Showing posts with label Barbara Lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbara Lee. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

California is the poster child of failed democracy

 The primary was yesterday.

The UK, with a population more than twice the size of California, would have had the entire vote for any race counted within hours.

But California has made no progress since this morning.

In the crucial race for US Senate, California has made almost ZERO progress after twelve hours.

This is how you create the conditions to tamper with the vote. You get people accustomed to delays like today time after time so that people tire of raising any objections. And then boom! you steal the election when you need to because it took forever last time, why not THIS time?

At 8:34am, the New York Times reported 48% of the vote counted in the US Senate race:








Tonight, at 8:53pm, they've made it up 1 point to 49% counted:


Thursday, October 5, 2023

The White Nation picks up the torch of the Congressional Black Caucasians against Gavin Two-Faced Newsom