Showing posts with label Joe Manchin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Manchin. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2025

This is brutal: A list of Senate Democrats who were all for last week's failed filibuster after they were against it

 In the first column are 30 Democrats who infamously voted to abolish the filibuster late in the evening on Jan 19, 2022, which failed 48-52 because of Sinema and Manchin, but happily tried to mount one last week.

The roll call vote in the US Senate is here (the Wikipedia entry is wrong on this, citing a CBS story and dating the vote to Jan 20).

In column two are 7 Democrats who campaigned to abolish the filibuster but who also happily tried to mount one last week.

The 2017 letter to Mitch McConnell in the last column references the names of 19 Democrats who then said they were for the filibuster, but last week 5 of them weren't lol.

The irony of all this of course is that Joe Biden's spending for fiscal 2025 was just passed with little modification by Republicans with the help of 10 Democrats (1 Independent) and the Democrats are beating themselves up over it.

But it's kind of hard to crow about Joe Biden's success after you just forced him out of power.



Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Harry Reid eliminating the filibuster for judicial appointments worked out poorly for Democrats, Kamala Harris tells Wisconsin Public Radio she'd eliminate the filibuster to get a national right to abortion back

 It doesn't occur to these people that Republicans would retaliate in kind when they regain control of both chambers of Congress, passing their biggest ideas on simple majorities.

Retiring Senator Joe Manchin said ending the filibuster would turn the Senate into "the House on steroids," which is exactly right.

Retiring Senator Kyrsten Sinema said Republicans would use the new power "to ban all abortion nationwide", which is unlikely but possible.

But still Kamala persists, because she's not too bright.



Saturday, February 17, 2024

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Joe Manchin won't seek re-election to the US Senate from West Virginia in 2024

 From the story here:

Manchin’s commitment to staying active in politics, meanwhile, fuels further speculation that he could be considering a presidential run.

“Nothing is off the table,” a source with direct knowledge of Manchin’s plans told NBC News when asked if Manchin is considering a White House bid.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Phony Democrat SALT Caucus is out there today boasting it is going to vote for the Manchin bill anyway, which doesn't undo the Trump tax increases on the wealthy they promised to get rid of

  a group of House Democrats say they will still vote for the party’s spending package without SALT reform . . . members of the SALT Caucus ... have vowed to oppose a bill without SALT relief


From their website:


April 15, 2021  
Press Release 
32 Democrats and Republicans join

Today, April 15, 2021, Tom Suozzi (NY-3), U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5),  Young Kim (CA-39), and Andrew Garbarino (NY-2) announced the formation of the new bipartisan SALT Caucus to advocate for new tax relief from Congress. 


“Our effort to restore the SALT deduction is gaining momentum. Together, Democrats and Republicans alike, we will advocate for the restoration of the SALT deduction and highlight the middle class families who have been unfairly hurt by the cap,” said Rep. Tom Suozzi, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “The cap on the SALT deduction has been a body blow to New York and middle-class families throughout the country. At the end of the day, we must fix this injustice.”


“We’re formally launching a new bipartisan group — the SALT Caucus — because, for all our Members, and for the tens of thousands of middle class families we represent, it is high time that Congress reinstates the State and Local Tax deduction, so we can get more dollars back in to the pockets of so many struggling families — especially as we recover from this pandemic,” said Rep. Josh Gottheimer, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “This bipartisan group we’re founding today, with members from coast to coast and across the political spectrum, are all banding together to reinstate the State and Local Tax deduction, to find a way to get this done in Congress, and to actually get tax relief for the hard working middle class families we represent.”


“Hardworking Californians in the 39th District and across my home state have been burdened enough by high state and local taxes. It is estimated that in the 2022 tax year, California’s 39th District will pay on average more than $640 million due to the SALT cap,” said Rep. Young Kim, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “I am proud to fight for lower taxes for my constituents as Co-Chair of the SALT Caucus and am looking forward to working together to ensure California workers and families can keep more of their hard-earned money.” 


“The SALT cap penalizes working class Long Islanders. From firefighters to police officers, to teachers, to nurses, and small business owners, I hear from people every day about what a crushing blow the SALT cap has delivered them. I’m proud to be a Co-Chair of the bipartisan SALT Caucus to fully restore the deduction once and for all,” said Rep. Andrew Garbarino, SALT Caucus Co-Chair.


“A critical component of our overall economic recovery must be the repeal of the state and local tax deduction cap that was imposed by the 2017 tax law,” said Rep. Mikie Sherrill, SALT Caucus Vice Chair. “There is a misconception that the SALT deduction doesn’t help middle class families. But in high cost of living areas like my district, SALT does in fact make a critical difference in helping make ends meet for our middle class residents like teachers and law enforcement officers, who depend on this deduction to afford the high cost of living in our area. To be clear, the 2017 tax bill specifically targeted states and communities like mine that have prioritized key investments in our public schools, living wages for workers, environmental protections, the list goes on. I’m proud to be launching this bipartisan caucus to ensure we deliver a win on this issue for families in New Jersey and across the country.”


