Showing posts with label Christine Ford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christine Ford. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Speaking of mendacity, here's Buck Sexton insinuating that Kamala Harris deployed Christine Ford against Brett Kavanaugh when it was Anna Eshoo and Diane Feinstein

 But of course the lapdogs just lap up this rewriting of history, which is deployed now because Kamala Harris is on the cusp.

Kamala simply piled on the pig-pile after the fact and has never done anything notable either as a senator or as VP.

She's a Didn't Earn It hire who came in a distant fourth in November 2019 in presidential polling . . . in her own state of California. That's why she dropped out.

Not even California wanted her anywhere near the White House.



Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A libertarian society just shrugs its shoulders at everything because it believes in nothing

Bruce Jenner is a girl. Rachel Dolezal is black. Donald Trump will deport millions.

The anarchy will end when Draco arrives.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Brilliant point by Rush Limbaugh: Senators Dianne Feinstein and now Elizabeth Warren launched October election surprises

I think including Hillary in this October surprise stuff is stretching it, though. Hillary is a follower, not a leader. She's just chiming in, piling on. And Christine Ford was simply Feinstein's foil, not a separate player.

But as for these two Senate Democrat luminaries, both of their efforts indeed have and are blowing up in their faces despite their transparent attempt to sway the 2018 Election.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Monica McLean denies Ford prepped her on polygraph exams

Reported here:

“I have NEVER had Christine Blasey Ford, or anybody else, prepare me, or provide any other type of assistance whatsoever in connection with any polygraph exam I have taken at anytime,” Monica McLean said in a statement Wednesday.

Ford's ex-boyfriend isn't simply a case of he said, she said: He names Monica L. McLean, whom Ford prepared for a polygraph test

I'm sure the Senate Judiciary Committee, or the FBI, is following up on her to corroborate the boyfriend's sworn testimony.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Christine Ford's brain got tired trying to keep her story straight, Kavanaugh was fueled by endless resources of truth

Ford's lawyer Katz agrees in principle that therapist's notes and medical records should be released to FBI

Christine Ford may have changed the date of alleged assault from mid-1980s to 1982 after reading Mark Judge's book

Ford's original claim in her therapist's records was that she was in her late teens in the mid-1980s when an assault occurred involving four boys, as reported by WaPo.

Margot Cleveland here thinks Ford changed this to 1982 when she was fifteen involving two boys after reading Mark Judge's book, which may be the reason why Ford has refused to turn over the therapist's records.

Detail of Ford testimony about seeing Mark Judge at Safeway comes straight out of Judge's own book

Evidence builds that Ford's story is fabricated to ruin Kavanaugh. The possible motives include politics, ideology, and perhaps an actual perceived slight when a teenager now blown up out of all proportion into this sad affair.

Christine Ford misrepresented herself as a psychologist under oath, Stanford hastily scrubs her faculty page

Testifying under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford identified herself as a ‘psychologist,’ but records indict this is a false statement under California law. Someone at Stanford University also appears to have caught the blunder and edited Ford’s faculty page.

Just one sentence into her sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford may have told a lie.

After thanking members of the committee on Thursday, and while under oath, Ford opened her testimony saying, “My name is Christine Blasey Ford, I am a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”

The issue lies with the word “psychologist,” and Ford potentially misrepresenting herself and her credentials, an infraction that is taken very seriously in the psychology field as well as under California law.

Ford became "popular figure on the Dewey Beach bar scene" in the summers after alleged assault

DEWEY BEACH, Delaware — Christine Blasey Ford grew up in Washington’s affluent Maryland suburbs, graduated from an expensive all-girls private high school and spent summers immersed in the wild nightlife of this Eastern Shore resort town. ... Longtime residents of Dewey Beach, a Delaware resort known in the late 1980s as a place where the college students who worked the other resorts lived and partied, remember her nights waitressing at the Waterfront, a raucous bayside bar. ... Ms. Blasey Ford was a popular figure on the Dewey Beach bar scene.