Showing posts with label Matt Taibbi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matt Taibbi. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2023

Kim Strassel: Republicans should claw back $80 billion IRS infusion in wake of IRS targeting of Taibbi and Shapley

 IRS Needs a Cage, Not More Cash

The cases of the whistleblower Gary Shapley and journalist Matt Taibbi show why the GOP should claw back that $80 billion infusion.

As House Republicans and the White House wrangle over a debt-ceiling deal, one GOP demand ought to be nonnegotiable. A politicized Internal Revenue Service has no business keeping its untrustworthy fingers on last year’s $80 billion cash infusion.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Matt Taibbi: Bernie Sanders "poised to receive the same kind of bump Trump got in 2016 from media stupidity"

Here in Rolling Stone.

I don't think so.

Biden's lead today over Sanders is 8 points, higher than it was in March 2019 when Sanders peaked at 24.0 in the polls. Sanders is at 20.4 now.

No one has been able to dirty up Biden enough to bring him down. Meanwhile both Bernie and Warren have brought themselves down by their own radicalism.

And now the revenge of Nancy Pelosi's impeachment will sideline the radicals for a while, just as Iowa prepares to vote.

The radicals' only hope is a quick trial from Cocaine Mitch.

Everyone on the Democrat side who wants to drag out this impeachment is on the side of sidelining the radicals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Matt Taibbi: Hillary is nuts and Election 2016 was almost entirely a domestic story

Well, not quite: Ukraine did help the Democrats get rid of Manafort.

That's not nothing.

But yeah, she's nuts all right, along with a lot of other people.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Matt Taibbi: "The people pushing hardest for Trump’s early removal are more dangerous than Trump"

My discomfort in the last few years, first with Russiagate and now with Ukrainegate and impeachment, stems from the belief that the people pushing hardest for Trump’s early removal are more dangerous than Trump. Many Americans don’t see this because they’re not used to waking up in a country where you’re not sure who the president will be by nightfall. They don’t understand that this predicament is worse than having a bad president.

Read it all here.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Matt Taibbi spends 35 minutes talking about Trump's appeal in 2016 with Bernie leftist R. J. Eskow, never once mentioning illegal immigration

The enthusiasm for Trump from the time he announced in mid-2015 until August 2016 revolved around the illegal immigration issue, and these guys want it to be about anything but.

If Democrats had any brains they'd run on Trump's Issue Numero Uno because Trump has miserably failed to deliver on it, but Democrats have no brains.

Replacing that enthusiasm has been Trump's biggest problem, and its absence will spell the difference between victory and defeat in Election 2020.

Friday, April 19, 2019

One shot for every . . .


Monday, March 25, 2019

David Axelrod still pretends that the Russian hack of the DNC servers is a solid fact when it's not

Matt Taibbi knows better ("Russiagate is WMD times a million" is the original html), Axelrod's the hack:

I didn’t really address the case that Russia hacked the DNC, content to stipulate it for now. I was told early on that this piece of the story seemed “solid,” but even that assertion has remained un-bolstered since then, still based on an “assessment” by those same intelligence services that always had issues, including the use of things like RT’s “anti-American” coverage of fracking as part of its case. The government didn’t even examine the DNC’s server, the kind of detail that used to make reporters nervous.

LOL, John Brennan reads from Matt Taibbi's script verbatim: Well, I think I suspected there was more WMD there than there actually was

Sunday, March 24, 2019

C'mon Steve, take what you can get, Taibbi's an Elizabeth Warren supporter, you can't have it all

Matt Taibbi: The press has now handed Trump the mother of campaign issues heading into 2020

It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD:

Nothing Trump is accused of from now on by the press will be believed by huge chunks of the population, a group that (perhaps thanks to this story) is now larger than his original base. As [Peter] Baker notes [in the New York Times], a full 50.3% of respondents in a poll conducted this month said they agree with Trump the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt.” ...

The biggest thing this affair has uncovered so far is Donald Trump paying off a porn star. That’s a hell of a long way from what this business was supposedly about at the beginning, and shame on any reporter who tries to pretend this isn’t so. ...

