Showing posts with label Navy Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Navy Times. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Take my advice, never insert a probe there

The Navy’s probe into sky penis

Doesn't the Navy have anything better to do?

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Trump is scrambling to deal with a not physically fit Navy he inherited from Obama

From the story here:

The Navy will grant a clean slate to nearly 50,000 sailors with fitness failures in their records, part of new shakeup for fleet-wide fitness rules announced Thursday.

A new Navy-wide message instructs commands to immediately stop discharging sailors for fitness failures and to cancel any pending discharges for sailors slated to be kicked out after March 31. The change applies to both enlisted and officers.

The message also unveils a new set of rules for the Physical Fitness Assessment, bringing to an end the rules forcing sailors to leave the Navy if they failed two fitness assessment tests in a three-year period. ...

The new Physical Fitness Assessment rules are part of a broader effort to keep more sailors in uniform at a time when the Navy is trying to increase end strength by over 4,100 by the end of the current fiscal year in September 2018. ...

As of July 2017, the end of the last official PFA cycle, more than 43,000 sailors have at least one failure in the past three years; another 5,477 have at least two failures on the books, according to the chief of naval personnel.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Good news: Manual labor must be on the way out ... because the idiot who runs Obama's Navy says "yeoman" isn't gender neutral

And there goes The Man of La Mancha.

Quoted here:

“Lastly, as we achieve full integration of the force … this is an opportunity to update the position titles and descriptions themselves to demonstrate through this language that women are included in these positions," [Navy Secretary Ray] Mabus wrote, according to sources who quoted directly from the letter. “Ensure they are gender-integrated as well, removing “man” from their titles, and provide a report to me as soon as is practicable and no later than April 1, 2016.” 

h/t Chris Plante