” ...     

If AG Merrick Garland had done this to a Republican, you would have never heard the end of it from the likes of Mark Levin and his ilk.

But hey, when Republicans do it it's OK!


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Biden DOJ under Garland and FBI under Wray vigorously prosecute non-violent pro-lifers under the Face Act while turning a blind eye to hundreds of violent pro-abortion attacks


My organization has been highlighting this dangerous double-standard, warning Americans that the Justice Department and FBI are exploiting the FACE Act to target and harass individuals like Eva who stand in the way of their extremist agendas. 

Just this month, a man named Elliot Bennet set fire to a Catholic Church in New Jersey. This was the third time Bennet had committed acts of violence or vandalism against the church since 2018, the 21st attack on a Catholic Church in 2024, the 274th attack since May 2022 and the 412th attack since May 2020. 

Yet the same Justice Department that is fighting to throw Eva in jail failed to prosecute Bennet for these multiple and obvious FACE Act violations. It has also failed to federally prosecute a single one of the more than 400 egregious FACE Act violations against Catholic Churches since May 2020, or to meaningfully address the 90 attacks on pregnancy resource centers across the nation since May 2022. 

These attacks don’t involve prayer and hymns. They’ve involved fire-bombings and arson, vandalism of pregnancy clinics and churches, spray painted threats on clinic and church walls, decapitated statues, smashed glass, disrupted masses, blocking of church entrances and even physical attacks on priests and parishioners. They have cost at least $25 million in damages to Catholic Churches, while intimidating hundreds of peaceful Catholic and pro-life communities. 


Saturday, March 16, 2024

Holman Jenkins for The Wall Street Journal reminds everyone that the Hur Report was released by Merrick Garland

 Who Really Released the Hur Report? Biden’s attorney general is the man who chose to let voters know about the president’s infirmity.

It’s the great unexplored theme in the Robert Hur imbroglio. The decision to release the Hur report, with its portrayal of a confused and forgetful president, wasn’t mandatory and neither did it rest with Mr. Hur, despite the congressional grilling he received this week.

The decision rested with Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Everyone with a brain knows this. Even Molly Jong-Fast knows this. It was not unexplored. She jumped on it right away, like a chicken on a June Bug.

The question is Why did Garland do it? Molly thinks it's because Garland is a Secret Republican ™, which is ridiculous.

The great unexplored thing in all this remains The Context™, to which no one is paying attention, because Boring™:  the DOJ policy which immunizes the sitting president from prosecution.

Is anyone talking about prosecuting Biden once he's out? Hello?

Hur tells you the policy right up front, then says all this bad stuff about Joe, which is really bad. But Garland chose to let you read that, despite the policy.

That's the point. It's a really big deal. Garland thinks what Biden did is really bad, and that Joe is incompetent to serve.

I still say it was a trial balloon by Garland, to see if Biden cabinet members would rise to the occasion to remove the befuddled old man. 

Jenkins doesn't really appreciate that. It has to be more than all the personal attacks Merrick Garland has had to endure from the Bidens.

Garland has been running interference for this guy from day one. He's been Joe's wingman no less than Eric Holder was Barack Obama's.

But Joe is too incompetent to even appreciate it. That's what really stung Garland.




Monday, February 19, 2024

This story by Tim Stanley is both lazy and stupid, which is quite an achievement

Inside the plot to replace elderly Joe Biden

The story offers no evidence whatsoever of any such plot. It's ridiculous on its face.

And it is laughably mistaken about involuntary removal of the president:

The DNC is hierarchical, disciplined and packed with Biden supporters; there’s no mechanism in place to move against the president if he doesn’t want to go.

Of course there's a mechanism if he doesn't want to go. It's just that it has nothing to do with the DNC. It's called the 25th Amendment:

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

But Stanley's evidently never heard of it. He spends zero time, zip, zilch, nada, telling us anything about Biden's cabinet secretaries' possible support for removing Biden on grounds of senility. Stanley doesn't even speculate about why Attorney General Merrick Garland allowed Robert Hur to get away with showcasing the president's incompetence to stand trial in the first place.

