The libertarian-inclined in the GOP want the message restricted more or less to the economy, inflation, immigration, and crime.
Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal
Strassel points out Biden is continuing or proposing the following to help cement support for Harris on the left:
Student loan giveaways
Nationwide rent controls
A plea deal for the 9/11 terrorists
$2.2 billion for farmers, ranchers, and owners of forest land who experienced discrimination
Million$ in new grants for women's health, state climate programs, tribal fisheries, youth skills programs
Signage everywhere thanking Biden's infrastructure law for road improvements
New rules protecting workers from heat
New prevailing wage rules for clean energy workers
New chemical and air toxin crackdowns
New regulations for wildlife refuges
New regulations on offshore drilling
Higher efficiency standards for commercial equipment and residential boilers
A crackdown on so-called junk fees for extras like family-seating on flights.
Polling has shown inflation and illegal immigration have been the top issues, which of course doesn't mean other things can't be issues.
Strassel doesn't seem to get that the green energy war on fossils fuels is the top problem for the economy, driving up the cost of everything, while the massive illegal immigration feeds competition for the housing no one can afford anyway, not to mention crime up and wages down for the bottom half of the country.
And of course, the Trump tax reform disappears if Harris is elected, among other horribles.