So-called conservatives are upset with Mitt Romney's team for calling the ObamaCare mandate an unconstitutional penalty, not a tax, which is what the dissenting Supremes have called it.
Here's a question for y'all: Do you have the courage of your convictions and the brains to express them, or are you going to retreat into political expediency?
We already have the answer to that. They want Mitt Romney's man Fehrnstrom to go into hibernation in the summertime.
Here's another question: Are the dissenting Supremes conservative, or not? If they are not, then tell us why. Ignoring their arguments isn't going to make them go away. Real conservatives respect what they have to say. Anyone who's telling us to accept the tax argument as framed by Roberts for the liberal wing of the Supremes is doing it for political reasons and is a fake conservative. Prominent among these are Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham.
If Romney's camp keeps this up he might actually get accused of being a conservative by real ones. I'm suddenly feeling less alarmed by Mitt Romney.
Well, that's the spin from the Financial Times anyway,
here, whose idea of a conservative is a Jack Welch or a Rupert Murdoch. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Pure agitprop.