Is Garland actually the ring leader of a cabinet plot to remove Biden? We know Biden has been unhappy with Garland for now many months. Maybe Hur's report was the trial balloon, hoping to sniff out support in the rest of the cabinet.

But we'll never know because Tim Stanley was too lazy to do the leg work as a reporter to find that out.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Good gridlock politics: Impeach 'em all


Monday, February 12, 2024

Molly, Molly, Molly, you watch too many movies


Saturday, December 23, 2023

While everyone watched Hunter Biden grandstand on Dec 14th, the woman at the center of the allegations that the Merrick Garland DOJ slow-walked and obstructed the investigation against the Bidens, Lesley Wolf, did exactly that to Congress

Look! Over there! A deer! And Congressman Eric Swalwell is with him!

Lesley Wolf, prosecutor accused of working to 'limit' questions about 'big guy' in Hunter probe, out at DOJ


Lesley Wolf left the DOJ weeks ago, a source said


Hunter Biden skips deposition and angers Republicans

Fox News correspondent David Spunt has the latest on the first son's refusal to testify on 'Special Report.'


The assistant U.S. attorney who was accused of limiting questions related to President Biden during the federal investigation into Hunter Biden is no longer employed by the Justice Department, Fox News has learned. 

Lesley Wolf, who served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware, is no longer with the DOJ, according to a source familiar with the situation. 

The source said Wolf had longstanding plans to leave the Department of Justice and did so weeks ago. 

Wolf, who IRS whistleblowers claimed slow-walked the Hunter Biden investigation, is sitting for a transcribed interview before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday morning. 

Specifically, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley alleged that Wolf worked to "limit" questioning related to President Biden and apparent references to Biden as "dad" or "the big guy."

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

Brooke Singman is a Fox News Digital politics reporter. You can reach her at or @BrookeSingman on Twitter.




WASHINGTON — The former federal prosecutor who allegedly shielded President Biden and his son Hunter during a criminal investigation testified 79 times to Congress that she was “not authorized” by the Justice Department to answer questions about the case, according to a transcript reviewed by The Post.

Former Delaware Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf repeatedly cited a five-page authorization letter from Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer as she refused to answer questions during a House Judiciary Committee deposition last week.

Weinsheimer’s Dec. 12 letter, also reviewed by The Post, says: “[T]he Department generally does not authorize congressional testimony from line-level personnel, especially relating to an ongoing investigation with charges pending in court. The Department has declined to do so in connection with this matter.”

Wolf’s dozens of refusals to answer questions — just one day after the full House voted to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden — frustrated attempts to firm up the storyline involving what whistleblowers say was a sweeping cover-up by Wolf and colleagues to protect the Biden family.

President Joe Biden, and his son Hunter Biden arrive at Fort McNair, Sunday, June 25, 2023, in Washington.

A former federal prosecutor who allegedly shielded President Biden and his son Hunter during a criminal investigation testified that she was “not authorized” to answer questions about her actions, according to a transcript. AP

The near-blanket rejection of questions follows pressure from House Republicans on the administration to allow witness testimony and could bolster GOP arguments that the White House is obstructing the inquiry, which itself could form an article of impeachment.

Two IRS agents who worked on the long-running tax fraud investigation into Hunter Biden, which focused on his foreign income from countries such as China and Ukraine, alleged in prior testimony to House committees that Wolf tipped off the first son’s lawyers to investigative steps and forbade inquiries into Joe Biden, even when communications mentioned him.

Wolf served on the squad of prosecutors that signed off on a probation-only plea deal in June for the first son on tax and gun charges, which fell apart the following month under scrutiny from a federal judge.

Lesley Wolf in an undated picture.

