Why, Donald Trump could be another FDR!, he says today. He could consolidate Republican rule for decades if he spends the money correctly!
Rush doesn't have a clue about the Obama stimulus, let alone have any principles. He thinks the stimulus was $1 trillion or so, when it was actually nearly $5 trillion, so far. I say so far because the damn thing was built into the outlay train. And look what we've gotten for it. A big fat nothing-burger. Crummier economic growth than under Bush, full-time jobs over 6 million behind trend, and a big fat national debt of nearly $20 trillion.
But Trump's version is going to be successful! Sure it is. $1 trillion or $5 trillion or $10 trillion under Trump isn't going to do anything it couldn't do under Obama.
The February 2009 Obama stimulus got added to Bush's 2009 fiscal year spending, and to every frickin' year thereafter. The fiscal 2008
baseline outlays were $2.9825 trillion.
And here are the annual outlays thereafter in excess of that baseline:
2009: $535.2 billion
2010: $474.6 billion
2011: $620.6 billion
2012: $554.5 billion
2013: $472.1 billion
2014: $523.6 billion
2015: $776.1 billion
2016: $1.017 trillion.
The giant joke on the American people here is that Republicans went right along with this charade the whole time Obama was president.
And now that Trump is running the show, an even bigger joke is about to be played on the American people.