Showing posts with label Federal Trade Commission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal Trade Commission. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

US Chamber of Commerce intends to sue Democrat-controlled FTC for passing rule 3-2 banning noncompete agreements

Congress has not given the agency explicit authority to ban noncompetes. ... The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest pro-business lobbying group in the country, has said it will sue to block the rule. ... While the dissenting commissioners said they did not support noncompete agreements carte blanche, they did not believe the agency had the authority to issue the rule without an express directive from Congress.


It's a BFD, as Joe would say.

Millions of American workers are not completely free to work where they may because of noncompete, nondisclosure, and confidentiality agreements they must sign as a condition of employment or as a condition of severance on termination of employment.

The FTC vote covers only the noncompete issue and represents an end run around Congress which has failed to pass appropriate legislation.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Conservatives don't realize how much Ted Cruz owes to George W. Bush because talk radio never mentions it

How is it that Rush Limbaugh's closest thing to Reagan is a Bushie, hm?

Reported here:

The Bush-Cruz connection is clear. Ted was George W.’s brain when he ran for president. A top policy adviser, Ted maneuvered for Solicitor General in Bush World but settled for a plum at the Federal Trade Commission. Ted’s a Bush man with deep ties to the political and financial establishment.  Ted and wife Heidi brag about being the first “Bush marriage” – they met as Bush staffers. Cruz was an adviser on legal affairs while Heidi was an adviser on economic policy and eventually director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council under Condoleezza Rice. Condi helped give us the phony war in Iraq. Heidi then went to the Bush U.S. Trade Representative as a top deputy to U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Zoellick, who wired Heidi’s membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and job at Goldman Sachs. The bailed-out bank then loaned Cruz $1 million secretly to finance his Senate race. Cruz would also borrow an undisclosed $1 million loan from Citicorp.