Showing posts with label Andrew Kaczynski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Kaczynski. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2019

LOL: CNN calls US House vote supporting 2-state solution and opposing boycott, divestment, sanctions movement "divisive" when it passed 398-17

Roll call vote 497 is here.

The headline is correct in one sense, however: Both hard left and hard right are cracking up.

The former leader of the Rebel Alliance, Justin Amash, ignominiously abandoned the fight to vote "present" with four other courageous Democrats cowardly lions, leaving his wingman Thomas Massie of Kentucky to cast the lone Republican "nay" vote.

Massie strangely thought it a good idea to associate himself with the likes of Democrats AOC, Omar and Tlaib, apparently rushing to fill in for Squad member Ayanna Pressley, who inexplicably abandoned her compatriots and voted "yea", proving once again that the true meaning of libertarianism is the freedom to be anti-Semitic.


Friday, May 10, 2019

Joe Biden 2008 "opposes issuing driver's licenses to [illegal] immigrants"

Joe Biden Was Opposed To Driver's Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants In 2008:

"Senator Biden opposes issuing driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants," read Biden's 2008 immigrant plan, a position he reiterated with a firm "no" when asked if he supported granting drivers licenses in a 2007 debate.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hormones transcend thinking: Republican Carly Fiorina for Hillary in 2008

“She was a great candidate. She has helped millions of women all over this country. Women of any political party owe a debt of gratitude to Hillary Clinton and I will bet that every woman up here agrees with me.” ...

“I have such great admiration and empathy for Hillary Clinton,” she says. “I have great admiration for her because I know what it takes in some small measure to do what she has done. She is obviously incredibly intelligent, focused, tough, determined, empathetic of all the tens of millions of people that she was trying to represent in her quest to become the first woman president of the United States.”

Buzzfeed has the video here.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Libertarians will never boldly go where no man has gone before

That's because they'll be retreating underground to their inner planet "Galt".

Libertarians hate the original Star Trek on television for some reason, more than any other show (the riveting "24" also does poorly with them). Who knew?

The story is here.

Except that libertarian Justin Amash likes to imagine Thomas Massie is his X-Wing Starfighter wingman in the Rebel Alliance. He said so with a Lego toy a year ago.

Maybe it's time to raise the qualification age to run for Congress?