Showing posts with label Zimbabwe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zimbabwe. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2019

Just found out my neighbors raise funds to provide clean water in drought stricken Zimbabwe

You know the place, where Robert Mugabe spent 37 years turning it into a Maoist hell after white Rhodesians had turned it into a prosperous exporting nation.

We have terrible water problems right here in Michigan, like in Flint but also in many other places affected by PFOS, but my lunatic Christian home-schooling neighbors decided to help the lunatic fringe communists a continent away instead. They're even going there to run a marathon (!) in celebration of the project.

We are doomed.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Dr. Doom, Marc Faber, dumped from CNBC for saying "Thank God white people populated America, and not the blacks"

From the race realist here:

"And thank God white people populated America, and not the blacks. Otherwise, the US would look like Zimbabwe, which it might look like one day anyway, but at least America enjoyed 200 years in the economic and political sun under a white majority. ... I am not a racist, but the reality — no matter how politically incorrect — needs to be spelled out. ... If stating some historical facts makes me a racist, then I suppose that I am a racist. For years, Japanese were condemned because they denied the Nanking massacre".

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Rod Dreher snowflakes at The American Conservative are horrified by Trump's threat to appoint a special prosecutor

Baron Harkonnen says:
October 9, 2016 at 11:57 pm
By the way – am I the only one freaked out at the fact that one candidate threatened to jail the other if he wins? What are we in Zimbabwe? Yet another thing nobody cares about. It’s all normal now. It’s unthinkable. Trump is openly threatening to weaponize federal government agencies against political opponents. Disqualifying reason #812. B-b-b-b-b-ut Clin-ton!!!

As if the federal government hasn't been weaponized against Republicans and conservatives throughout the Obama administration to a degree never before seen or imagined.