Showing posts with label Michael Walsh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Walsh. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

If Romney Still Has To "Come Up With A Rationale For November" He's Already Finished

So Michael Walsh here:

[T]o call corporate restructuring “jobs creation” won’t fly. Romney is going to have to come up with a far more persuasive, positive rationale for his candidacy if he hopes to beat Barack Obama in November.

What we are witnessing with this weak field of Republicans is a Republican Party "redefined" and ruined by George W. Bush himself, as Matt Latimer famously told us, because for eight years it consisted in and ended in a gross repudiation of the American idea, of capitalism, and failed utterly.

None of the candidates has the courage nor the conviction to say so. And because of that, they have nothing to say to us.

Which makes the moment incredibly awkward, because Obama has nothing to say to us either.

"There is no conservative movement."

If Newt really were smart, he'd attack that.