Showing posts with label John Kasich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Kasich. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2019

Ann Coulter: The media are trying to convince Trump that if he abandons the wall, he’ll be a statesman . . .

Bush 41 accepted the Profiles in Courage award from Democrats for abandoning his Read My Lips No New Taxes pledge, many years later of course, proof that the voters were right to turn out the bum in 1992 for his betrayal.

Will Trump follow in his footsteps?

Nearly every Republican presidential candidate tried to con voters with these meaningless catchphrases about “border security.”

Here are The Des Moines Register’s summaries of some of the candidates’ positions on immigration a few weeks before the 2016 Iowa caucus:

Jeb Bush: “has called for enhanced border security.”

Marco Rubio: “proposes … improved security on the border.”

John Kasich: “believes border security should be strengthened.”

Chris Christie: “urges … using technology to improve border surveillance …”

Rand Paul: “would secure the border immediately.”

Carly Fiorina: “would secure the border, which she says requires only money and manpower.”

They all lost.

The guy who won: “Trump has said many illegal immigrants are rapists and are bringing drugs and crime to the United States. He has called for building a wall along the southern border, and has said he would make Mexico pay for it. He said he would immediately terminate President Barack Obama’s ‘illegal executive order on immigration.'”

Trump got more votes than any other Republican in the history of presidential primaries. No one was falling for “border security” then, and they aren’t now.

But instead of doing what he said and building a wall, Trump has hired people who don’t even grasp that the point is to make it unattractive to break into our country.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

At least now we know that Senator Jeff Flake believes everything he reads in the newspaper

Speech here.

"Of course, a major difference between politicians and the free press is that the press usually corrects itself when it gets something wrong. Politicians don't."

Well har-dee har har har at the last person alive to believe in the free press. Check that. John Kasich was pretty darn moved to receive the endorsement of The New York Times. But, come to think of it, Kasich is another failed politician just like Flake. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Meanwhile The New York Post is still just a buck. Get 'em while they're hot.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Oops, top Republicans took money connected to George Soros in 2016

Breitbart is making these Republicans very angry, here in "Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016".

Heh, heh.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Hillary beats Trump in the shunning department 8-2 as 10 faithless Electoral College electors vote for somebody else

That's the story from ABC tonight here.

It's a stain on our election from both sides that the rules we agree to live by aren't being followed as they should be.

The two defectors from Trump voted for Rand Paul and John Kasich. Five from Hillary voted for Colin Powell, Bernie Sanders and an Injun. Three others were removed and replaced by alternates who ended up voting for Hillary as the people they replaced should have.

On net Trump wins 304-227 instead of 306-232.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Laugh of the Day: Rush Limbaugh says Betsy DeVos is a staunch conservative

The woman supported Kasich for crying out loud. And little Justin Amash is the DeVos' libertarian tool in the US House who thinks the future of the Republican Party is in inclusiveness of LGBTQLSMFT.

RUSH: "Donald Trump has chosen charter school advocate Betsy DeVos as his secretary of education."  A charter school advocate!  This is gonna cause heads to explode in every teachers union building and bunker that there is.  Holy smokes, this is big! Betsy DeVos! You know the DeVos family.  Staunch conservatives, Rich DeVos, Amway, owns the Orlando Magic.  Great, great, great guy.  This woman becomes the second woman chosen to fill a spot in Trump's cabinet. 

Trump appoints Kasich supporter Betsy DeVos to Education Secretary: She'll promote Common Core, not end it

This appointment is a liberal disaster masquerading as a conservative.

Don't expect this federal department to be closed under Donald Trump, who breaks a campaign promise to end common core with this appointment.

More here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

RNC fundraising in July 2016 is down 61% from July 2012: Donors exhausted about $750 million on 16 losers in the primaries

OpenSecrets has the RNC story here.

