Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2024

The Forehead still thinks Bill Clinton would have beat Bush 41 to a pulp had it not been for Democrat H. Ross Perot lol

And Democrat RFK Jr and progressive Shanahan may keep Biden from beating Trump.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

In famous 2003 eulogy Senator Joe Biden, having no trouble delivering oratory, said Reagan was 85 when he and Strom Thurmond met with the then 71-year old president

"The president [Reagan] then was about 85 years old".

"And I swear to the Lord in the Lord’s house this is a true story. ...  And the President -- true story -- President looked very sternly at Strom ..."

Ronald Reagan turned 85 in 1996 during the presidency of Bill Clinton. Biden in 2003 was off by nearly fifteen years.

The Thurmond-strong-arming-the-president anecdote, if it actually happened at all, must date to late 1982 because Reagan vetoed the Biden-Thurmond crime bill on January 15, 1983, which was what the meeting Biden recounts was about.

At about the 7 minute mark (the crowd is already skeptical of the previous anecdote's truthfulness at the 3:30 mark):


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Peter Thiel is so mistaken about homeownership in his interview with John Gray

 Peter Thiel says "To unshackle ourselves economically, one should start by attacking the extraordinarily distorted real estate market", but never once mentions how the prime culprits of the distortion were and are all Federal.

These were the commoditization of housing by the so-called Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 under Clinton and Gingrich, followed by Federal Reserve interest rate suppression under Obama after the collapse of the ensuing housing bubble it caused, re-inflating that bubble.

To Thiel "interest rates went steadily down", as if by the influence of some mysterious force. What could it be? He is not i n t e r e s t e d.

Nor does he mention a third Federal culprit, how the demand side for housing was and is distorted by 15% of the population swelling with foreign born in the UK and the US as a direct result of legally admitting millions of immigrants since 1990 in the US and since 1994 in the UK.

These are the legacies of the Bushes, Bill Clinton, John Major, and Tony Blair, now augmented by deliberate non-enforcement of the border in America by the likes of Obama and Biden, turbo-charging the demand side for housing, and prices with it, by flooding the country with illegal aliens.

Thiel observes that culturally "We became too risk-averse, too bureaucratic, too reliant on peer review in the sciences" somehow, but doesn't connect this to the aging demographics, even though he is aware of it. Not re-inflating the prices of homes of Baby Boomers would have been political suicide. He fancies this is now "over", but misses that the heirs of all this property are voters too.

This is not over.

Thiel is essentially a radical, as was Ronald Reagan and also Margaret Thatcher. He completely misses how the libertarian impulse to deregulate under Reagan and Thatcher led in a straight line to the housing catastrophe we all live with these many years later. His libertarianism is myopic.

John Gray: "The difference is that this Truss wing of the Conservative Party wants to go back to Thatcher because they see that as a radical moment and they want to repeat the radical moments. But radical moments are very hard to keep repeating."

Peter Thiel: "They’re hard to repeat by doing the same thing. It was a one-time move to deregulate and lower taxes and then it’s not clear that doing it the second time does much good. ... The Reagan and Thatcher administrations ... allowed more companies to be acquired, more M&A activity to happen. It was a somewhat brutal but very powerful reorganization of society that was possible and in fact the right thing to do in the 1980s."

Incessant headlines about deep American discontent tell us we don't particularly like this now reorganized society. The new world order means your kid is saddled with horrible college debt, can't find a decent job, has to live at home with you, can't buy a house, can't get married, can't have children. 

But Thiel is still dreaming the pipe dream of "exponential growth" to solve these problems. He hopes technology will come to the rescue in the form of remote work:

"Is there some way to reopen a frontier in real estate? The possibility where I think the jury is very out, though it doesn’t look that promising in 2023, would be remote work. Could the internet be a way that people are not stuck in these cities? And that would reset all these real estate values tremendously because even in a rather densely populated country like England, there is plenty of space if you’re not forced to be within the green belt of London itself. And in the United States even more so."

The interview is here.  

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Donald Trump 2023 is Bill Clinton 1992/1996 winning with a plurality because of third party candidates in Wall Street Journal poll


West's alignment with Hamas and Kennedy's openly stated purpose as a spoiler candidate combine to make them chiefly candidacies hurting the incumbent Joe Biden, but everything depends on them getting on the ballot in enough places.