“The cap on the state and local tax deduction hurts middle class California families,” said Rep. Katie Porter, SALT Caucus Vice Chair. “During the coronavirus pandemic, our state and local governments have led public health efforts on testing and vaccines—a potent reminder of the important work they do. Restoring the state and local tax deduction, which has been in our tax code since its inception, gives taxpayers and communities the ability to invest in their priorities and levels the playing field across states for federal taxation.”


“Counties are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting nearly 1,000 hospitals, more than 1,900 public health authorities and other services essential to residents’ safety and well-being. The human and financial impacts of addressing this health and economic emergency are staggering,” said National Association of Counties Executive Director Matthew Chase. “We applaud the formation of this bipartisan caucus committed to repealing the state and local tax deduction cap, which would reinstate our local control of our tax systems and strengthen the ability of our counties and local communities to deliver essential public services, such as emergency response, public health and infrastructure.”


The SALT Caucus leadership consists of: 


Co-Chair Tom Suozzi (NY-3)

Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5)

Co-Chair Andrew Garbarino (NY-2)

Co-Chair Young Kim (CA-39)

Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-9), SALT Caucus Vice Chair  

Katie Porter (CA-45), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Jamie Raskin (MD-08), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Chris Smith (NJ-04), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Lauren Underwood (IL-14), SALT Caucus Vice Chair


The other founding members of the SALT Caucus include: Reps. Danny Davis, Nicole Malliotakis, Julia Brownley, Judy Chu, Lee Zeldin, Michelle Steel, Mike Levin, Jimmy Panetta, Jimmy Gomez, Brian Higgins, Jerry Nadler, Tom Malinowski, Jeff Van Drew, Alan Lowenthal, Anna Eshoo, Andy Kim, Ted Lieu, Brad Schneider, John Larson, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mike Garcia, and Gregory Meeks.


Monday, August 8, 2022

The Federal Government has been collecting record taxes for months, but that's not good enough for The Beast: The Manchin inflation bill gives the IRS $80 billion to collect even more, $204 billion extra in the next ten years

Meanwhile Sean Hannity on the radio is talking about anything but.






Reconciliation bill includes nearly $80 billion for IRS including enforcement, audits: What that means for taxpayers :

Collectively, those improvements are projected to bring in $203.7 billion in revenue from 2022 to 2031, according to recent estimates from the Congressional Budget Office.


Meanwhile the rich get a $14 billion gift in the Manchin "inflation" bill because the carried interest loophole fix was dropped to please Senator Sinema


Democrats estimated that the proposed changes to the carried interest rules would have raised $14 billion over 10 years.


Joe Manchin's gift to America: IRS gets a whopping 58% funding increase each and every year for ten years over fiscal 2021

 They're coming for YOU.


The IRS spent $13.7 billion last year.

The Manchin bill gives the IRS an additional $79.6 billion over ten years:

. . . it will take time to phase in the added IRS funding . . .

CNBC says you WANTED this:

More than two-thirds of registered voters support boosting the IRS budget . . .

LOL, are YOU ever going to get it, good and hard.


Yeah, well, we wouldn't have the Manchin reconciliation bill in the first place if Trump hadn't screwed Perdue and Loeffler in Georgia

 Trump: Dems Played McConnell "Like a Fiddle" on Reconciliation Bill

Trump should just shut his yap already and GO AWAY!


LOL, watch for dozens of phony House Democrats who ran on repeal of Trump's 2017 SALT caps vote once again come Friday for a bill (Joe Manchin's) which doesn't remove them and adds more taxes on most Americans

Trump raising taxes on rich coastal elites and Democrats never doing anything about it after running on a promise to do so will never not be funny.

 House Dems Drop SALT Pledges To Back Manchin Bill

Democrats and Republicans have forcefully disputed whether the Inflation Reduction Act would raise taxes on middle-class households making less than $400,000, which would violate a core Biden pledge. The non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation, found that the measure would raise $16.7 billion on taxpayers making less than $200,000 in 2023.

Josh Gottheimer NJ-5

Mikie Sherrill NJ-11

Tom Suozzi NY-3

Katie Porter CA-45

Mike Levin CA
Tom Malinowski NJ-7

Josh Harder CA-10

Julia Brownley CA-26

Friday, July 29, 2022

LOL, Joe Manchin extracts gas and oil drilling concessions in Gulf of Mexico and Alaska in $369 billion compromise called "America’s biggest legislative moment for climate and energy policy"


However, some groups more strongly condemned the support for fossil fuel projects in the agreement, specifically provisions that would mandate new oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. Manchin, who comes from the coal-rich West Virginia, has argued that drilling in these areas is neccesary for the country’s energy independence.


