Showing posts with label Tom Slater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Slater. Show all posts

Saturday, February 19, 2022

The left is phony, a clerisy suffering from Tourette's Syndrome, the bourgeois tool of neoliberalism: Brexit fascists! Trump fascists! Yellow vest fascists! Trucker fascists!

 Tom Slater, here
Essentially every time working-class people have revolted against the establishment in recent years the left has joined with the centrists to denounce them as fascists. The Brexit vote? Fascists! The Trump revolt? Super fascists! The gilets jaunes? French fascists! It’s like a tic at this point, a form of political Tourette’s bred of the left’s profound disorientation. ... today’s leftists are so cloistered, so bourgeois, so much more comfortable in the faculty lounge than on the factory floor, that they not only can’t lead these revolts, they really don’t want to. ... Supposed radicals – up to their eyeballs in divisive intersectionalist politics – have become the useful idiots of a neoliberal ruling class keen to put voters firmly back in their place . . ..