Perot bled votes away from the incumbent George H. W. Bush in 1992, and from Republican Bob Dole in 1996, resulting in Clinton winning each contest but not with 50% of the popular vote.


  • Trump 37, Biden 31, Kennedy 8, West 3, Manchin 3, Stein 2, Mapstead 1
  • Friday, September 29, 2023

    42 million in the United States have forms of sexually transmitted human papillomavirus which can cause disease

    More than 42 million Americans are infected with types of HPV that cause disease. ... Most HPV infections (9 out of 10) go away by themselves within 2 years. But sometimes, HPV infections will last longer and can cause some cancers.     

    About 70% of cancers in the oropharynx (which includes the tonsils, soft palate, and base of the tongue) are linked to human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted virus.




    Thursday, January 12, 2023

    Classified documents found in Biden's garage on Dec 20

     ... a small number of additional Obama-Biden Administration records with classified markings were found in the President’s Wilmington residence garage. One document consisting of one page was discovered in an adjacent room.

    Story here.

    These document eruptions aren't as funny as Bill Clinton's bimbo eruptions. 

    America in decline.

    Thursday, December 8, 2022

    39 House Republicans join 12 Senate Republicans to pass Democrat bill overthrowing the Defense of Marriage Act

     The Respect for Marriage Act passed the Democratic-led House in a 258-169-1 vote, as 39 Republicans joined all Democrats in supporting it. It also won bipartisan support in the Democratic-controlled Senate in late November: 12 GOP senators crossed party lines to vote for the legislation. ...

    The Respect for Marriage Act formally repeals the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton. That bill denied same-sex couples federal benefits and permitted states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

    The Supreme Court would later go on to invalidate the key provisions of DOMA in two watershed rulings, United States v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges in 2013 and 2015, respectively.

    Roberts, Scalia, Thomas and Alito dissented in Windsor against Kennedy in 2013, same in Hodges in 2015.

    There's always a minority of Republicans who exist only to advance the Democrats' godless agenda. 

    It's never the other way around, unless it has to do with money.


    Saturday, October 8, 2022

    US homes were at least 84% overvalued in 2021

     Rounding out the Unholy Trinity of Big Ticket Asset Inflation, Housing joins Stocks and Bonds in similar overvaluation territory in 2021 at about 84%.

    In Feb 2012 when housing bottomed after The Great Financial Crisis, a previous inflation-adjusted Case-Shiller home price index chart no longer updated for present years showed that prices had fallen into the top range of US house prices which had prevailed throughout the post-war from the 1950s to the late 1990s. Mind you, the top range of those inflation-adjusted prices.

    Thanks to Democrats and Republicans, including Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich, the American Dream, the nest of the American future, was turned into a mere commodity in the late 1990s, to be churned in the markets for profit.

    Long-suppressed long term interest rates have conspired with commoditization to produce valuations which have exploded, making houses unaffordable as nests, which is why your kid is still living in your basement.

    The chart below shows the nominal price figures, on an average annual basis through 2021. The blow-off tops in 2022 are even worse (the index topped 308 in June), and are not shown because the year ain't over, and prices are falling.

    At an average index level of 260 in 2021, prices were inflated from 141 in 2012 by about 84%, not far below the overvaluation of stocks and bonds at 90% and higher.





    Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    Things you do when Democrats get elected president 2.0

     Time to update this.


    Things You Do When Democrats Get Elected President
    John Kennedy: Build a bomb shelter.
    Lyndon Johnson: Keep an eye on your shoes.

    Jimmy Carter: Change your religion.

    Bill Clinton: Buy a pistol.

    Barack Obama: Upgrade to Life Member in the NRA.
    Joe Biden: Renovate the bomb shelter.

    Saturday, September 18, 2021

    Clinton flunky Judge Emmet Sullivan plays the stooge to let Biden appear to be an immigration hawk as record numbers of illegals flood across the southern border with Mexico


    A federal judge Thursday blocked the Biden administration from exercising a Trump-era policy that allows the U.S. to quickly expel migrants without giving them the chance to apply for asylum.


    And, like clockwork, the Biden administration has appealed the order! See! He's not a total loser!

    The Biden administration’s decision to maintain Title 42 was a blow to many immigration advocates and progressive Democrats who had hoped the federal government would choose to put an end to the policy after Thursday’s ruling. 


    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Bill Clinton was America's first black president, and Trump is America's first Jewish

    Which means an actual Jewish president can't be that far in the future.