Showing posts with label Trump underperformed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump underperformed. Show all posts

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Beltway Republican David Winston for Roll Call wants 2016 to have been about the economy when it was about illegal immigration


This slight-of-hand reasoning is how Trump got co-opted by the GOP in 2017 in the first place, and it's how they're going to co-opt him again should he win. Beltway Republicans love, love, love immigration, so the top issue cannot, must not, be that.

 In 2016, the economy was the top issue, just as today . . ..


Trump's controversial 2015-2016 message was immigration, immigration, immigration for 14 straight months, until Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway got a hold of him in August 2016.

Trump barely won.

Trump's unfavorables were indeed high, but not because Hillary drove them there as Winston says. People forget that Trump did that all by himself. He ended up underperforming John McCain 2008 in 12 states and DC.

Trump was an insurgent candidate who exploited division within the GOP to capture the nomination. The 2016 primary popular vote for Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich exceeded Trump's 13.3 million.

That division has subsided, but it has never gone away, and Winston is one of the other side's smooth operators who still want to change the subject to anything else but the issue staring everyone in the face, from working class Americans now competing with 8 million new illegals for wages to upper class suburban denizens of Massachusetts being told to cope with hordes of new students in public schools they never designed to accommodate this flood.

That's the issue confronting voters, not Trump's Kangaroo Kourt Konviction, about which David wrings his hands.

If there's any vengeance in American politics about which we should be upset in 2024, Joe Biden's open southern border is surely it.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Trump was less popular in his own races than Republicans running for US Senate in theirs in 12 states in 2020

 Trump underperformed:

Ronchetti in New Mexico (loser)

Lummis in Wyoming

Capito in West Virginia

Cornyn in Texas

Rounds in South Dakota

Somebody you never heard of in Massachusetts (loser)

Sasse in Nebraska

Gardner in Colorado (loser)

Cotton in Arkansas

Collins in Maine

Sullivan in Alaska

Perdue in Georgia.

Imagine doing worse than three losers.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Among whites Trump 2016 underperformed Romney 2012 57%-59% overall, but crushed him with whites in eleven states and in seven to win the presidency

Mitt Romney is back, but he really ought to just zip it. He's a loser.

States where Trump 2016 (wins in red) outperformed Romney 2012 (wins in blue) among whites:

Florida 64%-61%
Indiana 64%-60%
Iowa 54%-47%
Maine 46%-40%
Michigan 57%-55%
Minnesota 50%-49%
Missouri 66%-65%
New Hampshire 48%-47%
New York 51%-49%
Ohio 62%-57%
Wisconsin 53%-51%.

Where Trump underperformed Romney Trump still won the same contests, but also reeled in Pennsylvania which Romney did not. Overall Trump won 10 states to Romney's 4, largely on improved performance among whites.

States where Romney 2012 (wins in blue) outperformed Trump 2016 (wins in red) among whites:

Arizona 66%-54%
California 53%-45%
Colorado 54%-47%
New Jersey 56%-54%
New Mexico 56%-47%
North Carolina 68%-63%
Oregon 44%-42%
Pennsylvania 57%-56%
Virginia 61%-59%
Washington 46%-40%.

Exit polling via CNN.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Revulsion Election update: Hillary underperformed Obama 2008 in 39 states by 5.16 million votes

This updates my look at 2016 candidate underperformance relative to 2008 from almost three weeks ago. The total picture for Hillary improved by about 440,000 votes in the interim, or about 11,000 votes per state on average, but doesn't change the conclusion. Hillary was far and away more revolting to the voters in 2016 than was Trump. Hillary still lags Obama 2008 by 3.7 million votes net and Obama 2012 by 74,000 votes. For his part Donald Trump has surpassed George W. Bush 2004 by 940,000 votes with 62.98 million votes, the most for any Republican in any presidential contest.

Hillary 2016 underperformed Obama 2008 in:

MI by 603,000 votes (and lost to Trump by 11,000)
OH by 546,000 (lost by 447,000)
MO by 371,000
PA by 350,000 (lost by 45,000)
IN by 341,000
IL by 328,000
WI by 294,000 (lost by 22,000)
NY by 257,000
TN by 216,000
MN by 205,000 (won by only 45,000)
IA by 175,000 (lost by 147,000)
KY by 123,000 
WV by 115,000
CT by 100,000
*KS by 88,000
*NM by 87,000 (won by only 65,000)
AL by 83,000
*OK by 82,000
*MS by 70,000
*NJ by 67,000
ME by 64,000 (won by only 22,000)
HI by 59,000
MT by 54,000
SD by 54,000
NE by 49,000
ND by 47,000
ID by 46,000
RI by 44,000
AR by 42,000
*VT by 40,000
NH by 36,000 (won by only 3,000)
OR by 35,000
WY by 27,000
DE by 19,000
*UT by 17,000
*WA by 8,000
*AK by 8,000
SC by 7,000
LA by 3,000.

That's 5.16 million former Democrat votes alienated from Hillary Clinton in 2016 in 39 states, 57% of which came from the 8 Great Lakes states (2.924 million), according to the latest numbers this morning, almost six weeks since Election 2016.

Trump underperformed John McCain in only 12 states and DC and by just 792,000 votes, 67% of which were in California alone:

In CA by 527,000 votes
*UT by 81,000
*AK by 31,000
*KS by 29,000
*NM by 27,000
*MS by 24,000
MA by 18,000
MD by 17,000
*NJ by 12,000
*OK by 11,000
*WA by 7,000
*VT by 4,000
DC by 4,000.

*nine states where both 2016 candidates underperformed their 2008 counterparts 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

People found Hillary so revolting in 2016 she underperformed Obama 2008 in 39 states

Count 'em.

Hillary underperformed Obama in:

NY by 655,000 votes
MI by 604,000
OH by 549,000
MO by 387,000
PA by 381,000
IL by 336,000
IN by 335,000
WI by 295,000
TN by 218,000
MN by 206,000
IA by 175,000
KY by 123,000
WV by 115,000
CT by 101,000
KS by 100,000
AL by 87,000
NM by 87,000
OK by 82,000
NJ by 78,000
MS by 71,000
ME by 70,000
HI by 59,000
MT by 54,000
SD by 54,000
NE by 50,000
ND by 47,000
ID by 46,000
RI by 44,000
AR by 42,000
VT by 40,000
NH by 36,000
WY by 27,000
DE by 19,000
UT by 17,000
OR by 11,000
WA by 10,000
AK by 8,000
SC by 7,000
LA by 3,000

That's 5.6 million former Democrat votes alienated from Hillary Clinton in 2016 in 39 states, 60% of which came from the 8 Great Lakes states (3.361 million), according to the latest numbers this morning, three weeks after Election 2016.

Trump underperformed John McCain in 13 states and DC by 1.1 million votes, 63% of which were in California:

In CA by 727,000 votes
NY by 113,000
UT by 81,000
KS by 44,000
AK by 31,000
NM by 27,000
MA by 26,000
MS by 25,000
MD by 25,000
NJ by 18,000
OK by 11,000
WA by 9,000
VT by 4,000
DC by 4,000