The S&P 500 Equal Weight Index is down almost 7% this month, to date.
Meanwhile, more inflation for the rest of us, which Powell has never really tried to stop. You know, like Christianity hasn't failed, it just hasn't really been tried.
The S&P 500 Equal Weight Index is down almost 7% this month, to date.
Meanwhile, more inflation for the rest of us, which Powell has never really tried to stop. You know, like Christianity hasn't failed, it just hasn't really been tried.
CNBC: Wholesale prices rose 0.2% in October, in line with expectations
Wholesale prices nudged higher in October, though largely in line with expectations and mostly consistent with the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates again in December, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Thursday.
The producer price index, which measures what producers get for their products, increased a seasonally adjusted 0.2% for the month, up one-tenth of a percentage point from September though matching the Dow Jones consensus forecast. On a 12-month basis, headline wholesale inflation was at 2.4%.
Excluding food and energy, core PPI rose 0.3%, also one-tenth more than September and also matching expectations. The 12-month rate was at 3.1%.
"Largely in line" and "mostly consistent" lol. Both 12-month measures were higher than the consensus expected, which was 2.3% for headline and 3% for core. The year over year measures are the most important anyway, especially core.
Why lie about it?
CNN: Wholesale inflation heated up again last month, reversing recent progress
US wholesale inflation picked up more than expected in October, indicating that some price pressures persist at the producer level.
The Producer Price Index, a measurement of average price changes seen by producers and manufacturers, rose 0.2% on a monthly basis and 2.4% for the 12 months ended in October, marking an acceleration from September, when prices ticked up 0.1% for the month and grew 1.9% annually, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Thursday. ...
FactSet consensus forecasts called for a 0.2% monthly gain and for the annual rate to heat up to 2.3%.
Excluding food and energy prices, which tend to be volatile, core PPI rose 0.3% on a monthly basis, marking an acceleration from 0.2% in September. Annually, core PPI heated up from 2.9% to 3.1%, the largest increase since June. Economists projected a 0.2% monthly gain and a 3% annual rate.
Obviously not all prediction models were the same. FactSet projected a 0.2% monthly gain for core vs. 0.3% for core shown above by FXStreet.
But again, the year over year is up MORE THAN EXPECTED for BOTH measures in most models. CNN mentions it, CNBC does not.
You can clearly observe that overall, headline wholesale prices year over year have been trending higher since June 2023. That bottom came out in July 2023, when the Fed last hiked the interest rate in the current cycle and then paused for good.
That was a big mistake.
The rise in wholesale prices since then is as good an indicator as any that higher inflation is deeply embedded in the economy and that the Fed stopped hiking too soon. Arguably core prices sent the same signal, but not starting until after December 2023.
Paying attention to core could explain the Fed's mistake, but for the fact that if the Fed were truly listening to this information, it wouldn't have then cut by 50 basis points in September 2024. I mean, c'mon man.
Jay Powell represents the interests of the bankers and Wall Street, for whom inflation is a good thing because it is the screen behind which the pipeline from prices to profits gets juiced.
He does not represent the people.
Who appointed that guy anyway?!
But the article name-checks Donald Trump five times because he's an opponent of Fed decisions.
There's a whole movement out there that wants to End the Fed, composed of Republicans, Democrats, and libertarians, which CNBC is loathe to mention.
Many of them argue that the US 2-year Treasury Note should be the benchmark for the Federal Funds Effective Rate, not the whim of the Fed Chair and the Federal Open Market Committee, who are un-elected, well-connected, and VERY WELL PAID elites who watch out primarily for the interests of the banksters.
For example, despite the disastrous Zero Interest Rate Policy post-Great Recession, DGS2 resisted it and outran DFF throughout the period under Obama and Trump, and anticipated the recent inflationary outburst by starting to rise in the spring of 2021, a full year before the Fed moved to "combat inflation" by raising the funds rate in the spring of 2022.
Similarly DGS2 also started to fall in November of 2023 despite no change to Fed policy, anticipating the recent decline of inflation rates by almost a year.
The role of the US Treasury Secretary, AS MUCH A CREATURE of the Executive as the Fed Chair, is also huge for interest rates because the Secretary decides how to divvy up the debt securities for auction by duration.
Biden's Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been in the news for driving up the issuance in T-bills to 22% when 15% has been customary, which has contributed to longer rates falling and stocks rising, just in time for the election.
But the costs of this have been dramatic, financing deficit spending at the highest rates and driving interest payments on the debt to the third spot in the budget, behind only Social Security and Medicare.
The laughs are here:
Our economy has been short labor and probably still is if you talk to and we do talk to a lot of business people, it is still difficult to hire for many, many companies. So we've needed more people. But what happened over the course of last year is to a much greater extent than had been thought. Immigration moved up quite a bit over the last two years.
Meanwhile, full time as a percentage of civilian population DROPPED year over year in the first quarter, according to the employment numbers out today, from 49.7% in 1Q2023 to 49.2% in 1Q2024.
Now Fed Chair Powell has just said it's time for the pace of the roll-off to slow.
That's the curved line slowly trending down from it's peak near $9 trillion to $7.5 trillion now.