Lesley Wolf (above) repeatedly cited a five-page authorization letter from Bradley Weinsheimer as she refused to answer questions during a House Judiciary Committee deposition.

IRS supervisor Gary Shapley, who oversaw the Hunter Biden investigation for three years, and case agent Joseph Ziegler, who worked on the inquiry for five years, made a series of specific claims against Wolf, which she did not refute in her testimony.

Tax investigators learned in December 2020 that Wolf “reached out to Hunter Biden’s defense counsel and told them” about investigators’ plans to search a northern Virginia storage unit that contained business records, “circumventing our chance to get to evidence from potentially being destroyed, manipulated or concealed,” Ziegler testified in July.

Shapley testified that investigators were months earlier barred from searching a guest house at Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Del., home, where Hunter often stayed.

Wolf's refusals to answer questions comes one day after the full House voted to authorize an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

Wolf’s refusals to answer questions come one day after the full House voted to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. REUTERS

Shapley said that on Sept. 3, 2020, “Wolf told us there was more than enough probable cause for the physical search warrant there, but the question was whether the juice was worth the squeeze.”

Wolf also allegedly objected during a meeting on Dec. 3, 2020, to questioning a key Biden family associate, Rob Walker, about the president.

“Wolf interjected and said she did not want to ask about the big guy and stated she did not want to ask questions about ‘dad,’” he said. 

“When multiple people in the room spoke up and objected that we had to ask, she responded, there’s no specific criminality to that line of questioning. This upset the FBI, too,” Shapley testified.

Wolf served as a key point person for the investigation, serving under Delaware US Attorney David Weiss.

The whistleblowers accused Weiss’ office of giving Hunter Biden’s legal team advance knowledge of a planned interview attempt in late 2020, scuttling a planned approach, and said prosecutors didn’t pass along a paid FBI informant’s tip that Joe and Hunter Biden received $10 million in bribes from Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid Hunter a salary of up to $1 million to serve on its board beginning in 2014 when his vice president dad led US policy toward the country.

Wolf allegedly instructed FBI agents in August 2020 to remove references to Joe Biden from a search warrant affidavit, writing, “Someone needs to redraft [the affidavit] … There should be nothing about Political Figure 1 in here,” according to an email released by the Ways & Means Committee.

“That email, I think, is super important because it’s a one-off example in writing of the constant concern of following investigative leads that might lead to Joe Biden,” Ziegler said last week in a Fox News interview.

“The FBI agents who drafted that affidavit, they believed that they had sufficient evidence — probable cause — to support including Political Figure 1 in that affidavit,” said the self-identified Democrat.

IRS supervisor Gary Shapley (not pictured) oversaw the Hunter Biden investigation for three years.

IRS supervisor Gary Shapley (not pictured) oversaw the Hunter Biden investigation for three years. REUTERS

“That related to [Ukrainian energy company] Burisma, access to Joe Biden and access to the administration and there was ample evidence that was included in that affidavit that’s supported including Political Figure 1. That has a waterfall effect on the investigation because those emails that we’re searching for might not come through to the team.”

Shapley and Ziegler said they were not allowed to get cellphone geolocation data that could have proved Joe Biden was with his son in July 2017 when Hunter sent a threatening text message to a Chinese government-linked businessman saying, “I am sitting here with my father,” and warning of retribution. 

Within 10 days of that message, $5.1 million flowed to accounts linked to Hunter and first brother James Biden from CEFC China Energy — after a tranche of $1 million earlier that year, less than two months after Biden left office as vice president.

Internal Revenue Service whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley testify in the House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing about alleged meddling in the Justice Department's investigation of Hunter Biden.

Internal Revenue Service whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley testify in the House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing about alleged meddling in the Justice Department’s investigation of Hunter Biden. REUTERS

A May 2017 email penciled in Joe Biden, referred to as the “big guy,” for a 10% cut from CEFC dealings.