CNN told us Trump officials had been in “constant contact” with “Russians known to U.S. intelligence,” and the former director of the CIA ["former" communist John Brennan], who’d helped kick-start the investigation that led to Mueller’s probe, said the President was guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” committing acts “nothing short of treasonous.” ...

[N]ews outlets once again swallowed a massive disinformation campaign, only this error is many orders of magnitude more stupid than any in the recent past, WMD included. Honest reporters like ABC’s Terry Moran understand: Mueller coming back empty-handed on collusion means a “reckoning for the media.” Of course, there won’t be such a reckoning. (There never is). But there should be. We broke every written and unwritten rule in pursuit of this story, starting with the prohibition on reporting things we can’t confirm. ...

The Russiagate era has so degraded journalism that even once “reputable” outlets are now only about as right as politicians, which is to say barely ever, and then only by accident. Early on, I was so amazed by the sheer quantity of Russia “bombshells” being walked back, I started to keep a list. It’s well above 50 stories now. As has been noted by Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept and others, if the mistakes were random, you’d expect them in both directions, but Russiagate errors uniformly go the same way. ...

We’ve become sides-choosers, obliterating the concept of the press as an independent institution whose primary role is sorting fact and fiction.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Matt Taibbi laments the first successful revolt in ages against one of the two major parties

But choosing a dangerous race-baiting lunatic as the vehicle for the first successful revolt in ages against one of the two major parties will have many profound negative consequences for voters. The most serious will surely be this burgeoning movement to describe voting and democracy as inherently dangerous. 

Yeah, don't anger the jailers too much or you won't get any bread with your soup.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Obama's Gangster Government Of, By And For The Banks

Matt Taibbi provides a pretty thorough look at the recent history of the bailout alliance between the federal government and the big banks for Rolling Stone, here, from which this excerpt:

All of this – the willingness to call dying banks healthy, the sham stress tests, the failure to enforce bonus rules, the seeming indifference to public disclosure, not to mention the shocking­ lack of criminal investigations into fraud committed by bailout recipients before the crash – comprised the largest and most valuable bailout of all. Brick by brick, statement by reassuring statement, bailout officials have spent years building the government's great Implicit Guarantee to the biggest companies on Wall Street: We will be there for you, always, no matter how much you screw up. We will lie for you and let you get away with just about anything. We will make this ongoing bailout a pervasive and permanent part of the financial system. And most important of all, we will publicly commit to this policy, being so obvious about it that the markets will be able to put an exact price tag on the value of our preferential treatment.

But Taibbi goes pretty easy on Obama's role in all of this, who has profited handsomely from it with reelection, focusing instead mostly on underlings like Geithner and Summers. Taibbi seems to hate only the big bankers for their profiteering, not the administration responsible for the continuing massive bailouts. He never connects Obama's admiration for dictatorship in China with our gangster government's stick up of the American people, and even gives Obama credit for some success with HAMP. It's as if the imperial president is merely an accessory to the crime, which Taibbi calls right up front "one of the biggest and most elaborate falsehoods ever sold to the American people."

By the way, Taibbi endorsed Elizabeth Talking Bull for president.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Matt Taibbi: Elizabeth Warren For President in 2012

Just a little humor to start the day.

Matt Taibbi, already deeply dissatisfied with Obama in October 2009, said that here:

"Warren to me makes the most sense for the simple reason that it will be virtually impossible for the Democratic Party hacks to dismiss her as a fringe character, given that they themselves gave her such a big public position as chief of the Congressional Oversight Panel.

"This is a woman who understands the finance issues as well as we can hope to expect from any politician . . .."

You know Elizabeth Warren. She's the one who repeatedly said here "the rest of us paid for" everything which the rich used to get wealthy, so they owe us, as if the rich hadn't already paid one red cent in taxes for any of those things, too.

Yep, that's the best reasoning we can hope to expect from the Democrats.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Answer: For The Same Reason Government Isn't in Jail

The Question: "Why isn't Wall Street in Jail?", asked here by Matt Taibbi, one more time.

It's hard to make Americans hate DC, lower Manhattan and the banksters as much as the terrorists do, but he keeps trying.