Stupid liberals blame this fundraising debacle on Trump when Republicans have only themselves to blame for throwing tons of good money after bad during the primaries, exhausting the donors. If the dopes at Politicus had just opened up OpenSecrets they'd have seen how.

Jeb! Bush burned through $152 million as of August 22nd, and won bupkis.

Lyin' Ted Cruz? $155 million spent.

Little Marco? $164 million (he's over $2 million in the hole, which is the real reason why he flip-flopped and decided to run for the Senate again).

John Kasich spent $40 million (and he's nearly $6 million in the hole, which is exactly what he deserves).

Chris Christie spent nearly $32 million.

Ben Carson, you won't believe it, spent nearly $79 million.

Scott Walker: almost $33 million.

Carly Fiorina: almost $26 million.

Rand Paul spent over $21 million.

Mike Huckabee spent $10.5 million and he's still $275,000 in the hole

Lindsey Grahamnesty: over $10 million.

Bobby Jindal blew nearly $6 million.

Rick Perry: over $17 million, also in the red by $111,000.

And Rick Santorum spent $2.5 million and he's in the red $412,000.

Pataki and Gilmore bring up the rear with relatively smaller sums.

Donald Trump has spent over $97 million and yet has over $40 million in the bank.

It's clear from the fundraising that there were only four or five real contenders here, not seventeen: Bush, Rubio, Cruz, Trump and Carson. And after four riveting televised debates before Thanksgiving 2015 polling showed the same thing, and arguably Bush no longer belonged up there. The RNC should have put its foot down at that point and cut the debate stage to four: You pull 10 points in the polls or you're out.

Things might have turned out very differently. Instead we had to listen to Kasich, Christie, Fiorina and Paul divert attention away from an in depth examination of the issues dividing the candidates attracting over 70% of Republican eyeballs. The candidate might have been better for it today, and the party more unified and flush.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Charles Hurt calls Ted Cruz a "rude political has-been"

Cruz joins John Kasich and Jeb Bush in political oblivion. Laura Ingraham this morning called what we saw last night in Cruz' failure to endorse Trump "political suicide".

By contrast people like Scott Walker and Marco Rubio have swallowed hard and backed Trump, and therefore they will live to fight again another day.

But Ted is dead.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Republicans demonstrated increased unity last night as delegates previously pledged to others voted for Donald Trump

Trump, who won 1543 delegates in the primary season, received 1725 votes from the floor as states like Michigan upped their ante from the 25 bound delegates for Trump to 51. Trump increased his support by almost 12%.

Similarly Pennsylvania which had 17 votes bound for Trump and 64 total committed cast 70 for him.

Both states passed on their votes in the roll call in order to allow the New York delegation to put their favored son over the top for the nomination, showing that Michigan and Pennsylvania have New York values, too.

Ted Cruz, who won 559 delegates in the primaries and caucuses, received 475 votes from the floor, 15% fewer than he had won.

Marco Rubio, who had won 165, received 114, 31% fewer.

John Kasich, who had won 161, received 120, 25% fewer.

Ben Carson received 7, Jeb Bush 3 (previously had 4) and Rand Paul 2 (previously had 1).

It appears that 26 votes of the 2472 total delegates were not cast at all (no shows? neverTrumpers? never allocated?). No votes were cast for Fiorina or Huckabee on the floor, each of whom had won one in the primaries.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Kasich changed his mind Wednesday morning after losing Reince Priebus' blessing Tuesday night

From the story here:

By Wednesday morning, Kasich appeared to have a full change of heart, when he was scheduled to hold a press conference at Dulles Airport near Washington. Dozens of reporters milled around in the lobby of a private aviation terminal, waiting for Kasich to arrive. As the scheduled time came and went, rumors began swirling. The Ohio governor had not left Columbus and was discussing his future with advisers.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rush Limbaugh caller "New Jersey George" explains how Ted Cruz picked a fight with midwest common sense in Indiana and lost

The video of the confrontation with the "do the math" Trump supporter is here. Cruz changed the subject to anything but the fact that he no longer had a path to 1237, and never justified his staying in the race.

