Showing posts with label DNYUZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNYUZ. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Well of course LOL: New Apostolic Reformation wackos supporting Trump may be evolving into pro-immigrationistas

 Christianity has always meant liberalism. It is one of the religion's many bastard children.

This is from an Atlantic story reproduced here:

On the day after the election, I went to Life Center, the NAR church where Elon Musk had spoken a couple of weeks earlier. The mood was jubilant. A pastor spoke of “years of oppression” and said that “we are at a time on the other side of a victory for our nation that God alone—that God alone—orchestrated for us.”

The music pounded, and people cheered, and after that, a prominent prophet named Joseph Garlington delivered a sermon. He was a guest speaker, and he offered what sounded like the first hint of dissent I’d heard in a long time. He talked about undocumented immigrants and asked people to consider whether it might be possible that God was sending them to the U.S. so they could build the Kingdom.

“What if they are part of the harvest?” he said. “He didn’t send us to them; maybe he’s sending them to us.”

It was a striking moment. Life Center, Mercy Culture, and many other churches in the movement have large numbers of Latinos in their congregations.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The MedBed quackery, straight out of chiropractic: As long as you believe, and your mind and body are in alignment with the right frequencies


“Wow, it can really correct all this?” Michael asked.

“Over time, it’s possible,” Andrea said. “As long as you believe, and your mind and body are in alignment with the right frequencies.”


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

RFK Jr sounds just like Mr. Richard Feder of Fort Lee, New Jersey

RFK Jr has complained of memory loss, severe mental fog, a dark spot on his brain, a brain tumor, a brain-eating worm, atrial fibrillation, a bag of worms in his chest, mercury poisoning, trouble retrieving words, hepatitis C, spasmodic dysphonia, and getting on the ballot in only a handful of states with just six months until the election.

Mr. Richard Feder of Fort Lee, New Jersey, SNL Nov 18, 1978:

Dear Roseanne Roseannadanna,
Last Thursday I quit smoking
Now . . .
I'm depressed
I gained weight
My face broke out
I'm nauseous
I'm constipated 
My feet swelled
My gums are bleeding
My sinuses are clogged
I got heartburn
I'm cranky and I have GAS.


Friday, November 24, 2023

They've mercilessly persecuted the hell out of this guy and his followers for eight years and then have the temerity to write this crap


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Farts in space

 This story was a real eye-opener for me.

The adverse health consequences of long term deep space travel make it a non-starter.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

New Zealanders and Americans were vaccinated at about 84% and 81% of population respectively, but Americans died of COVID-19 at a rate 6 times higher

 And no one seems to be the slightest bit interested in how or why.

It's a scandal. 

Meanwhile a so-called conservative coalition has now taken over in New Zealand after Jacinda Ardern resigned earlier this year.


Sunday, September 24, 2023

For a good time, call Angela: The Libertarian Party is very interested in RFK Jr for Election 2024 but not Justin Amash lol

 In July, Mr. Kennedy met privately with Angela McArdle, the chair of the Libertarian Party, at a conference they were both attending in Memphis — a meeting that has not previously been reported.

 “He emphasized that he was committed to running as a Democrat but said that he considered himself very libertarian,” Ms. McArdle said in an interview, adding that they agreed on several positions, including the threat of the “deep state” and the need for populist messaging. “We’re aligned on a lot of issues.”

 “My perspective is that we are going to stay in touch in case he does decide to run,” Ms. McArdle said. “And he can contact me at any time if that’s the case.”


Sunday, September 10, 2023

I'm sure everyone will be just thrilled to know that the Secret Service detail protecting the Kennedy family had been out "socializing" until 5 a.m. the day JFK was assassinated

 Mr. Landis said he was surprised that the Warren Commission never interviewed him, but assumed that his supervisors were protecting the agents, who had been out late the night before socializing (Mr. Landis until 5 a.m., although he insisted they were not drunk). “Nobody really asked me,” he said.

Many pictures of those days of mourning show Mr. Landis at Jacqueline Kennedy’s side as she endured the rituals of a presidential farewell. Night after night, those seconds of violence in Dallas kept replaying in his head, his own personal Zapruder film on an endless loop. “The president’s head exploding — I could not shake that vision,” he said. “Whatever I was doing, that’s all I was thinking about.”

With Mr. Landis and Mr. Hill still protecting her, the former first lady was in constant motion in the months afterward. “She’d be in the back seat sobbing and you’d want to say something but it wasn’t really our place to say anything,” Mr. Landis recalled.

After six months, he could not take it anymore and left the Secret Service. Haunted, he moved to Cape Cod in Massachusetts, then New York, then Ohio near Cleveland. For decades, he made a living in real estate and machine products and house painting, anything as long as it had nothing to do with protecting presidents.


That's what caught my eye about this man's story that the so-called magic bullet didn't injure Governor Connally. Landis says he found it "in the presidential limousine lodged in the back of the seat behind where Kennedy was sitting" and later put it on Kennedy's stretcher, which corrects his written testimony from the time.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Phony boom narrative under Trump continues under Biden, only the lie is much bigger

 Factory Jobs Booming Like It's 1970s...

Well, it's the lying New York Times, of course, and drive-by repeater, Drudge.

The summer peak in 2019 was 12.905 million.

The summer peak in 2022 was 12.916 million, up . . . eleven thousand! Woo hoo!

Meanwhile in the 1970s, many MILLIONS more worked in manufacturing in the United States, and many millions more as a share of the population:

11.8% of the population in 1979 on average vs. just 4.9% in August 2022!

From the end of the story, lol:

Eight percent of the surveyed companies reported moving segments of their supply chain out of China to the United States in the past year, while another 16 percent had moved some operations to other countries. But 78 percent of the companies said they had not shifted any business away from China.



Monday, July 11, 2022

Texans face rolling blackouts because "wind generation is currently generating significantly less than what it historically generated in this time period"

 Actually, it's because Texas retired reliable sources of electricity from coal and natural gas for unreliable "green energy".

The New York Times as usual just leaves that part out, here:

The regulator forecast demand in Texas to peak at 79,671 megawatts, just short of the 80,168 megawatts that will be available.

That's a forecast margin of just 497 megawatts.

Texas has retired 6,453 megawatts of coal generation capacity since 2017 and added 3,945 megawatts of wind generation capacity.

In addition Texas has retired 2,316 megawatts of natural gas generation capacity since 2008 and added 3,425 megawatts of solar generation capacity since 2010.

Not only is Texas short a net 1,399 megawatts of generation capacity over the period, if the wind doesn't blow it's potentially short another 3,945 megawatts, and another 3,425 megawatts if the sun don't shine.

Way to go, Brownie.