Showing posts with label Mike Barnicle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Barnicle. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Howie Carr rips Elizabeth Talking Bull for resurrecting the "one drop rule" of Democrats' Jim Crow infamy

Good thing Boston still has two newspapers, but Facebook users prefer the wrong one.

But this is breathtaking chutzpah —  she’s resurrecting the “one-drop” rule from her Democrat party’s proudest Jim Crow days of the Ku Klux Klan, Woodrow Wilson and the rest of all those separate-but-equal Democrat worthies. 

One drop of black blood —  “Negro,” as the Jim Crows of CNN now say again, at least when they’re talking about Kanye West — and you’re … not white. ...

Yesterday the Globe was cooking the numbers to pretend that the least Indian she might be was 1/512​th — more fake news from the newspaper of Kevin Cullen, Mike Barnicle, Patricia Smith and Jayson Blair. 

All day yesterday, the Globe was running corrections of its fuzzy math. The original story said she was between 1⁄32nd and  1⁄512th Indian. That was the one the moonbats still have posted to their Facebook accounts.