From the Rush Limbaugh transcript, here:

CALLER:  Okay, Rush.  Thank you for taking my call.  Been with you for many years.  Love you.  I just have this feeling -- I don't know why -- but I just have a feeling that you're a Cruz supporter.  Not a Trump supporter, I can't find that, but that's how I feel.  But the reason I called, I just wanted to defend the guy that you called brain-dead yesterday.  I watched that interview from the beginning, and, you know, we'll call him "braid-dead" since we don't know his name.  He was a very polite protester.  He was standing on the street with a Trump sign, and he wasn't bothering anybody, and, lo and behold, who comes along to cross the street, Ted Cruz.

Now, Cruz confronted him, and in the very beginning of the conversation, the number 1237 came up, and the guy knew what 1237 was, and he told Cruz in his opinion that Trump was gonna hit the 1237 and in his opinion would probably go over that.  And then he also asked Cruz a question.  He said, "I'd like to ask you a question.  Why don't you step out of the race because you've indicated that Kasich should step out, and, since you've indicated that, you think that Kasich can't make it, and neither do we think that you can, why don't you step out?" 

Now, the reason I mentioned these couple things to you, that doesn't seem to me as a brain-dead person.  That's just my opinion.  And a brain-dead person is just gonna stand there and look brain-dead.  This guy had some some some substance there.  So I didn't think it was fair that you labeled him as brain-dead.  Then Cruz started his stump speech.  And the guy was polite.  He was listening and listening and listening, and Cruz was going over all his stump speech.  And I think the guy had had it and finally didn't want to hear anything more, and he started yelling, you know, Lyin' Ted, Lyin' Ted, and he had had it.  And that's just my opinion.  And I -- I just feel that you labeled him wrong.  And I might even think that sometimes maybe I might be part of the brain-dead crowd. 

Another thing I just wanted to put in there real quick, I have a cleaning lady that was in my house yesterday, and she's from Thailand.  And Trump came on television, and she looked up and she said, I used to work for him.  I live 30 miles from Atlantic City.  So she said, I used to work for him.  And my wife said, what did you think?  Again.  And she said, he was very nice, he was a very nice person, he treated me with respect, and so did he treat all of us.

Now, they were just cleaning people in Trump's casino.  One other quickie.  I was in a restaurant a couple weeks ago, and the owner who I know came up to me, and he knows I'm a Trump guy, and he said I just gotta tell you something, he said I just had a guy was in here, and he got caught up in Trump's problems with the casino and he lost a hundred thousand dollars in the bankruptcy.  He said, but I'm gonna tell you something.  I lost a hundred G's, he says I'm gonna tell you, I'm voting for him.  You know why?  He's a straight shooter.  He said he got caught up in a bad situation, and he did his very best, he says, so he's got my vote.  I just wanted to pass these things on, and I want to tell you, I love you, I'll always be with you.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Herman Cain urges Cruz and Kasich to withdraw for the good of the country

Quoted here:

“If I were Ted Cruz and Gov. Kasich I would step back and say, 'OK, let’s do what’s best for the party which would be best for the country now.' That’s putting patriotism above the delusional idea that there’s a path to victory for them ... There is no path to victory,” Cain said.

Cain said the same thing on an appearance on Sean Hannity's radio show this afternoon.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Bad faith Republicans Ted Cruz and John Kasich align with the establishment, unite to stop Trump in Indiana

The Hill reports here:

John Kasich will clear a path for Ted Cruz in next week’s Indiana primary, while the Texas senator will back down in two other states as the two GOP presidential rivals join forces in the hope of denying Donald Trump the nomination.

The two campaigns released statements minutes apart late Sunday night, telegraphing their strategies and calling on their supporters to follow suit.  

