Showing posts with label absentee ballot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label absentee ballot. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2024

75+ million votes already cast

 Nearly half of 2020's electorate have already cast ballots in 2024

Around 100 million people voted early, either in person or via mail, in 2020. ... Of those who have cast their vote so far in states that report party registration data, Democrats hold a slight lead — 37.9% to 36.2% — per [University of Florida Election Lab's] count.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Trump strongholds in North Carolina and Georgia were hit hard by Hurricane Helene


Politico reports here:

Hurricane Helene hit especially hard in heavily Republican areas of Georgia and North Carolina — a fact that could work to Donald Trump’s disadvantage in the two swing states. ...

The parts of western North Carolina and eastern Georgia that were flooded by the monster storm are largely Republican. In 2020, he won 61 percent of the vote in the North Carolina counties that were declared a disaster after Helene. He won 54 percent of the vote in Georgia’s disaster counties. ...

State records show that nearly 40,000 absentee ballots were mailed to voters in the 25 North Carolina counties that were declared a disaster following Helene. Fewer than 1,000 have been returned.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Monday, May 6, 2024

Rasmussen: 17% of mail-in voters in 2020 admit voting in a state in which they were no longer a permanent resident

 Election officials report that of 159 million ballots cast in 2020, more than 68 million were submitted by mail, about 43 percent of the total. In addition, as the MIT Election Data and Science Lab noted, “the dramatic increase in the raw number of absentee ballots cast was accompanied by a significant decrease in the overall absentee rejection rate for the country: from 0.96 percent in 2016 to 0.79 percent in 2020.”

If the recent Heartland Institute/Rasmussen survey is accurate and one in five ballots were, in fact, fraudulent, that would suggest greater than 13 million ballots should not have been counted nationwide in 2020. That’s far more than the margin of victory for President Biden in the popular vote, about 7 million. ...

Another survey conducted in March and April by the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen shows that 28 percent of likely voters now say they would commit at least one form of illegal voting during the 2024 election, “if given the opportunity.” Interestingly, respondents’ willingness to commit fraud was similar among Republicans, Democrats, and independents.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

California is the poster child of failed democracy

 The primary was yesterday.

The UK, with a population more than twice the size of California, would have had the entire vote for any race counted within hours.

But California has made no progress since this morning.

In the crucial race for US Senate, California has made almost ZERO progress after twelve hours.

This is how you create the conditions to tamper with the vote. You get people accustomed to delays like today time after time so that people tire of raising any objections. And then boom! you steal the election when you need to because it took forever last time, why not THIS time?

At 8:34am, the New York Times reported 48% of the vote counted in the US Senate race:








Tonight, at 8:53pm, they've made it up 1 point to 49% counted:


That's so California right there lol: Adam Shifty Schiff is unflappable and polite, also the man who regularly insulted Trump on social media

 From the LA Times here:

Instead [disgruntled Porter supporter Katie Loss, 69] is supporting Schiff, who she said she has long admired for his intelligence, his more than 20 years of experience in Washington and his willingness to stand up to Trump. And, she said, his polite, unflappable demeanor is "badly needed in the Senate."

Three paragraphs later:

Still, Schiff — through his role as a House impeachment manager and regular appearances on cable news — was the most visible and forceful foil to Trump, who regularly called him out at rallies and insulted him on social media.     


Meanwhile, just 48% of the vote in California, tech capital of the world, is counted this morning:





Saturday, September 9, 2023

November 5, 2024: Groundhog Day all over again


Saturday, November 12, 2022

How one voter beat Clark County, Nevada's mail-in ballot signature verification system in 2020 by 89% and again in 2022 by 55%



Salena Zito is obviously channeling Peggy Noonan: The women recommend just giving up on secure chain of custody voting

The weaker sex recommends you give in. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

That right there is the whole history of conservatism, from the advent of the Progressive Era 130 years ago until now.

Currently, Democrats are miles ahead of Republicans at targeting specific races and voters. Through mail balloting, they put those voters in the bank early. ... Republicans can complain about the current rules all they want, but what they need to do is wake up and start competing with the Democrats where they are. Otherwise, they're just leaving winnable races on the table.

Florida Republicans certainly have figured it out. In 2018 and 2020, the Democrats went into Election Day with more ballots cast than Republicans in early voting. This year, Florida Republicans flipped that on its head. Republicans in other states should take note.

-- Salena Zito, in her conclusion here

It is rude of Arizona and Nevada to keep the country waiting to know the composition of its Senate. Why, days after the election, don’t we know which party controls the House? Why can’t the late-reporting states get their act together on vote counting? It’s the increase in mail-in ballots? So what? You roll with life and adapt. Florida, which spans two time zones, reports its tallies with professionalism and dispatch. 

-- Peggy Noonan, from her lede here


Four true words

 Trump lacked the discipline.      

Stated here.

That's still the fundamental problem, but that's been the case from the beginning.

Character counts. Trump has never had it and never will. I cut my losses with Trump in 2018 when he exposed himself as a phony on his chief plank, illegal immigration. He already did that in August 2016, so fool me once, shame on Trump. I am not ashamed to state it over and over again.

The rest of the party still hasn't come around, however, with so-called conservatives still yammering on about stuff like pOPuLiSm. But that's because opposition to illegal immigration was never a GOP value. The GOP would never be upset because he lied about that.

