Showing posts with label Glenn Beck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glenn Beck. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2023

My plan was to give the Middle East to Disney, Florida to the Jews, and Washington state to the Palestinians, but I now realize that I was sadly mistaken

 This very serious thinker ™ agrees with Glenn Beck that what America needs most to compete in the 21st century is a population of 1 billion.


Thursday, March 31, 2022

Fox News freak show hires man now known as Caitlyn Jenner to normalize perversion

The former Olympic gold medalist [Bruce Jenner] and reality TV star will provide commentary across Fox’s programming and platforms. Jenner will make her first appearance on Hannity on Thursday evening.

“Caitlyn’s story is an inspiration to us all,” Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott said in announcing the hire. “She is a trailblazer in the LGBTQ+ community and her illustrious career spans a variety of fields that will be a tremendous asset for our audience.”



He doesn't need the money.

This is simply more libertarianism normalizing perversion in order to co-opt conservatism.

Same as Glenn Beck, Matt Walsh, Dennis Prager, et alia normalizing "conservative" homo Dave Rubin or Pete Bootyjudge's "husband". Let's throw Stephen L. Miller in for good measure, even if he thinks it matters that he won't go as far as saying with the trans nuts that some men can get pregnant. Not one of us.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Friday, June 12, 2020

The best thing about this Media Matters attack on Glenn Beck from 2010 is the line it draws from King through Sharpton to BLM

'In fact, Sharpton accurately reflected the sentiments of King, who advocated for the “radical redistribution of economic power.” ...

'[A]uthor Nick Kotz writes that during a 1968 trip to Mississippi, King stated: “It didn't cost the nation one penny to integrate lunch counters” and "[i]t didn't cost the nation one penny to guarantee the right to vote." However, he concluded that “now, we are dealing with issues that cannot be solved without the nation spending billions of dollars -- and undergoing a radical redistribution of economic power.”'

King was a commie from the beginning. Beck just wants to pretend otherwise, like many Republican squishes do. It's whitey pretending things aren't that bad.

Sharpton, like King, is a true believer, if not nearly as intelligent: “the dream was not to put one black family in the White House. The dream was to make everything equal in everybody's house.”

Now the thugs of Black Lives Matter make this the number one demand for economic justice:

"Redistribution of wealth through a 'progressive restructuring of tax codes at the local, state, and federal levels.'"

They are out in your streets trying to make that happen.

What are you going to do about it?

Monday, January 7, 2019

Trump has learned nothing about politics

Going to the border he is. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Take Ted Cruz and Glenn Beck with ya and hand out some soccer balls why dontcha.

That will accomplish about as much as shutting down the government AFTER all your leverage is gone.


Monday, May 2, 2016

Why does Glenn Beck still look like he could stand to fast like he's never fasted before?

I thought he was fasting every Tuesday for Ted Cruz.

And just how do you do that, fasting like you've never fasted before? If I'm not eating anything, I can't eat any less, can I?

Or is there some secret eatin' goin' on in Mormon fasting that I don't know about, which you can forego and then REALLY fast?

Oh boy, he really must mean it this time!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The libertarian Investor's Business Daily: Conservative talk-radio is in favor of Ted Cruz but it's too late

Naming Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck, here in "Are The Right’s Pro-Cruz, Anti-Trump Moves Too Late?":

Rush Limbaugh and other big names in conservative talk radio have come out in favor of Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, but the support comes late in the game.

IBD doesn't mention Laura Ingraham, who is favorably disposed toward Trump because of the illegal immigration problem in the United States, nor Michael Savage, who has actually endorsed Trump, nor Sean Hannity, who pretends like Limbaugh to be non-partisan during the primaries but repeatedly asserts that Marco Rubio will be president one day.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Flashback: Ted Cruz joined Glenn Beck at the border passing out the soccer balls and teddy bears to the illegal immigrants

From the story here in the summer of 2014:

'Beck said even if his actions entice more parents in Central America to send their children on the harrowing and sometimes deadly journey to America, it was never his “intent” to do so.'

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The likes of National Review and Glenn Beck are simply lying about Trump's views on amnesty

Everyone who has heard Trump's extended remarks on the subject of illegal immigration on The O'Reilly Factor in 2011 knows there's not a scintilla of evidence to suggest Trump has flip-flopped on the issue which is presently at the center of his campaign for president. Both National Review and Glenn Beck are mendacious for suggesting otherwise.

During that 2011 interview Trump committed to a case by case method of deciding who among the millions who are here illegally gets to stay and who must go, which shows that Trump is not the uncompassionate Neanderthal he is being made out to be on the subject. He acknowledged that the sheer size of the numbers makes it a formidable problem indeed, but not one the size of which was so large that our government wouldn't be able to work through it. But for that his opponents, who are not just critics, slimily accuse him of supporting a pathway to citizenship as if his position is not substantively different from the get-out-of-jail-free card the Democrats, and some Republicans, would hand out to each and every one of them. 

