Showing posts with label Salman Rushdie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salman Rushdie. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2022

Jimmy Carter may very well be as upset as the next guy from Tehran that Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie [Ibn Rushd] has survived the knife attack

 Jimmy Carter doesn't have to work too hard to be unlikable, but he does it anyway.

Rushdie for his part, like Rush Limbaugh, is a serial monogamist who can't seem to find a wife he likes, or who likes him.

Or maybe the wives just couldn't stand living under the cloud of the Ayatollah's 1989 fatwa, after which Rushdie divorced three times.

Carter threw gasoline on the fatwa fire with this piece in the paper of record not even three weeks after the fatwa was issued.