It's hard to imagine the GOP pointing to anything in particular which was a line too far. 121 voted in the House to object to the 2020 Arizona vote, 138 to the Pennsylvania vote. Not even three horrible elections in a row is proving to be decisive.

Meanwhile Democrats have exploited Trump's weakness, and therefore the GOP's, to consolidate power with extraordinary new depth. The new regime of mail-in voting everywhere changes everything. The chain of custody of ballots in voting precincts is broken forever.

It's the end run around representative government we only imagined the National Popular Vote Compact would be. It's the path to pure democracy. It's the end of legislatures, the end of republicanism, and makes the tyranny of the majority and the repression of the minority the new, terrible future.

A Supreme Court in principle deferring to the states on everything from election law to drugs, marriage, abortion, gender, etc. is no bulwark against what's coming, indeed, what's already here.

The people will decide by referendum.

The people be damned.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Michigan House, Senate, Governor's mansion, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Supreme Court all under Democrat control for first time since 1980s

This is what happens when you get 1.8 million votes by mail: a record turnout to surpass the 2018 record turnout.

For the first time in four decades, Democrats are waking up to a state in which their party controls the House and Senate – a feat not done since the early 1980s.


It takes a special kind of stupid Republicanism to screw things up this bad: libertarian Republicanism, for which Michigan is famous.

The key: legislation by referendum of the people instead of by representative government; which yielded 1) easy voting by mail, instead of on election day, for which libertarians are all-in, as they are for abortion, immigration, and free-trade, same as Democrats; and 2) "nonpartisan" redistricting.

Michigan was never a conservative state, and is finished as a Republican state.

Michigan has been irretrievably Californicated in the span of four years.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel just lies right out of the box about "longstanding" use of ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin

Isn't that what Election 2020 was all about? Lying? Lying absentee ballots and the lying voters who cast them? And lying media?

It used to be a good newspaper, but those days are long over:

The 4-3 ruling, coming four weeks before statewide primaries Aug. 9, is a win for Republicans who now oppose the longstanding use of ballot drop boxes after their use proliferated during the coronavirus pandemic and was heavily criticized by former President Donald Trump, who alleged with no evidence that absentee voting was rife with fraud and led to his reelection loss in 2020.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court found that there was no evidence of longstanding use, presented by the Wisconsin Election Commission, or otherwise:

¶65 The record evidence WEC cited does not support its argument that ballot drop boxes have been in common and longstanding use in this state. 

Read the whole thing here.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

J6 Hysteria Is How Media And Other Democrats Are Avoiding Accountability For Their Rigging Of The 2020 Election

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

In the just 5 months since Joe Biden won the mail-in vote, the purchasing power of the dollar has already declined by 1.56%


The Great War, depression, gold confiscation, dollar devaluation, fiat money, More War, and inflationary monetary policy all have done a real number on the dollar long before this, so it's understandable if no one really notices anymore. 

We're witnessing a seemingly infinite division in a race to the bottom. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The basic premise of the Election 2020 fraud proponents is completely mistaken

 The basic premise is that Trump was winning on election day, only to lose overnight as a flood of fraudulent ballots washed away his lead.

This is completely mistaken.

It is now clear that just 54% of voters voted "in person", either early or on election day. 46% voted by mail/absentee.

66% of Trump's vote was "in person", but only 42% of Biden's. That's why it appeared that Trump won on election day.

Most of Biden's vote, 58%, was counted after the polls had closed into the next day(s) because it was absentee/by mail. He had a larger reservoir of his voters to draw on than did Trump, whose post-election day reservoir was only 34% of his vote.

There were doubtless more fraudulent votes cast this election because so many of the ballots were absentee/by mail, and so many more people voted and voted this way. The problem has been proving it, and proving it was large enough to flip places like Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona.

Absentee/by mail ballots typically post high rejection rates for voter noncompliance reasons: failure to sign the envelope, failure to return it on time, failure to mark the ballot correctly, failure of the signature to match the record, failure to show a return address matching the file, and much more. These rates typically exceed 1%, often by quite a lot. The problem is rejection rates in this election are coming in much lower than 1%, which, contrary to the Democrats, is a huge red flag.

Investigation of these problems should have been Team Trump's number one objective in challenging this election. Unfortunately and characteristically it got side-tracked by craziness and laziness, the hallmarks of the Trump era. Pieces of paper are evidence. Fanciful theories using computer "data" are not. Courts are not interested in jeopardizing their claim to impartiality by facilitating fishing expeditions for one political party against another. Either you've got the goods, or you don't.

It's sad Trump is such an incompetent and wasn't ready for this, but it is what it is. All the "shouldas wouldas and couldas" in the world ain't gonna fix it.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Lynn Afendoulis running vs. Peter Meijer in MI-3 says attack ad against her traces to Meijer crony "former" Democrat Greg Orman

Afendoulis says Orman is behind the Fix Congress Now! mailings attacking her.

She says Peter Meijer donated in 2017 to Orman's failed run for governor in Kansas in 2018.

She also says Orman's Fix Congress Now! is funded by Unite America, whose board members include Orman.

Unite America stands for Ranked Choice Voting, Open Primaries, Vote By Mail, and Independent Redistricting, all of which traditional Republicans have opposed.

Orman ran as a Democrat against Republican Senator Pat Roberts in Kansas in 2008 but now claims to be an independent.

DeVos money is backing Meijer.

I recommend a vote for Afendoulis, and shopping at Sam's Club.