Showing posts with label Kristen Clarke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kristen Clarke. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Kristen Clarke, Biden's Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights and promoter of anti-semitic black supremacist Anthony Martin, now revealed to have lied under oath at Senate confirmation



She had attacked her ex-husband with a knife but lied about her arrest.

Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke admitted Wednesday that she was arrested and chose not to disclose the legal matter during her Senate confirmation process because it had been expunged from her record.


Her appointment stank in 2021, and it reeks now. She aggressively prosecutes peaceful abortion protesters but turns a blind eye to actual violent attacks on pro-life facilities.

Clarke not only invited notorious anti-Semite and black supremacist quack Anthony Martin — whose racist theories happen to comport perfectly with the ones she presented in her letter — to speak at Harvard, but also praised his intelligence and the veracity of his work. In her letter, Clarke specifically points to a doctor named Carol Barnes to claim “melanin theory” is what gives “Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.” In those days, bigoted pseudo-intellectuals such as Martin and Leonard Jeffries were quite popular on campuses.

-- National Review reported