Showing posts with label The Smoking Gun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Smoking Gun. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Black woman, 25-35, still sought in 2:25 AM smash-up of Rally's Hamburgers March 27 after it ran out of chocolate ice cream

The St. Louis area’s two busiest criminal prosecution offices are undergoing a much-needed review of cases involving low-level offenders with an eye toward reducing incarceration as the preferred instrument of deterrence. Kimberly Gardner and Wesley Bell promised reform when they campaigned for their respective jobs as chief prosecutors in St. Louis city and county. ... Bell told the editorial board last month that he wants to reserve criminal prosecution and imprisonment for the “worst of the worst.” 

Methinks 'twill be a hot summer in the city this year.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

For the record Ben Carson has been a Republican for less than a year, Trump a conflicted Republican for 17 years

Story here.

Obviously Ben Carson has not been a conviction politician.

Donald Trump registered as a Republican in New York in 1987 (under Reagan), 2009 (under Obama) and 2012 (under Obama). In 1999 (under Clinton) he had switched to the Independence Party, in 2001 (under Bush) to the Democrat Party, and in 2011 (under Obama) he affiliated with no one, according to this source.

So that's seventeen years (12 + 2 + 3) as a Republican, two as an Independence Party member, eight as a Democrat, and one year unaffiliated.

Obviously Donald Trump is a conflicted Republican, but can't possibly be described as an Obama Democrat, if anything just an anti-Bush Democrat.