Just as the National Debt will never be paid down, the Fed will never stop intervening in the Treasury market to limit supply and support prices, which suppresses market driven interest rates.
Powell isn't serious about fighting inflation.
The London PM gold fix soared 437% between 1970 and 1978 using average prices.
Gold is up about 60% since Powell became Fed Chair in February 2018. Gold has risen from about $1333 to $2142 on an average basis.
Gold hits fifth record high in March on Fed rate-cut view :
Gold prices on Thursday hit record highs for the fifth time this month after the U.S. Federal Reserve signaled it would press ahead with three rate cuts in 2024 despite elevated inflation.
Spot gold was up 1.1% at $2,209.65 per ounce at after hitting an all-time high of $2,222.39 earlier in the session. U.S. gold futures soared 2.4% to $2,212.40. ...
Despite recent high inflation readings, Fed chair Jerome Powell said the U.S. central bank is still likely to reduce interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point by the end of 2024, but that it also depends on further economic data. ...
Lower interest rates decrease the opportunity cost of holding non-yielding bullion . . ..
Jerome Powell is the biggest phony inflation fighter the country has ever seen.
He was appointed by Trump! So much winning!
Core pce inflation previously exceeded the ten year yield in 1974-75 and in 2012 (barely).
The Fed's primary inflation-fighting tool has been the Federal Funds Rate, but it let inflation run wildly out of control before even lifting a finger to stop it in March 2022 when the Fed finally acted and started raising the rate.
It is a shameful episode which has benefited businesses which hiked prices higher than inflation to goose profits, and the federal government which desperately needed to devalue its mounting debts, all at the expense of the average American.
The lack of outrage over this is a study in the depth of American servitude. Slavery didn't end in 1865 for African Americans. It became the common lot of us all.
Yield for the 10-year US Treasury rose to an average 4.17% in August 2023 while core inflation year over year fell to 3.87% in August 2023.
This ends the 3-year 5-month run where core inflation exceeded the 10-year yield, something which has never happened in the data.
The only time core inflation outran the 10-year previously for a comparable period was in 1974 and 1975 when core inflation averaged 7.91% and 8.35% vs. the 10-year yield which averaged 7.56% and 7.99% respectively.
That lackadaisical response to inflation by the Federal Reserve under Arthur F. Burns (1970-1978) prefigured the 1980 resurgence of core inflation to 9.19%. Under his successor Paul Volcker, interest rates were hiked to unprecedented levels to curb inflation. The 10-year yield rose to an average of 13.92% in 1981 as a result.
The current fear is that the Powell Fed has set up the economy for a repeat of this awful period of inflation.
Whatever is said about it, there is no question that inflation is a benefit to the Federal government because it depends on borrowing to finance deficit spending and consequently the debt, now at an unprecedented $33 trillion. Inflation simply reduces that cost to the government over time by making the dollars previously borrowed worth less.
It is true that new borrowing costs much more, but the debt mountain mammoth in the living room is the more pressing problem. This is why the cognoscenti teach that inflation is a good thing.
Extending the duration of inflation at the currently relatively low level has been in the government's interest. The costs born by the public in the form of higher prices for goods, services, and borrowing are becoming routinized so that the voters are becoming inured to the deleterious effects for them while clueless of the benefits for the debt mongers.
This is particularly the case for voters who have no memory of that horrible inflation which gave rise to the backlash represented by Ronald Reagan's election in 1980, and who now vastly outnumber those who still remember.
It should not be forgotten that Jimmy Carter got elected in 1976 anyway, after the Burns' inflation. The voters then took it all in stride, too, until they didn't.
Same as it ever was.
There were just two years of this in the 1970s inflation, and they too were consecutive.
Anyone who calls Jerome Powell an inflation fighter is an idiot, or a stooge for the status quo of inflation profiteers.
This is all on the backs of the people, but where is the angry mob?
So medicated, so drugged, and so otherwise anesthetized by bread and circuses that the elites don't even bother to hide the truth.
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Core inflation higher than DGS10 yield in 2020, 2021, 2022 (annual average) |
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Core inflation higher than DGS10 yield January through July 2023 (monthly view) |
Chris Christie is a smart guy with many of the right ideas about government spending, taxes, inflation, energy, and the environment.
But it's a real stretch to think that the timid interest rate increases of the Fed are responsible for this year's so-far moderating inflation indicators when it's falling energy prices since the winter which deserve the real credit. Christie himself admits that outrageous government spending hasn't been curbed at all.
His is a simple binary view which, while conventional and correct as far as it goes, doesn't get to the heart of the current matter.
Low energy prices have always been and remain key to a successful economy, and it was the spike in natural gas cost inputs because of the Russia-Ukraine war which accelerated inflation globally, not just in the US.
Fed chair Jerome Powell was correct in June of 2021 to believe that inflation would be transitory for "weak supply" reasons, but the Fed rate increases didn't actually commence until the start of the war in Ukraine, which compounded those reasons with the cutoff of European natural gas supplies.
But since the winter the natural gas price is down 73% from peak, coal is down 70%, and gasoline is down too, but a comparatively modest 24%.
