Showing posts with label Granny Hawkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Granny Hawkins. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Obamacare liar Jonathan Gruber decides it's safe to lie again, this time in The Boston Globe

Jonathan Gruber leaves out that millions of Americans already have unusable insurance right now under Obamacare, and that it already costs them tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket every year because their crappy, no-good rotten piece of shit Obamacare-era health insurance plan SUCKS, covering nada, nothing, nichts, doodlysquat.

Gruber just decides not to mention them.

Major lying asshole yesterday, today and forever.


Texas court strikes down Affordable Care Act, putting the health of Americans and our democracy at risk:

Millions of Americans who don’t read the fine print of their insurance contracts could once again buy insurance that leaves them with tens of thousands of dollars in uncovered medical bills.