The IRS whistleblowers say that — in addition to preferential treatment for Joe and Hunter Biden — Attorney General Merrick Garland misled Congress under oath about Weiss’ ability to independently bring criminal charges against Hunter Biden.

Biden-appointed US attorneys in Los Angeles and Washington have confirmed in testimony that they declined to partner with Weiss, who in August was elevated by Garland to be a special counsel, allowing him to bring charges independently outside of Delaware.

The DOJ didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment about Wolf’s testimony.


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Neither Weiss, who asked to be appointed special counsel, nor Garland, who appointed him, realize Weiss is ineligible according to the law

 Real confidence inspiring, isn't it?

The entire Washington Democrat regime is a farce.


The Hunter Biden special prosecutor, David Weiss, is the Delaware US Attorney appointed by Trump who signed off on the softball agreement thrown out by the judge in the first place

Merrick Garland's evil genius:

Appoint a screw-up appointed by Trump to place him and the Hunter investigation off the political stage at the Republican House hearings, and hope Weiss keeps screwing up. 




Weiss has long maintained that Garland hamstrung his investigation of Hunter Biden, but on the other hand Weiss let both Lesley Wolf and long time close Biden family operative Alexander Mackler work in his office to deflect the heat on Hunter Biden according to IRS whistleblowers, which just goes to show that a poor appointment is a poor appointment. In addition to going soft on Hunter Biden, the plea agreement Weiss originally negotiated with Hunter Biden gave him a get out of jail free card.

How did Weiss miss that and the judge didn't?

Judge Noreika specifically balked at that on July 26th, contrary to what most drive-by media want you to think the blowup of the agreement was about:

However, near the end of the diversionary agreement was a paragraph reading, in part, “The United States agrees not to criminally prosecute Biden, outside of the terms of this Agreement, for any federal crimes” committed by the first son for which the statute of limitations had not already expired. ... US District Judge Maryellen Noreika smelled a rat, complaining that she was not given a copy of the crucial paragraph until just before the hearing began.


Expect nothing satisfactory from Weiss' investigation going forward.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The biggest turd at the Department of Justice is Merrick Garland

 When Obama nominated that guy for the Supreme Court, it was like throwing a Molotov Cocktail at it.

The federal prosecutor tasked with investigating Hunter Biden told at least six witnesses last year that he lacked authority to charge the first son outside Delaware and was denied special counsel status, according to an IRS whistleblower — and now the House Judiciary Committee wants to talk to them.

Delaware US Attorney David Weiss made the shocking disclosure at an Oct. 7, 2022, meeting with top IRS and FBI officials — contradicting sworn testimony from Attorney General Merrick Garland, IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley told the House Ways and Means Committee last month. ...

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Sunday that Republicans will launch an impeachment inquiry into Garland if Shapley’s account is corroborated.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

After Nov 2 discovery of UPenn Biden Center classified documents, FBI agreed to let search for more documents be handled by the fox in the chicken coop

 DOJ and FBI are as corrupt as the day is long.

The Wall Street Journal, here:  

After Mr. Biden’s lawyers discovered documents marked as classified dating from his term as vice president at an office he used at a Washington-based think tank on Nov. 2, the Justice Department opened an inquiry into why and how they got there. Mr. Biden’s legal team prepared to search his other properties for any similar documents, and discussed with the Justice Department the prospect of having FBI agents present while Mr. Biden’s lawyers conducted the additional searches.
Instead, the two sides agreed that Mr. Biden’s personal attorneys would inspect the homes, notify the Justice Department as soon as they identified any other potentially classified records, and arrange for law-enforcement authorities to take them. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Trump witch hunt continues: Garland's new special counsel is linked to Lois Lerner while the wife is linked to anti-semitic Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib

 Mr. Smith set up a meeting in October 2010 with IRS official Lois Lerner “to discuss how the IRS could assist in the criminal enforcement of campaign-finance laws against politically active nonprofits.” ... Federal Election Commission records show that Ms. Chevigny contributed $1,000 each to Mr. Biden’s 2020 campaign, Biden for President and the Biden Victory Fund super PAC, in September 2020. She also donated $150 to a campaign committee supporting Democrat Rashida Tlaib in 2008, when Ms. Tlaib was running for the Michigan House of Representatives.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The FBI illegally deprived Trump access to his papers, and the hullabaloo about classified materials is total crap: Merrick Garland is a renegade who should be impeached

The Presidential Records Act became effective in 1981, at the start of Ronald Reagan’s presidency. It established a unique statutory scheme, balancing the needs of the government, former presidents and history. The law declares presidential records to be public property and provides that “the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records.” 
The PRA lays out detailed requirements for how the archivist is to administer the records, handle privilege claims, make the records public, and impose restrictions on access. Notably, it doesn’t address the process by which a former president’s records are physically to be turned over to the archivist, or set any deadline, leaving this matter to be negotiated between the archivist and the former president. The PRA explicitly guarantees a former president continuing access to his papers. Those papers must ultimately be made public, but in the meantime ... the PRA establishes restrictions on access to a former president’s records, including a five-year restriction on access applicable to everyone (including the sitting president, absent a showing of need), which can be extended until the records have been properly reviewed and processed. Before leaving office, a president can restrict access to certain materials for up to 12 years. ...
In making a former president’s records available to him, the PRA doesn’t distinguish between materials that are and aren’t classified. That was a deliberate choice by Congress, as the existence of highly classified materials at the White House was a given long before 1978, and the statute specifically contemplates that classified materials will be present—making this a basis on which a president can impose a 12-year moratorium on public access.


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Mark Levin had Senator Mike Lee on the show on Friday, called him a national treasure

 You remember Mike Lee, libertarian open borders squish.

He's the guy who shepherded through the Trump crime reform bill, otherwise known as the get out of jail free card, which Trump signed in December 2018, about 18 months before the country blew up in a wave of rioting, looting, and violent crime.

He's also the guy who proposed Merrick Garland for FBI Director, who as Attorney General is responsible for investigating moms and pops going to school board meetings for terrorism, among other excesses at the behest of demented Uncle Joe.

I turn on the show for the first time in weeks and that's what I get. It's like never playing darts but hitting the bullseye every time I do.

Levin is nothing if not consistently wrong.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Vaccine failure: Gridiron Club dinner on April 2 was a superspreader event among the triple-jabbed elites of Washington

New York City Mayor Eric Adams tested positive for the virus on Sunday after waking up with a raspy voice. Adams attended the Gridiron Dinner in Washington, an annual event that brings together prominent government officials and journalists. At least 80 people who attended the dinner, the first since 2019, have tested positive for Covid including several senior government officials, according to Gridiron Club President Tom DeFrank.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Reps. Joaquin Castro and Adam Schiff, and Sen. Susan Collins all tested positive after attending the dinner.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D- Calif., also tested positive for Covid last week but wasn’t experiencing any symptoms and didn’t attend the Gridiron Dinner. Pelosi’s positive result came a day after she stood next to President Joe Biden at a bill-signing ceremony. Biden, who also did not attend the Gridiron Dinner, subsequently tested negative for Covid. 


In calendar year 2021 in the US 99.85% didn't die of COVID, with mass vaccination, and in calendar year 2020 in the US 99.89% didn't die, with no mass vaccination.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Prediction: Nancy Pelosi will hold the articles of impeachment through the November 2020 election in order to get the Senate back in Democrat hands

After which she'll send the articles up to the Senate and get Trump convicted and expelled.

Her justification will be McConnell refusing to give Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland a hearing in 2016.

It's a gamble because the articles will have to be reauthorized in the next Congress, and presumes a Democrat sweep of both chambers. But what have they got to lose, except failure now or failure later?

Better to fail later and try to make political hay now while the sun shines.