Showing posts with label Candy Crowley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candy Crowley. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Interesting theory from Mark Levin, but it's not at all convincing

Today's speech by Romney was a campaign speech for himself because Romney didn't endorse anyone in it, says Levin. In other words, Romney's saying he's available at convention.

Maybe, but this doesn't explain why Romney didn't move earlier to stop Trump, nor does it cohere with the well known fact that Romney had to be persuaded to run in 2012. He didn't have the fire in the belly then, and he doesn't now.

Jeb dropped out 11 days ago (seems like an eternity, right?), but has been on the ropes since July 2015 when Trump began to eclipse him. That's seven long months ago and $150 million goes only so far. But crickets from Romney all during that time. The establishment hasn't had a viable alternative the whole time, either. Certainly not in Rubio, who fancies himself a Reagan conservative but who has only cozied up to the establishment as a political calculation late in the game.

Romney didn't move earlier because he's always been a spineless coward. He decided to act now because he felt he had enough cover from the many elites who had finally expressed their opposition to Trump in adequate number.

Romney wouldn't fight Obama for a similar reason. He didn't have enough any cover. Republicans have given Obama a pass every single day. Romney wouldn't even fight Candy Crowley. That's because establishment Republicans want media approval. They never fight the media.

Romney is a follower, not a leader, and that's why he's a loser.

But Trump is a leader and a fighter, and he's taking over the party. And he's going to be a winner, and already is.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Nancy Pelosi: Let's Make Elections Less Important!

The anti-democratic Democrat Rep. Nancy Pelosi strikes another blow against that sorry thing, the American voter, here:

“All of us come here to get a job done for the American people, and certainly that is the case with the president of the United States,” Pelosi told CNN chief political correspondent Candy Crowley. “I think that these meetings are not something to say, ‘Well, I’ll do this with you now and do that with them later.’ I think it is, ‘Let’s get some things done together to make elections less important.’”

Elections with less importance are elections which are easier to win. You know, as in if the election isn't that important, we don't really need your votes. Which is just voter suppression of the opposition. Damn straight she'll get her side out.

Democrats. Always trying to impose their vision:

"We will go through the gate. If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn’t work, we will parachute in. But we are going to get health care reform passed for the American people for their own personal health and economic security and for the important role that it will play in reducing the deficit." -- Nancy Pelosi, March 2010, here

And Bill Kristol says worrying about tyranny is kooky.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tell Us, Governor, Why Don't You Care For 47% Of The Country?

Last question of the second presidential debate, picked by Candy Crowley, a hanging curve ball for the president:

CROWLEY: Governor Romney, I want to introduce you to Barry Green, because he's going to have the last question to you first.

ROMNEY: Barry? Where is Barry?

QUESTION: Hi, Governor. I think this is a tough question. To each of you. What do you believe is the biggest misperception that the American people have about you as a man and a candidate? Using specific examples, can you take this opportunity to debunk that misperception and set us straight? ...

CROWLEY: Mr. President, last two minutes belong to you.

OBAMA: ... 

I believe Governor Romney is a good man. Loves his family, cares about his faith. But I also believe that when he said behind closed doors that 47 percent of the country considered themselves victims who refuse personal responsibility, think about who he was talking about.

Folks on Social Security who've worked all their lives. Veterans who've sacrificed for this country. Students who are out there trying to hopefully advance their own dreams, but also this country's dreams. Soldiers who are overseas fighting for us right now. People who are working hard every day, paying payroll tax, gas taxes, but don't make enough income. ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Fix Was In On The Second Presidential Debate

Candy Crowley (pronounced, helpfully, like Crow) of CNN skillfully gave President Obama more time throughout the second presidential debate, and picked decidedly left-leaning questions submitted by lefties, and then sucker punched Governor Romney at the end by picking the important question to President Obama which allowed the president to attack Romney's remark in the spring about the 47%, but without fear of a response from Romney, so sorry. Getting the last word in these matters is paramount.

At least the nomenklatura will have that to console themselves with when they lose in November.

The choice is between more of such Democrat Stalinism, and Romney's Republican liberalism: more failed crony partnership with industry and suppression of the middle class by impoverishing them down to working class and continued aggravation of the class struggle through hatred of the rich on the one hand, or some vague status quo ante on the other. Since the last four year plan has been such a disaster, the next one can't be much better, so I'm guessing Americans will opt for the liberal instead.

Who wouldn't? When the choice is between the worst president in the post-war era and what passed for success under the second worst, only a masochist would choose the former.

The good bad old days may yet make another appearance.