Americans consumed in 2022 the energy equivalent of 26.9 billion kWh/day of natural gas, 13 billion kWh/day of gasoline, and 7.9 billion kWh/day of coal.
Natural gas is twice as important as gasoline in the overall American energy picture, primarily for heating, and as a substitute for coal in electricity generation.
Natural gas produced 4.6 billion kWh/day of electricity in 2022, the top source of electricity, vs. coal at 2.3 billion kWh/day and nuclear at 2.1 billion kWh/day.
Chris Christie is right though. We must "uncap" US oil and gas production and be energy independent.
Europe's natural gas storage, by the way, is presently 93% full as the war in Ukraine drags on. They are ready.
The US used 88.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day in 2022. We presently have about 35 days in storage.
Crude oil consumption in 2022 was about 20.3 million barrels per day. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is down to about 17 days of supply, from about 35 in 2011.
Watch CNBC’s full interview with GOP Presidential Candidate Chris Christie
Christie lets Fed off the hook for inflation, blames Trump and Biden for overspending
The 10-year US Treasury note has averaged BELOW average inflation for three consecutive years, and is set to make it four.
This is unprecedented, and shows that the authorities have not been serious about fighting inflation. Inflation is actually what they want when the country is $32 trillion in debt, aka a devaluation of the liability.
Notice that they actually tried this for a couple of years in the mid-1970s, after which all hell broke loose with the highest inflation on record and the people revolted. We got Ronald Reagan as a result.
Inflation is the same thing in the world of money as immigration is in the world of labor. Inflation devalues what you owe, and immigration devalues what you make.
You are just collateral damage.
Powell, a Republican, was elevated to the Fed by Obama, appointed to the Fed chair by Trump, and reappointed by Biden.
The Uniparty.
Jay Powell is such a clown:
Making sure his pals profit under the umbrella of inflationary pressures is worse than insider trading, because we all pay.
We're the marks!
I haven't been this disappointed in a federal official since Donald Trump betrayed his immigration promises in 2017-2018.
And how did stocks respond?
The yield curve recovered 98 basis points in the last week to close at 5488 on Nov 18.
Despite all the alarming volatility in US Treasuries, the curve is little changed from Oct 28 at 5487 or Oct 19 at 5486, one month ago.
The upward trend remains intact. Raising the Fed Funds rate to 3.83% has produced an overall yield curve at 4.22%.
There's plenty more to be done.
The lying rhetoric is designed to persuade the Fed to halt ("You've done enough!"), enlisting as many dupes along the way as it can to join the chorus, since easy money is the industry's goose that laid the golden egg.
But easy money is why this country is $31 trillion in debt, and why inflation is raging at an average of 8.3% in the first half of 2022.
Since March foreigners have held $300 billion less of the stuff on net through September, which is not a good sign.
But consider that there's about $2.9 trillion in US Treasury notes issued in 2020 alone paying just 0.6% on average and maybe you can understand why.
Meanwhile investors holding bonds are down 30.95% year to date (TLT) at the same time the S&P 500 is down 17.33%. A total bond index like VTSAX is down less, 16.92% year to date, which is cold comfort.
But that's not the Fed's biggest problem.
The Fed's biggest problem remains the so-called "dual mandate", to maintain stable prices AND full employment at the same time.
Our disgusting Congress foisted the latter on the Fed in 1978, which was nothing but a damned if you do, damned if you don't abdication of its own political responsibility dumped onto the appointee of the executive.
But the disgusting Congress represents the disgusting people, who want tax cuts AND infrastructure spending at the same time.
The dual mandate didn't stop Paul Volcker from doing what needed to be done to subdue inflation from 1979, but those were different times when the political tables were the reverse. Volcker was a Democrat appointee saddling a new Republican president with an unemployment rate of 9.7% by jacking up the cost of money.
Jay Powell is a Republican appointee who will have to do the same to a Democrat president to end the current madness.
The pressure on him to relent comes from every quarter.
We'll see if the new Republican House has the cojones to back him, which it should if it gives a fig about the future of the country.
But Jay Powell will have to prove that he has the cojones first, because the Congress is full of girly men.
He has hardly begun to fight.
In his testimony yesterday, Jerome Powell said he uses a table of the last twelve months of 12-month readings of inflation. In other words, year-over-year readings.
It showed him no evidence of inflation coming down, in other words, of inflation being "transitory".
"We're exactly where we were a year ago." In other words, yep, inflation is raging. It's not transitory.
If you aren't appalled by that, I don't know what to say.
In April 2021 inflation year over year was already at the 2008-level of bad, and the Fed chair decided to wait and see if it became a "problem".
He waited a year, until Mar 2022, to begin raising the main interest rate.
I'm sure the reason is that in April 2021 he was focused on the pandemic as the number one problem. Vaccine uptake reached its crescendo that month, and Jay was praising the COVID stimulus orgy to restart the economy.
But the pandemic wasn't his job. Stable prices is his job, and he let it slide because of the extraordinary circumstances.
Now we're in a whole other big mess. Gutting the bond market is going to be life-changing for far longer than the pandemic will be.
Here's the video from yesterday with the key interchange.
This is Trump's boy, by the way.