Let's hope Blue Dog Joe is made of stronger stuff than Bart Stupak and stands firm on the fossil fuel provisions. Stupak famously flamed out in 2010 when he helped pass Obamacare under reconciliation even though it omitted Hyde Amendment provisions prohibiting federal funding of abortion which he had insisted he supported and had to be in the bill.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

LOL, Larry Summers reportedly behind relatively puny tax and spending deal between Joe Manchin and Chucky Schumer

The Washington Post, citing people familiar with the details, reported that the two men spoke this week. A spokeswoman for Summers declined to comment,  as did a spokeswoman for Manchin. This time, the haggling and lobbying bore fruit: a surprise agreement for a $369 billion tax, energy and climate plan that Manchin and Schumer announced on Wednesday.
You remember Larry Summers, right?


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Democrat Manchin-endorsed Republican Rep. McKinley loses to Trump-endorsed Republican Rep. Mooney in West Virginia redistricting shootout

After redistricting, both members chose to compete in the 2nd District. Trump endorsed Mooney in the race, but the consolidated district, spanning the northern half of the state, includes more areas currently represented by McKinley. But Mooney’s Trump endorsement appeared to overcome McKinley's structural advantage in the district. 


Senator Manchin, call your office.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Hero Joe Manchin won't support Biden climate lunatic Sarah Bloom Raskin for Federal Reserve Board


This red diaper doper baby thinks it would be a good idea for banks to refuse to lend to the oil and gas industry in order to end it.

She's an Obama administration retread.


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Joe Manchin wants to pause before spending any more money since we've already injected $5 TRILLION into the economy because of the pandemic

 Ya think?

Last year's spending was an ORGY, and along comes this guy suggesting we take a break and he's public enemy numero uno to Democrats and the picture of conservatism to admiring Republicans.

We are so screwed.

From the story:

  • He's argued Congress should take a “strategic pause” on the bigger package until Congress had more time to assess the effects of the nearly $5 trillion COVID stimulus spending in 2020 and earlier this year.
  • His statements on Wednesday amounted to an I-told-you-so.
  • “By all accounts, the threat posed by record inflation to the American people is not ‘transitory’ and is instead getting worse,” Manchin said. “From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and D.C. can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans feel every day.”

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Bipartisan Senate infrastructure plan authorizing $550 billion in new spending passed the House late last night and goes to Biden for his signature

The bill was opposed in the House by almost all Republicans, and by six far-left Democrats who were outmaneuvered by thirteen moderate Republicans who threw their support to the plan, which 19 Republican US Senators had voted for earlier this summer. 

The House progressives had insisted that the infrastructure plan be voted on together with Biden's social spending plan in order to force moderate Democrats to go along with the latter. The House Republican votes for the Senate bill ended up thwarting that linkage, making it even more likely that the House version of the social spending plan will have to be much less ambitious.

A small group of House Democrats have insisted the Congressional Budget Office score the impact of the separate social spending plan, which would have been standard operating procedure under Republicans but which Democrats under Pelosi have been avoiding until now. They don't give a damn about the true costs. They've even claimed absurdly a $3.5 trillion social spending plan will cost NOTHING. Ha ha ha ha ha.

That ranks among the most shameless attempts to change reality through a talking point ever attempted.

Whatever comes out of the House on that will face the hard scrutiny of Democrat Senators Manchin and Sinema regardless. 

Roll Call:

The bipartisan bill would reauthorize surface transportation and water programs for five years, adding $550 billion in new spending. 

It includes $110 billion for roads, bridges and major projects; $39 billion for transit and $66 billion for rail; $65 billion for broadband; $65 billion for the electric grid; $55 billion to upgrade water infrastructure and $25 billion for airports.


The bill includes more than $110 billion to replace and repair roads, bridges and highways, and $66 billion to boost rail, making it the most substantial such investment in the country’s passenger and commercial network since the creation of Amtrak about half a century ago. Lawmakers provided $55 billion to improve the nation’s water supply and replace lead pipes, $60 billion to modernize the power grid and billions in additional sums to expand speedy Internet access nationwide.

Many of the investments aim to promote green energy and combat some of the country’s worst sources of pollution. At Biden’s behest, for example, lawmakers approved $7.5 billion to build out a national network of vehicle charging stations. Reflecting the deadly, costly consequences of global warming, the package also allocates another roughly $50 billion to respond to emergencies including droughts, wildfires and major storms.