All Trump's other remarks about the subject on that show demonstrate without a doubt that Trump's position about enforcing the border with military if necessary, building a wall and living by the rule of law has been consistent with his clearly stated views over the course of almost two decades.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hysterical Glenn Beck makes hysterical liberals, well, hysterical

It's hard to keep all the hysteria separate at The Daily Beast, where libertarian hysteria meets liberal hysteria and proves what we knew all along: hysteria is a defining feature of both liberalism and libertarianism.

Glenn Beck:

'“I would open it up to all drugs [potentially being legalized],” and leave it up to the states.'

The Daily Beast:

'In Beck’s telling, the main consequence of this police escalation and the war on drugs was not the mass incarceration of millions . . .."

The one exaggerates what society can stand, the other what it can't.

Beer, wine and liquor have a long record of being more or less controllable while opiates do not. No one with much experience of the latter is clamoring for their wider use.

On the other side 2.3 million adult incarcerates barely qualifies as millions in a society of 321 million people. The only people demanding the release of the duly captive are Democrats and other racists.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Glenn Beck thinks we have an actual democracy to export

When the dim bulbs of our time start interviewing each other, you know it's almost over.

Here with Sean Hannity:

BECK: We don't have the resources to deal with it anymore. We should have gone in after September 11th, taken care of the bad guys, killed them, not rebuilt them. I think it's real hubris to think that we can bring our democracy and peace to a region that doesn't want it. Freedom is something I truly believe you have to earn.


If freedom isn't the natural state of humanity, then there isn't any freedom anywhere. Someone who has to earn his freedom is a slave. And if someone is a slave, that someone is owned by someone else. And as the ancients taught us, the owner is but the slave turned inside out, who is as miserable as the one owned.

The real hubris is mistaking this oligarchy for a democracy in the first place, and that we have any freedom to export.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why Isn't There A Single Conservative Radio Talker Happy About The Fiscal Deal?

Why isn't there a single conservative radio talker happy about the fiscal deal? Not a one is glad that Bush's lower tax rates have been made permanent for the vast majority of the American people.  I thought the Bush tax rates were every Republican's sine qua non, since at least 2003.

I see that the reported salary of Glenn Beck is $20 million/year. Sean Hannity reportedly makes north of $10 million/year on television at Fox, and $20 million/year on the radio. Rush Limbaugh makes way north of $38 million/year if you add in his signing bonus. And Laura Ingraham? Not very credible sources say she makes $15 million/year, but that was before the very recent relaunch of her radio show in 2013 under new, and presumably more attractive financial, circumstances. HuffPo here thinks her TV contract with Fox, filling-in for O'Reilly, is in the neighborhood of $1 million annually.

These four people dominate the talk radio airwaves from 9AM-6PM everyday, and they're all severely critical of the fiscal cliff deal. But there hasn't been a single word of gratitude to today's Republicans for getting the Bush tax rates made permanent for 99.7% of the American people.

The reason, of course, is that the radio talkers haven't the slightest feeling for the American people, the slightest understanding of their day to day experience, having left them long ago for the airy regions of the richest Americans in the top 0.3% income club where they now reside, the lowly victims of a paltry 13% tax increase agreed to by Obama and the Republicans, and they are livid.

Ungrateful wretches.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Glenn Beck Is Bat-Shit Crazy

I never listen to the guy, but I just happened to turn on the radio and there he is, right now, saying

"The constitution is divinely inspired."

Unlike certain lines of the New Testament which claim divine inspiration for "Scripture", the constitution notably doesn't for itself, and provides for its own amendment.

The founders were too wise to claim infallibility for what they did. Too bad Glenn Beck is in thrall to a fanaticism which keeps him from seeing that.

His microphone deceives the simple, who are many.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Libertarian Party Boasts Of Stopping Republican Senate Hopefuls In IN and MT

A reader points out that the Libertarian Party is actually boasting here about how well two of its Senate candidates performed in the elections a week ago, one in Montana and one in Indiana, because they threw the races to the Democrats. By doing so they prevented Republicans from winning precious seats needed in the contest against the Obama agenda.

He's right. I quote from the post:

"[T]hese are exceptionally good results:

Dan Cox (MT) 31,476 votes - 6.5% - high impact: more than margin of victory for Democrat over Republican ...

Andrew Horning (IN) 143,790 votes - 5.8% - high impact: more than margin of victory for Democrat over Republican"

It's obvious from this that Libertarians view themselves as spoilers who count Republican defeats as victories for themselves, which tells you everything you need to know about whose side the Libertarian Party is on.

Of course there is no reflection on the libertarians' bad faith in this election in the media in general, nor from conservative talk radio in particular which boasts self-professed libertarian sympathizers in people like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. 

h/t Housman2000