Why anyone would let their young sons under 30 take the mRNA vaccines is beyond me.
Also watch to the end for a brutal take down of one of the chief criticisms of VAERS reporting.
Why anyone would let their young sons under 30 take the mRNA vaccines is beyond me.
Also watch to the end for a brutal take down of one of the chief criticisms of VAERS reporting.
You know, the same system whose importance the CDC and the entire US medical/big pharma establishment has been trying to undermine all year since it got overwhelmed by citizen reports of adverse events after getting C19 vaccines.
Talk about getting the government runaround.
But no problems, mate. It's not like we are talking about heart muscle death and degeneration here, right fans of the Dallas Criteria?
You bunch of bloody hypocrites.
So it's smearing it.
You shouldn't let bogus reports filed with VAERS by malevolent individuals stop you from using the system to report an adverse event you experienced.
Normal rates of Bell's Palsy in the world range between 100-400 cases per million of population (1-4 per 10,000 / 10-40 per 100,000).
Hong Kong has been abuzz over some cases of Bell's Palsy after Sinovac injections. So far there have been 11 cases from 278,200 vaccinations with Sinovac, which is the equivalent of 40 cases per million of population. But the normal HKG rate is reportedly 230 cases/million.
Similarly in the UK recently the Pfizer vaccine was reportedly responsible for 9.8 cases per million vaccinations, again far lower than the minimum threshold of 100 cases/million.
VAERS data for the US so far shows 81 cases of Bell's Palsy and 420 cases of facial paralysis, for all types of COVID-19 vaccine. Given the vaccination totals in the US so far, you'd have to have 9,500 such cases reported to date just to match the minimum normal rate of 100 cases/million. The US typically has 40,000 cases a year anyway, which is a rate of 122/million assuming population of 328 million.
So . . . nothing unusual is going on anywhere as far as I can tell.
VAERS is rumored to be overwhelmed by a reporting backlog, and there is a relatively small discrepancy between CDC statements of deaths and VAERS data from week to week, but I can't imagine how there would be tens of thousands of Bell's Palsy cases unaccounted for in the reports, which, it must be remembered, can be filed by anyone.
If there were that many they'd be all over the tabloids by now, accusing the government of injury.
Given that the official cause of Bell's Palsy is still debated, it's not implausible that the stress associated with the pandemic in combination with vaccination has been a trigger for cases, just as for other reported adverse effects. People faint, shit their pants, any number of things after they get a jab. Stress is also a trigger for death in some instances.
Most cases of BP resolve, but it is important for sufferers to seek immediate medical attention and get treated with a steroid like Prednisone, which seems to speed recovery from the inflammation affecting the nerve in the face involved in the condition.
VAERS update for reactions to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as reported through March 12, 2021
Blindness/1 of 3 categories only: 24
Blurry vision: 175
Chest pain: 516
Chest discomfort: 627
Cardiac arrest: 88
Deafness/1 of 5 categories only: 38
Tinnitus/ringing, buzzing in the ear: 142
Diarrhoea: 802
Thrombosis/stroke: 52
Spontaneous abortion: 42
Facial paralysis: 262
Death: 633
Unable to breath enough/dyspnoea: 1395
Muscle pain/myalgia: 1548
Sense losses: touch/hypoaesthesia (878), smell/anosmia (163), taste/ageusia (174)
Swelling: lymphatic/lymphadenopathy (579), lips (231), throat/pharyngeal (210), face (289), tongue (235), peripheral (322)
Severe itching/pruritus: 1106
Rash: 1099
Hives/urticaria: 774
Tingling sensations/paraesthesia: 1149
Oral tingling/paraesthesia: 520
Joint pain/arthralgia: 1203
Pain in extremities: 1803
Tightness of throat: 387
Anaphylactic reaction: 181
Fever/pyrexia: 3052
Headache: 4467
Some reactions to Pfizer's COVID vaccine reported to US VAERS for 14,649 events through 2/26:
Blindness: 20
Blurry vision: 122
Chest pain: 361
Chest discomfort: 485
Cardiac arrest: 70
Thrombosis/stroke: 30
Spontaneous abortion: 30
Facial paralysis: 199
Death: 475
Sense losses: touch (671), smell (129), taste (134)
Swelling: lymphatic (362), lips (182), throat (160), face (203), tongue (181), peripheral (206)
Severe itching: 787
Rash: 781
Hives/urticaria: 572
Tingling sensations: 873
Oral tingling: 418
Joint pain: 760
Tight throat: 315
Anaphylactic reaction: 143
Fever: 2,018