Sunday, April 24, 2016

After New York, under Winner-Take-All it would be Trump 1089, Cruz 433, Kasich 66 and Rubio 57

And everyone would be telling Cruz and Kasich "GET OUT!"

Instead it's Trump 845, Cruz 559, Kasich 148 and Rubio 171. The also-rans are being enriched at the expense of the front-runner, mostly by allocations of delegates from congressional district wins which chip away at the overall winner of the states.

They won't divide the vote this way when Trump faces Clinton in November. Think of the electoral college votes from each state as delegates. Representing House and Senate seats held by both Republicans and Democrats, the winner of the popular vote in your state gets them all, regardless of political party affiliation.

It'll be winner take all in November. It should be now.

Congressmen aren't even elected this way.

If you win the popular vote in your district, you win the seat in the House. It's not because you won more delegates in the precincts.

If you win the popular vote in your state, you win the seat in the Senate. Senators don't get seated because they won more delegates in the congressional districts. They get seated because they won more votes.

But Republicans for some reason want to divide their primary votes for president along (already highly gerrymandered) congressional district lines, making the candidates creatures of the districts, not of the states. They do this out of fear that the more populous liberal urban areas will have an unfair advantage over conservative rural ones in choosing their candidate. So they interfere with the process instead of insuring the integrity of their party membership and of its primary elections.

Meanwhile Trump's won the popular vote in 21 states so far, Cruz in 9, Rubio in just 2 and Kasich in only 1, but the Chicken Party won't even take a popular vote in Colorado, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Wyoming, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa and North Dakota.

Republicans need to decide if they want to continue to be the Chicken Party, or if they want to take the fight to the enemy.

They already have a leader who is doing just that, if only they had the courage to follow him.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Ted Cruz' window of opportunity to prove his principles are actually worth anything is rapidly closing

From Charles Hurt, here:

Mere weeks ago, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas pressured Ohio Gov. John Kasich to get out of the race for the Republican nomination because he had no mathematical chance of winning. ... now the exact same thing can be said of Mr. Cruz and his hopeless campaign.

Bloomberg says Ted is dead using AP delegate math and can't reach 1,237

The path for Cruz to 1,237 delegates before the July convention in Cleveland is now officially closed: 674 delegates remain in the states ahead, and Cruz is 678 short of the magic number, according to an Associated Press tally. Worse, his double-digit victory in Wisconsin on April 5 has failed to produce a perceivable polling bounce in key upcoming states.

That's based on 674 delegates remaining.

Beginning with Connecticut next week, Real Clear Politics also shows 674 delegates still up for grabs.

Bloomberg itself, however, shows 734 not yet allocated, including 3 in Colorado, 3 in Oklahoma, 4 in Wyoming, 5 in Louisiana, 9 in the US Virgin Islands, 8 in Guam, 7 in American Samoa, 18 in North Dakota, and 3 in New York. Subtract those 60 and you get 674.

At 559 delegates committed to him so far, Cruz needs 678 to get to 1,237, so technically there aren't enough left in the future contests, but those 60 from previous contests are still in the mix. 101 delegates or so will probably go to Trump in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland and Rhode Island next week, balancing out those 60, with Pennsylvania's 71 delegates also in the mix.

After that, Ted will be truly dead. 

The delegates won by others are Rubio (171), Kasich (147), Carson (9), Bush (4), Fiorina (1), Huckabee (1) and Rand Paul (1).

With 845, Trump still needs 392, which is 58% of the 674 remaining in future contests, or 53% of the 734 future plus yet undecided, or . . . add in those won by others and Trump needs a combination of future wins, undecideds and poached delegates representing just 37% of the 1,068 total available.

Paul Manafort's job.

John Kasich wins (barely) one district in New York: NY-12, the richest district in the country by per capita income

That's what the New York Times' endorsement is worth.

The district includes parts of eastern Manhattan ("Well we're movin' on up, to the East side, to a deluxe apartment in the skyyyyyyy"), Greenpoint and western Queens.